Stipulations of the Treaty

"I am the sage, Kato El Altestan... "

The old wizard started; the JSDF had all refugees come forward and introduce themselves. First of them was Kato, an old wizard who lived close to Kota Village with his young apprentice, he was holding onto his staff as he introduced himself.

Being of a shorter stature compared to his apprentice, Kato looked up behind him to his blue-haired apprentice and motioned his hand to her.

"... and this is my apprentice."

"Lelei la Raleena."

Overseeing the introductions and writing all the information, Itami wrote down on his pad while Mari and Shino did the talking.

With Kato and Lelei finished introducing themselves, Rory was motioned to come up for her introduction. Even after near two days of knowing each other, the JSDF soldiers were still dumbfounded that a petite woman such as Rory could carry the massive waraxe without a sweat.

"I'm Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy, God of Death, Darkness, and War; but I guess you already knew that from our earlier meetings."

'No shit, Miss Demigoddess.' Itami had thought as he wrote down Rory's name and title. Next came the blonde elf who had suddenly awoken in the HMV and informed the JSDF of the dragon's weakness.

The girl was obviously anxious and shy as her body was uncontrollable. She kept moving her arms, shoulders, and legs as she introduced herself.

"I am the daughter of Hodolue, of the forest of Koan, Chuka Luna Marceau. And... "

As Chuka's words stopped with her train of through trailing off on what to say next. Itami formulated a sentence in his mind but halted since he still needed practice on the Special Region language.

Takeo opened a handbook on the Special Region's language in front of Itami and that was when he formulated his sentence, or so as far as his language skills could take him.

"T-Today, make house o-outside... "

Then Itami opened his arms and bent his knees in a motion that a person would take an infant.

"So, everyone!"

Then raising his arms in the air and making motions normally seen in choreography then went to a motion of running.

"Get ready! Go!"

Staying in a still running position, the pure embarrassing feel in the air for Takeo, Mari, and Shino fell on them. Takeo couldn't take it and had to say his mind.

"Lieutenant, are you sure those language classes you took, or said you took, really paying off?"

At that, Itami's form now stood straight and all his body faced Takeo.

"Shut up."


Now on a field of dirt, the Falmartians were surrounded by numerous excavators as the vehicles took in pile after pile of dirt. In the minds of the Falmartians; these metal carriages were doing some God's work as no vehicle could do such a thing.

In some part of the crater, Kato and Lelei stood at the back of the working excavators.

"What in the Gods' names are they doing?"

"Well the green man said that they were building houses for us so maybe this is how they do it?"

"Well if they think houses are made of dirt then Gods' save us though maybe they're clearing land for better placement. Either way, now we can finally bring our things out of the carriage. Unfortunately, I shall need a nap to do that. As chaotic as it looks, you may look around, Lelei, though be careful."

"Understood, Master Kato."

Lelei replied as she saw her master leave to the direction of the refugee camp. As she continued to look at the direction of her master, Lelei's eyes caught the yellow head of Chuka who was standing so close to one of the excavators.

Out of worry for the elf, Lelei walked to the elf.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. When my father learns he missed to see something like this. I'm sure he'll be disappointed. I'll have to tell him about it."

In the mind of Lelei, she felt pity and sympathy for the elf as the most likely outcome would be that her father was either missing or dead. Thoughts on how to reply circulated in Lelei's mind until one of the JSDF soldiers walked in their general direction.

"Please get back, it's dangerous."

Lelei and Chuka looked at the JSDF soldier. The two native Falmartians had yet to grow accustomed to the Japanese and their technologies. Just then, Lelei caught the smell of something good, something tasty.


At a further location far from the construction site; a cookery was made to feed the refugees. Here the JSDF soldiers peeled green onions, onions, and other vegetables. One of the members of the Third Recon Team was planted a spot in the cookery; one Hitoshi Furata.

Hitoshi was handling a knife upon a daikon radish as he placed the knife to peel a thin layer of the daikon off. His peripheral vision made him notice Lelei, who was observing him. He looked at the apprentice witch and then back to the daikon radish in his hands.

