Chapter 13 Friend Rong Xiao

When Mu Huan arrived at the school, it was already dark, and the hour hand pointed to "8". The university library and study room were still brightly lit.

Even in sports schools where scumbags gather, there are academic bullies.

"School of Sports Journalism", "School of Sports Human Body", "School of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation", etc., are also college students who have passed the 985 exam.

In fact, the real scumbags are basically gathered in the "Olympic Sports Academy".

The dormitory where Mu Huan and Qi Wenfu live is the site of the "Olympic Sports Academy". There are three ABO buildings each, with a total of nine buildings. It is also the largest dormitory building group in Beijing Sports University.

There are many students coming and going here on weekdays, and it seems that it is impossible to tell who is who, but if it is not for the students in this building, the dormitory aunt is a very sharp eye, and it is rare to slip through the net.

So when Mu Huan finally saw the crowd downstairs in the dormitory, he knew that Han Can didn't go upstairs at all.

He glanced from a distance and saw Han Can crying surrounded by the crowd.

This guy seems to be used to it and likes to gain the sympathy of the public to achieve his goals.

Mu Huan, who has always been used to being strong in front of others and working hard behind others, really couldn't understand Han Can's mentality.

Also... I despise this kind of behavior that shows weakness in public.

Mu Huan glanced left and right, took out his mobile phone to broadcast the call, and after a long distance, he turned into a fork in the road.

As we walked further and further away, we gradually lost sight of people. There were more and more fallen leaves. The dilapidated buildings in the distance showed dark shadows under the moon. Two street lamps were broken. place.

Quite satisfied.

Not long after, Qi Wenfu brought Han Can over with red and swollen eyes.

Han Can was a good boy. When he saw Mu Huan from a distance, he stepped on the small inner eight and ran over with a "hahahahaha". When he was in front of him, he shouted "Mu Huan".

Qi Wenfu stopped far away and looked up at the sky.

Mu Huan asked: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Han Can nodded, "Did you block my phone? I went to the training team today to find you, you weren't there, and I didn't find you at school, but it's alright now, I'm happy to see you, will I affect your training, I'm sorry."

Mu Huan's sleeves were pulled one by one, Han Can looked up at him, his eyes filled with starlight.

Mu Huan frowned: "I blocked you because we broke up, understand?"

Han Can smiled sweetly: "Love is a matter of two people, and Mu Huan's unilateral decision does not count. Mu Huan can continue to live. My anger, I can continue to stick to Mu Huan, and when you are not angry, we will get back together."

Mu Huan was like a lightning strike, and he couldn't refute it.

After being pulled by Han Can for a while, Mu Huan's three views were completely refreshed. For the first time, he knew how difficult it would be for Omega to use their weapons completely.

Han Can is the type who can't listen to others at all.

Although he didn't want to, Mu Huan was forced to say: "It's over, it's over, I can't like it anymore, you understand? Let's just end it a little bit."

Hearing this, Han Can just laughed. More tenderly, he asked Mu Huan, "Really? I know everything about Mu Huan. After leaving me, are you sure you want to go to Beta?"

Mu Huan heard the vague meaning of Han Can's words, but ignored it. Knowing what kind of swordsmanship is hidden here, he can only choose to shake his head: "It has nothing to do with Beta, or it has nothing to do with you or anyone. I'm back on the team now, I need to concentrate on training, and my goal is pair skating. , I will definitely have a partner, I can't talk about feelings with you, and we can't talk about it."

Han Can was stunned.

After a while, he laughed again and murmured, "That's right, although Mu Huan works hard for his dream, I can bear it, and I will always be with you. No matter what the result is, I will be your most loyal fan."

Mu Huan: ...

is this deaf?

I really can't go on, when we parted, Qi Wenfu greeted him immediately and asked him the result with his eyes.

Mu Huan shook his head.

Qi Wenfu sighed: "I didn't expect you to be a person who eats this set. You said that apart from the destined Omega, you would only fall in love with Beta, but only after being entangled by Han Can for a year, you were trapped.

" Years?"

"Yeah, it's only a year, you raised your hands and surrendered and told him all your secrets."

Mu Huan was surprised, "Secrets?"

Qi Wenfu sighed, "It's not a secret? It's not a secret, you fight to retire. I don't want others to know, don't tell me that I don't care about Omega now, you don't keep it as a secret."

Mu Huan listened more and more strangely, just thinking about how to ask, Qi Wenfu put him on his shoulder, Said: "Invite me to eat barbecue, or I will expose your secrets!"

