Chapter 3: Arrive at Mysris City

It was nighttime when Avery stop cultivating as Rick came back with two young men carrying food. He stared at them strangely which made the two young men stunned for a second.

They return to reality when Rick coughs enough for them to hear. They immediately arrange the food and left while their cheeks are bright red.

It seems that there's a rumor spreading about Avery being beyond beautiful. And how he has the guts to shout at their leader, Rick.

Avery quickly gets closer to the mini table. He starts eating without minding his surrounding. Rick looked at him and sigh helplessly.

"Won't you invite me to eat?" Rick asked. Avery just looked at him with his right eyebrow raised.

"Go on then," Avery said arrogantly. Rick made a twitch in his face and shake his head while he also starts eating.

They did not bother each other while eating and this is the first time that they did not argue with each other. When they are done, Avery started another chattering that made Rick feel irritated.

"For once, can you please just shut up?!" Rick asks annoyingly. Avery is also annoyed with this man.

"Why would I shut up?! Are you my Mom?!" he irritatingly said to Rick. Rick didn't reply to him anymore and decided to leave.

"Where are you going again?!" Avery asked while tugging his hand, not letting him go out.

"Obviously to rest," Rick answered.

"Why? Won't you rest here?" Avery asked again that only made Rick darken his expression.

"Definitely not!" he answered and forcefully get out of the carriage.

"What?! Then why did you have dinner with me?!" he asked angrily to Rick. "Isn't you want to sleep with me?!" he added which only made Rick stare at him in disbelief.

"What are you talking about! Of course, I did not do that to do you! It's because I am worried you might make tantrums!" Rick said defensively.

"Huh! You! Get out!" Avery angrily said while pushing Rick away outside the carriage. He also initiated to slam the door of the crampy carriage.

"Get the hell out of here! You b*st*rd who sell slaves!" Avery roared and marched towards the center and sit down feeling irritated with Rick.

Once again he was humiliated because of that man. He, with an otherworldly beauty, was just rejected by that man! He thought that Rick would sleep with him because he eat dinner with him. But he's just assuming and got humiliated in the end.

When Rick is pushed out by Avery, he wants to protest but then he reminds himself that this one is a product that he needs to sell. So he forces himself to march back to where he is currently resting.

"Hey! Rick! Who's that little one you recently got dragged by you?" his friend asked, his name is Asgar, one of his trusted friends.

"Well, I spotted him wandering around in the middle of nowhere," Rick answered him. "And I think he's a noble, cause the way he talks to me rudely and asking selfish requests is evidence," he added that also Asgar agreed.

"Yes, you are right, but I think he is not from this continent," Asgar said. "He had these features of the east people of the eastern continent, but at the same time he is not," Asgar added.

"Correct, even though he has the similarities of the eastern people he has white skin, and his hair is crimson red, and also his eyes, which differentiate him from them," Rick retorted back.

"Oh! I think the eastern people are tanned skin and their hair and eyes are pure black," Asgar said when he remembered the appearance of the eastern people.

"Hmmm..," Rick mumbled. "I think we should rest early so we could arrive in the City in the afternoon," Rick suggested and Asgar agree and made their way to their own resting area.

At the same time, Avery continues to cultivate. He doesn't plan in sleeping, because he might not have any time to do it while the carriage is moving. And might be difficult for him to cultivate while inside the City because he needs to plan how to escape from the man who drags him to this crampy carriage.

He is still annoyed with the earlier incident and embarrassed at the same time. And he remembered when the man is chasing him, he did not use his full strength to catch Avery. He just let Avery exhaust his body and only grabbed him when he is very tired and panting heavily. This only made Avery more irritated with the man.

"How dare you treat me like a kid! You just wait! I will make sure you will pay!" he angrily said. Once he is calm again, he concentrates to absorb the faint energy surrounding him.


Avery opened his eyes when he hears the footsteps coming his way. He pretended to sleep and let the annoying man wake him up.

"Hey, wake up," Rick called him gently.

Avery acted as if he just woke up and glared at Rick for waking him up.

"Why did you wake me up!?" he asked irritatingly.

"You need to eat," Rick calmly said then he called the same two young men and placed the meals on the mini table. Avery didn't respond anymore and just started to eat again.

"When your done eating, you can sleep again," Rick added while staring at Avery who didn't care about his presence.

When he was done eating, he arrogantly commanded rick to get out and bring the dishes that he used. Rick didn't reply to his arrogance anymore and just obey him.

When Rick was finally gone, Avery immediately relax his aching butt after sitting for a long time. He tries to use his aether magic but to his disappointment, he can only manipulate small things. But still, a positive result that he can still improve it.

Due to his aching back, he decided to not cultivate and just try to sleep. And it's a miracle despite the carriage moving bumpy, he didn't wake up. It's because his physical body needs to be energized that's why he didn't care if the carriage is bumping.


"Hey, wake up, we're here," Rick said while shaking him gently.

Avery wakes up and squeezes his eyes while still disheveled. Rick noticed it and immediately fix his strange clothes. When his mind finally woke up, he immediately got up and got out of the carriage only to see people lining up towards the entrance.

"Is this the City?" Avery asked, feeling amazed because this is the first time he saw an actual medieval City.

"Yes, it won't take a while before it's our turn," Rick answered him.

"Ohh, really!?" he excitedly said not noticing the strange glances of the people towards him. He was used to that kind of stare so it's not new to him. Rick noticed it and glared at them, they immediately turn their heads away due to fear.

"You should wear this in your head," Rick said while handing him a long shawl.

"Why would I wear this crampy thing!?" he asked annoyingly. Rick stared at him for a second.

"Your face will only attract trouble," Rick said blankly at him. In the end, he still wears the crampy shawl around his head to hide his beautiful face.

They just waited for a while before it was their turn to be checked out by the guards.

"Hey, look who's here," the leader of the guards said while approaching.

"Yeah, It's been 3 months since I came here," Rick answered politely to the guard.

"Hmmm, I'm sure a lot of nobles will come again, knowing that you sell high-quality slaves," the guard said while eyeing their caravan greedily.

Avery almost attack the guard if Rick did not just stop him and politely said. "Well, if you don't have anything to say then we will continue towards the City," and started to drag away the still Angry Avery.

The guard just looked at them, particularly at Avery. He was wondering who that little guy is, probably one of the new ones working at that man named Rick.

"Why did you stop me!?" Avery asked angrily to Rick. He was offended by what that b*st*rd said.

"You shouldn't make trouble or they will not allow us to enter!" Rick said firmly while still holding his right hand on Avery. Dragging him to move forward.

"But still! He just insulted me!" Avery still insists to say.

"You should probably realize what's your situation now!" Rick said to him making Avery silent for a moment. He glared at rick and marched towards the caravan they belong to. He knows what Rick is saying, he still just didn't agree with it. But he has no choice to endure it. He still needs to restore back his power so in order to do that he needs to be lowkey. He sighs because of the frustration he feels.

He went back to reality when he saw several people, walking, talking to each other, there are also vendors on every side selling food or things. In short, it was very lively and this is the very first time he has seen this.

Back in his world, he can't do simple shopping due to being famous and he needs to be cautious every time he goes out. So this is quite nostalgic for him.

He excitedly looked at every stool and he almost lost his way back to the caravan, but thankfully Rick found him quickly and bring him back to the group of caravans.

Again, he realizes why did he did not escape. So Avery blames the strange world for making him forget his current circumstances.

He grumpily followed Rick to a high-quality tavern. He was amazed looking left and right. And Rick being him, stopped him again from doing again something stupid and drag him to the lodging area.