"Ah! This is daikon radish. Daikon"

He said as he showed the radish to Lelei.


"Yup, daikon."

Lelei's curiosity grew larger as she went closer upon the tray of daikon in front of her as she muttered the word again.


The Falmartians were called to eat as they sat at a table that had vegetable soup, salad, green tea, and bread to eat. They sat on their chairs and looked at Itami, who was in front of the table, and waited.

"Okay, please go ahead and eat your meals... "

Itami said perfectly with the assistance of the handbook.

"... Il... Raqua?"

He said as the last words he still couldn't understand. Still, the message was sent and Kato was the first to take a bite upon the soft yet steaming bread. As his taste buds were filled with flavors that evaporated upon his tongue like butter upon a hot pan; the taste exploded in his mouth.

Kato couldn't hold in his excitement and joy from the flavor and shouted.

"This is delicious! This bread is amazing! It is soft yet not soggy with its insides filled with flavor and taste!"

While on the other hand, Lelei looked on at her food as she muttered the word Hitoshi told her back at the cookery.


She then turned to look at her master as she saw him still amazed at the bread he just took a bite off.


Looking down and taking up the chopsticks the JSDF gave them.


To say Lelei was amazed and astonished at the food of the JDSF was an understatement. She then held the chopsticks as she put her hands together and closed her eyes like the JSDF soldiers she saw do just before taking a bite upon their food.

Looking at his student, Kato was curious and had to ask why Lelei wasn't taking in a bite of the divine foods.

"A-Aren't you going to eat, Lelei?"

"The JSDF have a saying before they eat."

She went silent for a few moments until opening her eyes and saying the famous Japanese words of.

"Let us... eat."


"What?! You're leaving already?"

"It is unfortunately so, Lieutenant. Were it not for the 'sudden' imprisonment of Antonius, we would have left this morning."

"I thought you guys would stay since you would be the envoy of your people."

"Unfortunately not so. The honor and responsibilities of being an envoy of the Steel Wyverns Legion, more so the Imperium of Man, is upon the Frater Archons; it is they who specialize in all fields that our Legion teaches.

Hopefully, in the near future, we shall see each other, Captain Itami, know that our short time together was worthwhile. So much so that I see it fit to give you the honor of Legio-Amicus."

"Sorry, but what does that mean?"

"It means you have the honor of being known as a friend of the Steel Wyvens Legion. For your kindness and honor of upholding your promises."

"Don't mention it. And if you call me a friend of your Legion then I'll call you a friend of Japan."

"Truly, I hope the friendship between Earth and Terra shall shine and continue for thousands of years. Maybe this is the start of the Age of Two Terras. Yet I am needed back at Amarkun, Amicus."

"Then it's goodbye, Captain."

"Please, call me Octavian."

As Octavi's power armored footsteps permeated through the air, Rory's small and near silent steps were heard by the Astarte. Turning behind, he saw the small demigod standing in front of him.

"So you're going?"

"I have been recalled. My purpose here in Alnus have been fulfilled, now it lies back at Amarkhun."

"No it hasn't."

"What do you mean by that, Rory?"

"I mean your purpose still hasn't ended; you promised that you would take me to Amarkhun. To see your people and meet your leader... your older brother."

"Even if I were to take you to Amarkhun; I have no clearance in taking in a 'demigoddess' and an apostle of a God."

"I thought all religions were allowed in the Imperius Provinicia."

"That may be true but it shall be troublesome to acquire clearance for your entrance into Amarkhun."

"Yet all those people you flew upon your flying contraptions to Amarkhun, are allowed?"

"They are men, women, and children who sought refuge after the false Draco burned their homes. You are a demigoddess, an apostle of a God of Death, Darkness, and War. In the eyes of some of my Frater and compatriots; you would be the embodiment of the things we were trying to bring down.