"..." Mu Huan was curious, "Okay." Outside the

Sports Academy, there is a snack street opposite, crayfish spicy skewers barbecue small seafood from street to street At the end, business is very good at night.

Mu Huan didn't have any plans for a game in the short term, so he didn't need to keep his mouth shut. He ordered whatever he wanted. He ordered a bottle of beer. information.

During the period, the drunk Qi Wenfu said, "Actually, I always thought that you shouldn't tell Han Can everything. I can't tell you. In fact, it's good to be in love with Beta all the time."

Mu Huan put the wine bottle on his lips. Moved away, frowning at Qi Wenfu, it seems that this is not the first time I have heard this.

"Mu Huan" only looking for Beta?


Mu Huan asked again bewilderingly, but Qi Wenfu said, "But you have to go back to double skate, so I guess you don't care about these things. Anyway, Yu Jiao will arrange everything for you, you just need to wait for the results."

Then he turned to talk about other things.

The secret of "Mu Huan" is very important, but other information is also important. Mu Huan talked about it, and slowly filled in his own experience, environment, likes and dislikes from Qi Wenfu's mouth.


In the evening, Mu Huan asked Li Xin to train, and when he arrived, he saw that he brought someone over.

Mu Huan's eyes fell on the man, and when he saw his appearance, he smiled.

The person who came was named Rong Xiao, a Beta and Li Xin's friend.

Because Beta couldn't smell the pheromone, he became the only person Li Xin could allow to be friends after being attacked.

Thanks to Rong Xiao's company, it helped Li Xin get out of the trough of life faster and accompany him back to the game again.

Although after Li Xin's success, the contact with Rong Xiao gradually diminished, but in Li Xin's heart, Rong Xiao was the only real good friend.

Judging from the expressions of the two now, it should be the best period of time in the relationship.

Mu Huan stood up and smiled at Rong Xiao: "Hello, Rong Xiao."

Rong Xiao is a rare tall person in Beta, half a head taller than Li Xin. Mu Huan is used to Rong Xiao's head-up perspective. Looking at people now with eyes drooping slightly, it is very novel.

Rong Xiao was flabbergasted and raised his chin a little bit, "You, what are you doing? You recognize me, I, I don't know you, you uh..."

"Naturally, I will trouble you in the future. "

Mu Huan said something strange, but his eyes fell on Li Xin's face. He knew that Li Xin took Rong Xiao with him today to avoid suspicion.

Lonely A and widow O were alone in a room, Li Xin did the right thing.

With a "notorious" Alpha like him, even if there is a reason why they have to be together, they should make more preparations.

Mu Huan also welcomed Rong Xiao very much.

If you ask anyone in this world who cares more about fame than Li Xin himself, it's probably only Mu Huan.

Thinking of Mu Huan's "feeling" physique, he still has to pay attention to the distance from Li Xin in the future.

Naturally, Li Xin would not explain the reason for bringing Rongxiao here. Seeing that the two were talking, she raised the instrument in her hand and said, "I asked the team to apply for a camera. The picture of the mobile phone is too bad. Right ."

Mu Huan was pleasantly surprised, "Thank you."

Then he said, "Aren't you going to practice today?"

Li Xin's eyes flickered, but she didn't speak.

Mu Huan looked at Rong Xiao and said, "You persuade him."

Rong Xiao pointed at his nose: "Me?"

Mu Huan nodded: "Isn't it a friend? You should know what he wants."

Rong Xiao stammered He said, "No, I don't advise Li Xin to decide for himself."

Mu Huan said seriously, "His talent should not be just to be a teaching assistant, you know, he can be better."

Rong Xiao blinked, a little confused. came up with an idea.

Look at Mu Huan, and then look at Li Xin: "You, what do you think?"

Li Xin turned on the camera and said lightly, "If I don't record, I'll leave."

Rong Xiao closed his mouth.

Seeing this, Mu Huan could only give up. However, he believed that as long as there was Rong Xiao, this matter would definitely be resolved.

If it wasn't for Rong Xiao's company, Mu Huan knew that he would not have come out so quickly. He was relieved to give Li Xin to Rong Xiao to persuade him.

Mu Huan was training on the ice. Occasionally, when he turned around, he could see what Rong Xiao and Li Xin were talking about.

This feels really good, no matter when, as long as Rong Xiao is there, Li Xin is not alone.

They were supposed to be best friends.

Mu Huan remembered his "Rong Xiao". They traveled together, played skewers together, played games together, and even got married for a piece of equipment in the game.

It's just that the training task became heavier and the time spent in foreign competitions increased. I don't know when, and the contact with Rong Xiao became less.

Later, when he played a game, his character was still playing, the new version was full of levels, and the "home" was filled with a lot of expensive furniture.

