Chapter 11 Next Step, National Training Team

After a brief silence, "papapa" applause sounded.

Except for the members of Group A, everyone else raised their hands and applauded, and the audience upstairs was very enthusiastic.

They are all lovers of figure skating, and most of them live nearby. On weekdays, they will come to see if the provincial figure skating team has a test.

Although his ability is not enough, his vision is still there.

In order for the players to adapt to the environment with spectators in advance, the provincial team coach never thought to stop them. Today's full shooting made them regret to death.

This assessment is related to the scarce places in the team!

If there are no outsiders, since Mu Huan just asked for coherence and did not increase the difficulty of the program, they will press a little point when grading, even if Mu Huan has a good artistic conception, he can do something based on the judge's aesthetics. .

Now that there are outsiders watching, and even people recording videos, it is difficult to lower the score.

"How to score?" Some coaches asked in a low voice, some lost their minds.

No one around him answered him.

The coach is also sensible, and said to his colleagues who are close to each other on weekdays: "Actually, the quota... Let our head coach go to President Xiong and talk about it. It is entirely possible that one will come back."

No answer.

Mu Huan had finished the curtain call and slid over here.

Many coaches have already bowed their heads and counted points in the coaching book at this time.

The hook of the first jump for three weeks, the completion is particularly good, and it fits the music, and the front and rear arrangements are also reasonable. On the original standard score of 5.90, extra points are required.

There are three changes in the joint rotation. The strength and beauty are in place, and the score is not low. Coupled with the "strong water sliding method" that slides out later, the difficulty of the skills is absolutely high. This creativity and completion also need extra points.

The next three-and-a-half-week-opening heartbeat from the front and the outside of the ice, the difficulty and the skills are not lacking, and this joint jump alone has scored 13.20 points.

Then add the triple jump at the back of the outer knot and the triple jump at the back of the ice, which adds up to a score of 10.10.

Not to mention the combined jump of the triple jump for the hook and the triple jump for the back and outside points, another 11 points appeared.

Fortunately, there was a problem with the last jump on the ice outside the back, but I only helped the ice!

With a scoring coefficient of 9.50, at most a tail point of 0.50 will be deducted at this level, but if you add a coefficient of 1.10 for the skill movements in the second half of the show, it is not lower but more.

Adding it all the way, the skill score alone has scored 51.80 points.

They just stared at the score standard to ask the players, but they never thought about giving the players more requirements on top of the standard.

Obviously this is the difference between the national team and the provincial team.

Jumping up, jumping out, jumping standards has become a basic operation from the high requirements of the provincial team to the national team.

Therefore, almost most of Mu Huan's skill moves should have a higher score.

Originally, the difficulty was the same as their provincial team. Now that the score has risen, wouldn't it be higher.

Other than that.

In addition to skill points, figure skating also has program content points.

The program content is divided into program arrangement.


This is an advanced etude customized by Huaguo. Even if the freshness is not enough, the arrangement of the program itself is absolutely perfect.

Deducting points in this part will deduct the face of the National Ice Association and the face of the choreographer.

There are also content points.

Yes, it's the best hands-on here.

But Mu Huan, for the fluency of the show, almost jumped three times and performed coherent sliding from beginning to end. Even if they were blind, the group of "old ice fans" above their heads were not blind.

When Mu Huan's show was posted on the Internet, and they found out that they scored low, should they not be sprayed to death?

The fluidity of the steps.

Needless to say, the coherence from start to finish is without any excess, including his preparations before the jump, which is unbelievably clean and neat.

Therefore, even if the score is pressed, it cannot be higher than five points.

The coach counted Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, and it was generally fair to give a score of 43 points to Mu Huan's program content.

After this calculation, Mu Huan scored a total score of 94.80.

As soon as the results came out, the coaches were a little silent.

Obviously, he has more or less suppressed the content score, and he has been trying to get rid of the old face, and only gave Mu Huan 43 content points, and the final total score is still so high.

The 94-point free skating is relatively high in China. Last year's National Grand Prix, the adult Alpha champion was only 100.20 points.

Mu Huan's current score is impossible to get the top three, but it is still possible to enter the top ten.

Top ten in the country?


Is this the strength of a one-year suspension of training?

kidding me?

You can maintain the top ten in the country after a year of suspension of training. If you keep practicing, can the whole world still hold you? ! !

The coaches of the provincial team felt uncomfortable. They didn't announce the scores for a long time, and put Mu Huan, who was waiting on the side, to the side.

At this time, Li Xin stepped forward.

Standing beside Mu Huan, he said, "Yes, I have already recorded the video, so I should be satisfied when I go back to Yujiao."

After speaking, he looked at the provincial coach and said with a smile, "How many points?"

Coaches, look at me, and I look at you. In the end, the score still fell into Li Xin's hands.

The score can't be hidden, even if you are not willing, you have to explain to the two of the national team.

"94.80, Mu Huan's score is 94.80." A coach announced sternly.

The words did not fall.

It was quiet.

Wang Qinghua sat down on the seat with a sad face.

Li Xin was not surprised by this score, and said to Mu Huan in a serious way: "It's not bad to slide like this in five days."

Also, no, wrong?

The crowd was heartbroken.

Wang Qinghua was angry and angry, blushing.

Mu Huan chuckled and followed Li Xin back to his seat.

