Chapter 12 The First Pair Skating Team

Four days passed in a blink of an eye, Mu Huan avoided everyone's training, but he was desperate to return to the team, and the news that he trained on the ice rink every noon and night spread.

Mu Huan hid from Han Can for so long, but he still didn't dodge in the end.

At noon that day, he was blocked by Han Can at the gate of the ice skating hall.

Seeing Han Can again, the heart that was out of control at the time when he just passed through has completely returned to normal.

Looking at the Omega who was trotting all the way to meet him, Mu Huan frowned. "Mu, Mu Huan..." Han Can walked in front of him and smiled cautiously. Seeing Mu

Huan's indifferent attitude, he shook his sleeve and said aggrievedly, "Are you still angry with me?"

Huan turned his shoulders and broke his clothes from Han Can's fingers, "Not angry."

Han Can's eyes lit up, "Then..."

Mu Huan then said, "We have broken up."

Han Can bit his lip. In an instant, his eyes turned red, and he said loudly, "I won't break up with you, I will never break up with you!"

Mu Huan frowned and didn't say much, just nodded to Han Can to say goodbye, and turned around. Walk.

He has no interest in repaying the love debt left by the previous owner. Besides, he really doesn't like Han Can. It's enough to have two boats. When things break out, he still thinks about stalking, and he doesn't realize it. .

Although I always felt that there was something wrong with the former master's head, now he seems to be blind.

Most of the stubborn people were also cruel. Mu Huan ignored the crying Omega behind him and went straight to the ice skating hall.

Crying followed like a shadow.

Accidentally, from the reflections of the doors and windows, Mu Huan saw the person who stumbled and chased after him.

"Mu Huan, Mu Huan!"


This time I went to the provincial team. Under the heavy pressure, I completely clarified the direction of the training for Mu Huan.

The two days of training went well.

It's just...

a big slick.


lunges and knees slipped.


Before and after the ice jump.

All around!



Mu Huan slipped, fell to the ground, and slipped more than three meters away.

Han Can, who was hiding in the shadows and crying, screamed and rushed to the ice wearing sneakers.

And then fell directly at the door.

Mu Huan stood up calmly without changing his face, and looked at Han Can from a distance.

Han Can was lying on the ice rink with a blushing face, trying to show a bright smile: "I, I'm fine, are you all right?"

Mu Huan: "..."

Han Can clumsily got up and smiled awkwardly: "You look good skating. Handsome, it would be great if I practiced ice skating when I was a child. But I am not very athletic, and I can stumble on my left foot when running, so I envy people who can exercise the most.

Mu Huan, I am also useful, you this time If you make a successful comeback, I will help you with marketing, okay? I will write an article for you every day, and you will definitely become very popular.

So don't be angry, no, no, no, you continue to be angry, just don't ignore me, I, I It's really hard for you to see me, it's really hard, I don't want to go back to the days when you ignored me, woo~"

Mu Huan looked at Han Can who was kneeling on the ice and crying, and suddenly understood how the former master had been beaten by him. won.

This obedient, weak and coaxing appearance is really a model of Omega.

Turn and slide out.

Turn three slides.


Joint rotation.


Before and after the ice jump.

All around!



"Mu Huan! Mu Huan! Oops!"

Mu Huan got up from the ice and looked at Mu Huan who was lying on the ice in the same position, the top of his head was congested.

After finally completing the training volume at noon, Mu Huan looked at the bruises on his arms while changing clothes, and pursed the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, at night, Mu Huan saw Han Can waiting at the gate of the ice skating hall from a distance.

This time, there are still some people around him, waiting for the protagonist of the emotional incident at the Sports University to meet again.

Mu Huan stopped his progress, changed directions, and took a long detour for half an hour before he reached the side door of the ice skating hall.

He wouldn't go to the ice rink he was used to. Fortunately, there were many training grounds in this giant international ice skating rink. Mu Huan found a small ice rink farthest from the B1 ice rink and walked in.

Backhand closed the door.

Turn around again.

Mu Huan met Li Xin, who was standing on the ice, looking at him suspiciously.

Li Xin was wearing a black mid-waist down jacket, with skate shoes on her feet, a bucket in one hand, a spatula in the other, and tilted her head slightly.

Then it slid towards him.

Said: "Open the door."

Mu Huan's eyes fell on Li Xin's hand, and he answered the question: "What are you doing?"

Li Xin raised the shovel: "Work."

Mu Huan thought for a while: "Icing? Li Xin nodded and repeated, "

You open the door."

