Chapter 4: Bandit's

"Why do you always like to drag me whenever you want?!" Avery grumpy asked.

Rick didn't answer him, instead just proceed on walking to the lodging. Avery didn't have a choice but to let Rick drag him to where they were going to stay.

They arrive at the last corner and Rick opened the door and enter which Avery also entered. When they are inside, Avery was mesmerized for a second before snapping back to reality.

This is really different from his world. Back in his world, their technology is highly advanced, there's also an AI robot to clean his place but the place where he is now has a medieval vibe. The room has a simple decorative appearance. It's not fancy but enough for people to sleep. Avery tried to sit at the bedside and he is thankful because it is cotton. He will surely annoy Rick if the bed is not cotton.

"We will stay here for a week before the auction," Rick said while arranging his things. Avery looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"We? Are you going to sleep here with me?" Avery asked in disbelief.

"Well, we don't have enough space so the best solution is to sleep together," Rick said still looking at his things.

Suddenly Avery's cheeks blush. It's his first time sleeping with someone in one room. Ever since he was 10, he hasn't had any relationship with others and due to his bad personality, people often go away from just looking at him.

And he has a secret that anyone didn't know. This is also one of the reasons he refuses to sleep with someone in bed.

"You're not going to sleep in the bed right?" Avery asked, hoping Rick would say no. Rick noticed his change of tone and look at him. He stared for a moment before he answered him. "No, I will sleep on the couch,"

Relieved from his answer, Avery then smiled at him and starts to pester Rick by asking many questions. Which made Rick again annoyed with him.

"I want to go out," Avery said.

"No, you are not allowed," Rick answered firmly.

"Why?! I want to!" Avery said like a spoiled kid.

"No!" Rick said again.



They were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. And Asgar peeked at them, smiling awkwardly.

"I know you two are having a lovers quarrel but I need to talk to you Rick," Asgar said smiling awkwardly at them.

Avery was stupefied by what Asgar said. He didn't know if he was going to get angry or laugh. Rick immediately got out and didn't react to his friend's comment.

"W-wait, I want to come to!" Avery shouted at them.

"Sorry kid, it's for adults only," Asgar said with sympathetic eyes.

"What Kid! I'm not a kid! I'm already 22 years old!" he angrily said. Felt offended by what Asgar said.

They just looked at him, not believing what he was saying. That made only Avery feel irritated.

"How dare you belittle me! I'm an honorable person! And you're treating me like a kid! You even want to sell me!" He gashed at them.

"Whatever, I will send someone to accompany you," Rick said not minding his tantrums.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" he shouted but they didn't listen to him and got out of the room and locked it.

"Damn! How dare you! You bad f******g slave trader!" he continues to shout which made Rick stop for a little bit.

Rick felt insulted by Avery's remarks. Anyone would think he is a bad guy for selling people. But to him, he is giving them chance to live on. He's also an orphan and he knows the harshness of the world. It's where the strong rule the weak.

He doesn't care but that doesn't mean he won't get hurt by their insults toward him. He is not a good person but he's also not a bad person. He lives for the sake of these people, this is his only solution because he doesn't want to rely on those people who are in power that only exploited money from the people.

And he doesn't just sell these people to anyone. He makes sure he has a background check on the people who's is planning to buy.

"Tell Anna to accompany that little one," he said to the young man standing outside their meeting place. They know the owner of the tavern for a long time, and it was the owner who propose to them to have a meeting room for which they are thankful.

The young man nodded and got out to the first floor.

And because they won't let Avery out, he continues to absorb the energy surrounding him. And he himself is lazy enough to cultivate but he has no choice. When suddenly, someone knocks on the door where he's staying. So he stop absorbing and got up to see who is knocking.

When he opened it, he saw a teenage girl with brown hair and shiny brown eyes looking at him like a fairy.

"Are you the one they sent to accompany me?" he asked coldly.

"Yes! My name is Anna!" she introduced herself. "I'll be guiding you starting now so you won't make a bit mistake, I also teach you the types of work so if someone buys you, he won't be disappointed with your performance!" she cheerfully added which made Avery twitch his mouth.

"Ohh, is that so..," Avery said. "Then why don't you help me to go out and do sightseeing?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, we are not allowed to go out, if it's isn't because of the bandits we would be allowed to wander around in the city," Anna said sadly.

He keep hearing about this group of bandits so Avery was curious why they started to rebel against the country.

"I've been constantly hearing these bandits, I'm curious why are they doing it?" he asked curiously.

"Ohh, I think you're not from here, no wonder you don't know what's currently happening in this country. Those bandits were formed because of the rulers of this land specifically the royal family," she started to tell a story. "Those bandits you keep hearing are not just ordinary bandits, they were originally the one that's been looking over the south part of Ytanonth, the Dukes Lemester family. But because of the royal family, who wants to remove them from being rulers of the south. They rebel and they were called by the imperial family bandits," she added.

"Why bandits?" he asked again.

"Well, they are a greedy family! They exploited the normal people and threatened them if they don't pay! That's why when the imperial family made a move they started to invade cities and villages around the border of west and east, it won't be long they will also invade the north," Anna answered him.

"It's also because of them why the auction was delayed for a week! Whenever I'm thinking of those bandits It only boiled my anger!" she added.

"By the way, where did you come from? You know there was a rumor of you because of how hmm... arrogant you are," she awkwardly said. He just raised his eyebrow that only make Anna blush.

"You are so beautiful! I can't stop staring at you!" she said with twinkling eyes. It only made Avery twitch again his mouth.

"I know, I'm born to be beautiful," he arrogantly said. And Anna just sighs at his response.

'Even the way of him talking is also beautiful,' she mentally said.

"And your asking where I came from? Well, it's really far away," he said.

"Ohh, that's sad, May I know what's the place you came from?" she asked again mesmerized by his beauty.

"Well, that's confidential so I won't answer that question of yours," he said firmly which made Anna sad a little bit.

"Aww, that's sad," she said sadly. "Well, it's expected, so now I'm going to tell you the things that we will do once someone buys you, and I am sure you will be sold highly because of your outstanding beauty," she said giggly.

"How about next time? I think you are busy? And I need to rest too!" he said coldly and push Anna towards the door.

"Wait! We can't do that! Rick will be mad!" Anna shouted trying to resist Avery.

"Let him be mad! I don't care about him! I need to sleep!" he said annoyingly. Just hearing that name makes him irritated.

It's because of that man he's trapped here, and he won't have the guts to get out in fear that man will chase him to the ends of this world. He knows that Rick is stronger than an ordinary person.

Plus he is still weak and can barely able to manipulate small things such as lifting a spoon or knife. So he won't make an unnecessary decision to escape. For now, his goal is to cultivate more.

"But!" Anna still tries to protest.

"No buts! See you tomorrow!" he said and slammed the door. Anna can't do anything, she is a bit disappointed because she only has time to talk to the beauty. He even boasts to his friends about how lucky she is.

"Well, there will be next time!" she positively said.

When Avery confirms that Anna walked away, he continues to cultivate. He needs to be stronger to be able to escape the day of the auction. And he needs to try contacting his world through the spirits that he has contracted.

He's worried that they are now panicking when he suddenly disappeared. And they might make chaos now while his here sitting in this strange world.