I met Wu Zimeng on the road, with arrogant hairstyle and thick eyebrows and big eyes, his aura was much stronger than the Alphas behind him.

She stood in the middle of the road, looked over Li Xin's shoulders, and looked at Mu Huan.

Afterwards, Mu Huan smelled the pheromones on Wu Zimeng's body, with a faint and bleak, but also very aggressive smell of gunpowder smoke.

Li Xin, who was the first to bear the brunt, swayed, and then her back straightened stubbornly.

Mu Huan hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of Li Xin, blocking Alpha's aggressive pheromone.

At the same time, he said lightly: "Please let me go."

Wu Zimeng was silent for a few seconds, then took the pheromone, and said, "You are very good, wait until the training team to compare."

"Okay." Mu Huan smiled.

Back at the seat, Wu Zimeng was already on the ice, and the familiar music sounded.

It is "Once Upon a Time in the Western Suburbs".

Speaking of which, this is one of Wu Zimeng's representative works.

The first program in adulthood took two years to recharge her energy. In the world before Mu Huanlai, she won the championship in one fell swoop, making her shine in the domestic skating world.

After listening to this music, Mu Huan knew that he might lose today.

There are various specific reasons, nothing to be discouraged, anyway, it will be long in Japan.

Mu Huan returned to his seat and took off his skates, listening to the occasional cheers, and occasionally glanced at it again.

Wu Zimeng is really good. She jumps around on the back and outside, plus a combined jump of four weeks on the back and outside and three weeks on the back, she has completely touched the threshold of the national team's A single.

Fortunately, he has already got the spot.

Next is the real competition in the training team.

Wu Zimeng's performance came to an end soon. Under the unwilling score of the provincial team coach, Wu Zimeng accidentally "broken" the national record with a high score of 102.30.

The old ice fans in the auditorium whistled "hihhhh", and the scene was actually embarrassing for a while.

From Mu Huan's point of view, in the three performances just completed, Wang Qinghua scored a maximum of 89 points, and Wu Zimeng scored about 97 points.

On the contrary, only his score was fair. The provincial coach gave his players extra points fiercely, but he did not deduct too many points from him.

Wu Zimeng helped the provincial team to regain face, and the atmosphere finally improved. The provincial coach did not want to be too entangled in front of outsiders, so he named the remaining names and arranged to slide out one by one.

Mu Huan relaxed, thought about it, opened WeChat and sent a message to Yu Yiman.

[Mu Huan: The quota has been obtained. ]

[Yiman: Then come back. ]

Mu Huan saw the news that was returned almost in seconds, and he could imagine Yu Jiao keeping his phone in front of him in order to wait for this news.

This rude attitude.

Obviously I don't like it, but I look forward to it.

Perhaps returning to the Yujiao team was not as difficult as I thought.

The in-team assessment of the Y provincial team continued until 12 noon. When the team was disbanded, the Y province coach finally lost the look of his father-in-law looking at his son-in-law.

Someone else invited: "We let the canteen stay for dinner, and then we leave after eating."

Mu Huan knew that he was staying to be annoying, so he shook his head and refused: "No."

Li Xin said, "I'm sorry about the quota, I will find a team when I go back. Let 's discuss it here and try to get another spot."

The head coach of the provincial team had a very good impression of the two of them, glanced left and right, and said with a low smile: "Don't worry, there are places, Mu Huan came to me just to leave. It's a passing scene, you have to work hard when you go back, you are an athlete in our province Y."

Mu Huan raised his eyebrows.

It seems that Yu Yiman and the head coach have privately negotiated a deal, one is to force him, the other is to use him to force others.


A bunch of scheming ghosts!

In the end, Mu Huan didn't stay for dinner, but had a meal with Li Xin outside, and hurried to the airport to head back.

By 5:30 in the afternoon, he had arrived at the gate of the national team.

When Li Xin got out of the car, he said, "I'll go first, I have something to do in the afternoon."

Mu Huan nodded.

Li Xin hurriedly took a few steps, came back after thinking of something, and said, "By the way, I'm a little curious. Did you never think about success in your last 4T jump? You planned from the beginning to save Zhoujump. ?"

Mu Huan raised his eyebrows.

Li Xin's analysis: "Using the 1.10 coefficient bonus mechanism in the second half of the free skating, I didn't think about the situation after landing at the beginning, but I insisted on a full score."

Mu Huan's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were innocent.

"Everyone in the provincial team was fooled by you." Li Xin thought about it and commented: "Cunning guy."

The two entered the community by brushing their faces from the gate. At this time, the cafeteria was open for lunch. The aroma of food floated in the distance, and all the national team members went to eat on the road.

When someone saw them entering the door together, they all looked sideways.

"Why did Mu Huan and Li Xin get together?"

"They came back together?"

"Could it be that Mu Huan and Li Xin..."

Li Xin sensed the change in the atmosphere, and said before parting from Mu Huan downstairs, "You are this person. , I have too many hearts, so I won't communicate in the future."

Mu Huan: ...

Seeing Li Xin hurried upstairs, Mu Huan turned around and walked towards his dormitory building.

The breeze was breezy, and the warm sunlight fell from the gaps in the tree canopy, shedding specks of light on the silver-white concrete floor.

Mu Huan walked forward in the sunshine, and his pace gradually accelerated.

The wind blew head-on, pulling up the hair on his forehead.

Bright eyes and high spirits!