Mu Huan glanced at the door behind him and hesitated for a moment: "I'm hiding." Li Xin

stopped at the entrance and pondered for half a second: "Boyfriend? " I can't tell." "Then there is something wrong with your attitude." Li Xin looked at Mu Huan who had walked in front of him, slipped the skates two meters back, and frowned, "If we can't be together, then we must You have to say it clearly, otherwise you will give the other party hope that they shouldn't have. Instead of hiding here, you might as well go out and find him, and it's just a matter of a few words." Mu Huan walked to the entrance, his foot was already Stepping on the ice, he supported the guardrail with both hands, and leaned over: "Your view of love is only applicable to most situations. My kind is special, the kind you have never seen or imagined." Li Xin's brows furrowed tightly, "Don't think you know me better, I've seen more love than you." "..." Mu Huan smiled. Raising his hands to cover his face, he couldn't stop laughing. Looking at Li Xin's eyes, he was really helpless, but also showed a bit of pity. Li Xin was annoyed by the laugh, and her voice was a little deep: "What are you laughing at?" Mu Huan shook his head, holding back his laughter. "Well, cough..." Mu Huan pointed to a place on the ice and said, "There is something wrong with the ice over there, so I will trouble you." Li Xin pursed the corners of his mouth and didn't move. Mu Huan said soft words that he must like to hear, "I'll leave it to you, thank you." Li Xin turned and left. Mu Huan looked at Li Xin's back and smiled. Laughing and smiling, the smile faded again. The man slipped slowly, Xu Feng rolled up the bangs in front of his forehead, revealing a large smooth forehead, his eyes drooped slightly, and circled around the ice for half a circle until he saw a crack in the ice.

The skates underfoot are staggered, sliding a long arc on the ice, and then twisting the body, the left and right heels touch, the toes are turned outward, and the "big one" pace circles the ice seam.

Calm like flowing water, her posture is elegant and charming, and the invisible wind rolls up the collar, revealing the white plain neckline and the slender and flawless neck.

With his slightly squinted eyes, he seemed to be able to see the trembling long eyelashes from far away, swaying like a butterfly.

Until his toes were a little bit, his figure stopped.

So the wind went out and the light dissipated.

It made me feel unreasonably regretful.

Mu Huan blinked and saw that Li Xin was already squatting on the ground in an unsightly posture, conscientiously competing with the ice crack on the ground.

The corners of the clothes fell to the ground, and the bangs also fell, blocking the light in those eyes.

Mu Huan stood there blankly.

Suddenly he raised his hand and rubbed his heart.

dull pain.

"Assistant Li, do you want me to help you?"


"I'll come after I change my shoes."

"I said no."

Mu Huan put on ice after changing his shoes, and slipped out in a few steps.

This ice rink is extremely small, and it seems that it will come to an end as soon as it is exerted.

Li Xin's figure squatting on the ground by herself gradually expanded in front of her eyes until she came to her side.

Mu Huan's feet spun, his blade icing on the ice, and he froze in place.

He squatted down slowly and said meaningfully, "How can I help you?"


"I mean, how can I help you so that you can continue skating?"

Li Xin stopped shoveling the ice, and lowered her Head, helplessly: "You are annoying."

"I also think..." Mu Huan was silent for a few seconds, then said, "But I can't help it."

Li Xin raised her eyebrows, "Are you teasing me?"

" No."


"I swear . , I'm really doing it for you."

Li Xin threw the ice blade into the bucket, "ha" and laughed and stood up, "You're enough, since you've inquired about me, you know the taste of my pheromones. My partner, it's really boring to say this now."

Mu Huan fell behind, blinking sharply.

Thinking about it seems like that happened.

But after all, it was because he had a problem with his pheromone, and it was a fact that he couldn't skate with others. He didn't take it to heart about being rejected by "Mu Huan".

"Why do you still remember?" Mu Huan crossed his feet, slipped in front of Li Xin, and stopped him, "You know the reason for this."

Li Xin slowly stopped and looked at him: "Why do you think I remember, If you hadn't forced me over and over again, would I have found out about Chen Zhi's rotten millet? Can you be a little self-conscious as a human being?"

Mu Huan was speechless, he didn't expect to have such a sharp mouth. when it is profitable.

But seeing Li Xin bypassing him and leaving again, Mu Huan said, "Do you want to learn the strong water skating method?"

Li Xin, who was about to leave after a few steps on the ice, turned around.

Mu Huan repeated, "Do you want to learn?"

Li Xin hesitated.

Mu Huan stepped forward and took the bucket. Li Xin loosened his hand and gave it to him.

He put the bucket on the ground and pushed it. With the sound of "Wow", the bucket hit the guardrail and stopped.

Mu Huan, who straightened up again, stretched out his hand to Li Xin: "It's very difficult, you have to learn it well."

Li Xin heard the words, her face became solemn, and finally she took Mu Huan's hand: "Come on."

The fingers in the palm of his hand were cold, and the man didn't know how long he stayed on the ice, filling the cracks one after another.

Mu Huan clenched his hand, looked for a direction, and slid out.