Divinity, Chaos, and Bloodshed. Forgive me, Rory, but it is far too dangerous for you to arrive at Amarkhun."

"I don't care. I'll fight anyone who denies me from seeing your home."

"As stubborn as my Aeldari brothers. So be it."

Octavi said as he turned to look at the Lux with the doors opened for him to enter. He walked into the Lux as Rory followed suit. Octavi could feel the annoyance of his brothers while feeling the slightest of curiosity on Antonius.

In the end, Octavi knew he had to argue with some of his brothers and elder brothers for the clearance of Rory.


[Events Unclear! Multiple Casualties in Special Region!]

[Is the Vice-Minister Lying in his Testimony?]

These were two of Japan's most read headlines in the newspapers and online news.

"First, I'd like to make it clear what the exact number of casualties the Special Region occurred?!"

One reported asked.

"Some of the casualties are clearly civilian!"

Another shouted.

In this room, reporters and journalists surrounded the Prime Minister of Japan: Motoi Shinzo. The purpose of such a conference was to answer the recent news and rumors that the JSDF fought and left some civilians dead, a clear violation of the Geneva Convention.

"Prime Minister, what is your comment on the reports of civilian victims in the Special Region?"

"Is it true the government doesn't have any connection or link to have 24/7 viewing of what the JSDF are doing?"

The questions kept on piling and piling until Shinzo answered.

"The civilian casualties were caused by a natural disaster specific to the Special Region. A 'giant monster' as we have classified it. The JSDF did not cause such casualties."

"Then why did the Vice-Minister hide such information in his original answer?"

"His answer was for a question solely dedicated to military and combat casualties."

"And what about these 'Space Marines'?!"

"Is it true they come from a different gate?!"

"Are they human?!"

"Is the treaty signed by the JSDF and the Marines legal?!"

Shinzo raised his hands to signal to the reporters to halt their questions.

"First, the Space Marines are a group of armored men who had made contact with the Third Recon Team.

Second, yes, the Marines come from a different gate located west of ours.

Third, I have seen the treaty and analyzed its contents and stipulations with members of parliament and cabinet and have deemed it a legal treaty; making it the first treaty made in the Special Region."

From the side, the bodyguards of the PM whispered into the ear of the conference manager who then shouted.

"Last question to the PM!"

The reporters all argued between themselves for a few moments until all of them whispered to each other. All the reporters sat down except for one.

"Prime Minister, in the Treaty of Two Humanities, one of the stipulations say that a diplomatic envoy shall be sent over here; an official of the Steel Wyverns Legion known as a 'Frater Archon'. Do we know when such an official shall arrive to Japan and what we should expect from such an individual?"

"We have no confirmation on when the official shall arrive to Japan. The JSDF report says that such an individual would be a skilled scientist, soldier, engineer, and many other jobs and positions as the title of Archon in this Legion is only given to the most skilled and experienced of members.

The report add that such an individual should be cautioned with as even without their weapons and armor, they are imposing and dangerous."

Shinzo said as he was taken away by one of his bodyguards with the conference manager calming the now standing reporters and journalists.


- Chamber of Knowledge, Medio Filii, Serpens Primus -

Serpens Primus, sometimes referred to as Draco Capitale, is the capital of the Imperius Provincia and home world of the Dragon. It is here where the Medio Filii, fortress-monastery of the Wyverns, is located.

Over a thousand feet tall and going fifty to a hundred miles deep underground; the Medio Filii is the center piece of the second Legion as it is here where they train and live. Many of the greatest of the Legion's officers and warriors trained and lived, or still live, in the underground apartments of the Medio.

The epitome of the Legion; the Frater Archon, Wyverns who had shown their strength, knowledge, and experience to surpass any other to the point of impressing their Primarch Father. The Archons numbered only forty of the near fifty-two thousand brothers of the Legion yet their skill and might could easily outweigh the combined power and wits of an entire Legion.

Yet the Archons rarely go upon the battlefield as their greatest ways laid upon the scientific; yet now, the Archaon, greatest of the Archons, was given a request for a member of his order to be sent to the recently found Portal at Minneaut Prime.