It's just that Rong Xiao returned the account to him after he knew that he was on the account. He never played again, and he didn't play his account.

If people don't grow up.

If only it had been as good as before.

Mu Huan retracted his gaze, the ice blades under his feet staggered, and cut through the ice surface. In the sound of "swoosh", he concentrated on his training and did not want to disturb the two people's relationship at all.

And this time, when Li Xin comes back to training, he will definitely persuade Li Xin to spend more time with friends after training.

Tired of sliding, Mu Huan returned to the guardrail, took the camera from Li Xin's hand, and watched it directly on the machine.

The clear picture can see more problems, and soon Mu Huan has a new training direction. When he put the camera down, he sincerely thanked Li Xin: "Thank you for the camera you borrowed, you can see more Many questions."

Li Xin nodded indifferently, "I am an assistant teacher after all."

Mu Huan saw the loneliness in Li Xin's eyes, and the unwillingness, he had to push him, he thought, "Teacher Li , help me to see, where do I need to correct?"

"Me?" Li Xin was embarrassed, and took the camera bit by bit, "I'll take a look first..."

In this way, Li Xin and Rong Xiao have been training with Mu Huan until closing the door. After getting off the ice, Mu Huan, panting, looked at the two people in front of him and felt inexplicable satisfaction in his heart.

That's it.

When I went out, the sky was naturally dark, but recently the temperature has warmed up, the dark clouds have dissipated, and the moonlit starry sky is still beautiful.

Mu Huan answered the phone and told everyone to wait under the stairs for a while. Within two minutes, a delivery boy wearing a rabbit-ear helmet, riding a small motorcycle, came to the front leisurely and handed three cups of milk tea to him. Mu Huan's hand.

"I ordered it." Mu Huan stepped forward to take it and thanked him.

After a quick look, Mu Huan handed the single cup to Rong Xiao. It was a cup of fruit tea. Every time Rong Xiao drank milk tea, he would order this orange juice with lime.

The remaining two cups belonged to him and Li Xin.

Exactly the same.

"Thank you."

Li Xin opened it and took a sip, then raised her eyebrows.

Mu Huan smiled at Li Xin's surprised and contented expression, and said, "I just added some ingredients." The

high-calorie milk tea was filled with chewy pearls, and the pearls were also wrapped with some crushed peanuts and honey beans.

Li Xin definitely likes to drink.

But Li Xin pretended not to care, and said lightly, "It's fine."

However, a mouthful of milk tea filled his mouth, filling his mouth with ingredients, with his cheeks puffed out like a hamster, and he couldn't stop chewing with his mouth tightly closed.

Seeing that Li Xin was drinking happily, Mu Huan opened his glass with a smile and took a gulp.

The sweetness of honey beans, the waxiness of pearls, and the fragrance of peanuts, when they bloom together in the mouth, present a fragrant fragrance...

Yes, he likes it too!

The three of them each held a cup of milk tea and walked silently on the night road.

The moon is full of stars today, and the breeze is breezy.

"It's quite cold." Rong Xiao shrank his neck, frowned and glanced at the fruit tea in his hand, half of which was ice, and it was completely cold.

"Well, in the daytime, I don't think it's winter's temperature." Li Xin's milk tea was "walking on ice", but it wasn't very cold at the moment.

Mu Huan fell behind and listened to the two of them talking, but he didn't feel cold. Alpha's body was just different, stronger and more resistant to cold.

He frowned and scratched his neck, only to feel a little itchy at the neck.

After stepping through the small door, I left the skating rink and went to the community in the dormitory.

There were still some people walking on the road, the street lights were bright, and there were all kinds of laughter and noise from the dormitory building.

Mu Huan's footsteps gradually slowed down, and the pain came very fast. It was like a recovery effort, and his body was hot and stuffy. The itch at the neck spread to the whole body, and even the fingertips were itchy.

The throat seemed to be swollen, blocking the airway, and every breath became extraordinarily difficult.

"Li Xin..." Mu Huan staggered a step, put one hand on Li Xin's shoulder, and said to the person who turned to look over, "I'm so uncomfortable..."

After speaking, Mu Huan couldn't hold it anymore, and knelt on one knee on the ground. , with both hands on the ground, panting heavily.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Myself... What is this?

"Mu Huan!?"

"Wait, don't, don't worry, let me see! Yes, allergies, medicines... medicine allergy medicines!"

Mu Huan lay on his back, breathing heavily on his back, looking dazedly at Rong Xiao's mouth is getting closer and closer, sighing.

It's not my body, it's just so troublesome.