Li Xin followed behind him. At the beginning, he needed a little strength to carry him, but later the speed reached the same level.

The speed gradually increased.

The people behind them followed easily.

The stride is the same.

Swing arms are consistent.

Even the rhythm of breathing is the same.

The two circled around the small ice rink, and for a while, they could only hear the "swishing" sound of the ice blade cutting on the ice.

"When will it slip?"

Li Xin's voice sounded in his ears, and Mu Huan wrapped his arms around his waist.

Li Xin frowned, "Hey!"

Mu Huan just looked ahead, calculated the distance silently, and said in a low voice, "Get ready."


"Relax, your steps are messed up, try again."

Li Xin: ... ...

another cycle.

Return to the previous position again.

Mu Huan put his hand around Li Xin's waist hard: "Prepare."

"Okay." Li Xin concentrated on her mind and no longer distracted.

Obviously there are two people, I don't know when, but the skates under my feet seem to be only one person.

The knife walked side by side with the knife, leaving a slightly thick ice mark on the ice.

The wind blows the hair in front of his forehead, and what he sees and hears is generally the same.

The flow of vision, the changing scenery, and the ups and downs of breathing.

until a certain moment.

A whisper: "Down."

Then the speed of thinking became the same.

Li Xin used Mu Huan's expected speed and angle to cooperate more with him.

The hand on his waist used a little strength at this moment, so Li Xin staggered the ice knives, and fell down following the strength.

The blade cuts mysterious arcs on the ice.

The angle between the body and the ice surface gradually decreases.





The field of vision is tilted, as if lying on ice.

However, a sense of loss of control also appeared.

Li Xin stretched out her hand to help the ice, but the other hand landed on the ice faster.

He only felt the arm around his waist tighten suddenly, and pulled himself back from the edge of losing control.

So I was like a brush held in my hand, writing a chic and elegant stroke at the end.


So control of the body returns.

Slow down.

until the body straightens up easily.

Li Xin looked back and saw that there was a single arc-shaped ice mark on the ice surface, revealing every trace of ambiguous entanglement.

With the blade on the ice, Li Xin twisted her body and broke free from Mu Huan's arm.

He took a step forward, then turned around and said, "I know how to ski."

Mu Huan nodded: "Yeah, I see."

Li Xin added, "Did you just skate with a double?"

Mu Huan nodded again: " With you you can only skate tandem."

Li Xin said, "I'm not talking about this kind of slippery trick, it's the one in your show."

Mu Huan nodded: "I know, I can teach you."

Li Xin: "..." Looking at Mu Huan who

looked like a rogue Huan, Li Xin almost raised his eyebrows.

Who is this!

Seeing Li Xin's expression, Mu Huan smiled and turned around and slid away. Li Xin said "hello" behind him, and Mu Huan started to hook up the line, and said regretfully, "I haven't finished today's training yet. No more."

Li Xin said, "..."

"But." Mu Huan said after spinning in a small circle on the ice, "If you do me a favor, I will teach you."

Li Xin was annoyed: "Hey, you Why is this person like this?"

Mu Huan laughed: "This is my trump card, a personal stunt, I will teach you directly, do you dare to learn it?"

Li Xin, who had avoided Mu Huan for a long time, suddenly fell into deep thought.

Mu Huan threw another bait and said, "But if you do me a favor, I'll teach you. You can see that I'm quite lonely when I train alone. The most important thing is that I don't know if I'm doing it wrong. I need a pair of eyes. "

I will take you to train?" Li Xin suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Mu Huan looked at him with a smile, his eyes seemed to look down on him, and said, "You? You can't do it, you can help me record the video."

Li Xin's expression changed and changed, with a bit of anger: "I am also a teaching assistant. It's been three years longer than you, and it's your senior brother, so why can't you."

Mu Huan stopped arguing, pinched Li Xin's "lifeline", and simply said directly: "Help me record the video, and I'll teach you mine. Strong water skating, do you want to change it?"

Li Xin hesitated, "Is that so?"

Mu Huan turned around and slid away while holding back a smile.

After turning around again, he found that Li Xin was still thinking in a daze.


"Go." Mu Huan urged, pointing the phone to Li Xin, Li Xin frowned, and finally turned on the camera function to help Mu Huan record.

An hour later, Mu Huan was stopped by Li Xin, "Phone."

Mu Huan slid closer, took out his cell phone, and saw that it was from Qiwen Mansion. He shouted, "Big brother, save me quickly, your white moonlight cinnabar mole is about to turn my dormitory into a swimming pool."

Mu Huan frowned, "Han Can?

" Pick me up quickly, I'm going crazy!"

"Let's go."

Here, Li Xin said silently, holding the bucket in one hand and the tied skate shoes in the other, leaving Mu Huan a dashing The back figure disappeared in front of him.

Mu Huan sighed and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll go over now."