And so it was in the Chambers of Knowledge that the Archaon convened with his three Great Aides and the captains of the first three Cohors.

Archaon Uriel 'The Ever-Faithful' Xethora, a former Eldar who joined the Legion.

Great Aide Antoninus Pilipus, an old friend of Uriel who joined him as an Archon.

Great Aide Joao Rex-Pium, a zealot who joined the Legion; his philosophical ideas and teachings are the reasons he was chosen to become an Archon.

Great Aide Teodoritum Palaiogos, a former Imperial Prince from a former Feudal World who joined the Legion.

Captain of Cohors - I and Frate Legatus: Gabriel 'The Icon of the Second' Arhagel.

Captain of Cohors - II: Marcius 'The Righteous' Gylle.

Captain of Cohors - III: Fredericus 'The Martial' Honellern.

[Joao, Teodoritum, and Fredericus are historical cameos, comment on which historical figure you think the names come from]

Four members of the Order of Archons met the captains of the Cohors - I - II - III, in the Chambers of Knowledge that are restricted only for the most important of sessions. The session was ordered by both Archaon Uriel and Legatus Gabriel.

The reasons of the two great Astartes are thus far: Uriel ordered the session to discuss the Treaty of Two Humanities and which of the thirty-nine eligible Archons would be chosen for the treaty's stipulation.

Gabriel, on the other hand, called the meeting to convene with the greatest of their Legion to discuss the recent request of the Thousand Sons party, one headed by one Amon'Arekh, and the further requests by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

"Who would start the session, Maior Gabriel?"

Being the Archaon did not exempt Uriel to the teachings of the Codex Fratrum.

"Do you wish to start or would you like for me to start?"

"Being older and higher than I in office, you should go first, Maior Frater."

Uriel responded with Gabriel nodding to him.

"I called this session because of the recent appearance of a team of five sons of the Lord-Primarch, Magnus the Red. I have further need for such a session because of the former and recent requests of the Adeptus Mechanicus."

"Those machine-worshipping zealots? What do they want to do with us? They call us hereteks and our scientific experiments and successes as heresy against their 'Omnissiah'."

Joao voiced out as his experience and run-ins with the Adeptus Mechanicus came to two categories; either ending in arguments with the Mechanicum calling the Wyverns hereteks or they come to call their deeds as miracles of the Machine God.

"Calm yourself, Frater Joao. The members of this session knows of your various meetings with members of the Mechanicum. They may label us as hereteks against their God and Messiah but they know that we have the greatest scientific base in the Galaxy.

Deeming all of us to death and destruction will result in their doom; even if they are capable of destroying us, their knowledge of our sciences is next to nothing. In the end, they need us as much as we need them."

Marius stated. The second Captain of the Wyverns was famed for his exploits with the Imperial Army and the Mechanicum as his fame made him known as the more open-minded and outward of his brethren.

"That may be true, Frater Marius, yet we cannot deny that these zealots call us hereteks and deem our deeds as heresy of the highest order.

We must always stay vigilant of these Martians. They are more machine than man."

Antoninus replied a defense to his fellow Archon's opinion on the Mechanicum.

"Enough. This session was not called to speak of the Adeptus Mechanicus; I requested for this meeting to be called for the choosing of which Archon will be sent to this Old Terra or Earth."

Uriel's voice resonated throughout the room, carrying with it an authority only below that of Gabriel's own.

"Forgive, Archaon-Frater. I am sorry for allowing my opinions and emotions on the Mechanicum to show in such an important session but we still cannot be lenient on those zealots."

"I said enough, Frater Joao."

Joao remained silent thereafter.

"Now, to the central point of this meeting. Maior Gabriel, Frater Marius, Frater Fredericus, I ask of your opinions on which of the thirty-nine Frater of my order will be chosen to be the representative of our Father's Legion to the United Nations."

Then, the table's surface blaired with documents detailing the names and information of import of the thirty-nine Archons to be chosen, each and every one of them.

For a while, the three captains were silent as their focus were directed to the documents as each one took them two seconds to completely read.

Then, they finished and discussed among themselves on which of the thirty-nine would be chosen. Marcius first chose an Archon named Aldrenus, choosing him for his role as a medical expert and his usual encounters with standard humans.

Gabriel, on the other hand, chose Archon Matyus Hunadi, for his actions and deeds in a campaign in the Adrianos System, he was given the nickname 'He who wields the Trinity,' by standard humans because of his usual usage of 'holy' artifacts that were the ancient Iesun Bible and Rosary depicting the crucified 'Messiah,' and a cross that works as a sword.

While Fredericus was in the middle, on one hand, he had an Archon who knew how the standard men and women suffered from nature's destruction and knows how to mend their wounds; while on the other, he had an Archon who saw, first hand, how they suffered and payed the costs of war while also simultaneously keeping true to his faith.

Fredericus was a man who was born to a librarian in the outskirts of the Draco Universalis, the local name of the planetary capital of Serpens Primus, it was through his father that he learned of the many wars and conflicts humanity had gone through.

The War on Stellar Piracy, the War on the Unknowns, the War on the Worms, the War on the Iron Men, and far, far more but it was the wars and conflicts of both early humanity and the aftermath of the War on the Iron Men did he come to know that humanity's greatest threat was not aliens, was not outsiders but it was humanity itself.

The planetary wars of the early and mid twentieth century were the line that humans never wanted to cross; so much life was wasted for an inch of land in the first then so much more was spent for the price of a madman's lunacy and racism. The governments of the time said "This is the line. We write it here and will stop anyone from ever crossing it." They stayed true to their words and that was the last planetary war that Holy Terra saw for the next twenty-eight thousand years.

If Fredericus absolutely knew one thing, it was that to truly, truly create a line, a bond with a person, it was through understanding their demons.

At that moment, Marcius and Fredericus sat back while Gabriel looked to the Archaon.

"After some deliberate research and talking, we have decided that Archon Matyus Hunadi would be our recommendation to you as the representative of the entirety of the IInd Legion of the Imperium of Man."

Uriel nodded at that while Antoninus, Joao, and Teodoritum discussed a few words with each other.

"Coming from you, Frater Legatus, I'd have expected you'd choose Archon Gavirin Colomus, I must ask, why Matyus?"

"In the campaign for the Adrianos System, he was noted to be holding a Bible, holy scriptures of the Iesun Faiths, and a Rosary and Sword made in the image of a cross, two holy symbols of the same faiths.

For several years Matyus fought the xeno species known as the Otukh, gigantic insectoid xenos known to feed on the membranes and hearts of their victims, he saw fifteen of his Cohor die in front of him as another thirty of his partnered Frater died in his arms.

He has first hand account of the sorrow and pain standard men experience when they bury their sons, he's spoken with mothers and sisters who demanded for him to end the suffering of their people while crying.

Need I say more, Archaon-Frater Uriel? I see no greater candidate to represent our Father and the Imperium than Matyus."

"Well said, Maior Gabriel, well said. I must say that after hearing you, there isn't any greater option than Matyus. Then it shall be, with that focus finished how about we go onto the points of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Thousand Sons."

Then suddenly, Fredericus spoke to Gabriel, his words inaudible.

"Well, I must ask for your forgiveness, Frater, I must inform you all that both points you previously mentioned were immediately dealt by our Father."

All Archons were visibly shocked by those words.

"He has informed Frater Fredericus that he has given letters to both the Fabricator-General of Mars and his brother, the Primarch Magnus the Red, informing them of his opinions on their requests to arrive to the Portal and enter the world but on conditions beyond my knowledge.

I must ask for more forgiveness as we are required to leave for a new campaign given to us by Father."

Then the three captains left the room with the doors to the Chamber closing, leaving the four Archons to be paralyzed by suprise.