Chapter 15 Training Team Starts

After Mu Huan rested in the dormitory for two days, the near-death experience was quite bad. He always felt that something was stuck in his throat and did not dare to train.

Seeing the heating up in the past two days, Mu Huan sorted out his clothes and found that all the T-shirts he wore in summer were not in line with his liking.

He is willing to wear loose-fitting styles, but the clothes in the wardrobe seem to be one size smaller. When he wears them on his body, his back is straight, and his chest muscles are stretched out of the clothes, and they stretch out into a particularly conspicuous shape.

"Mu Huan" is a slut, he always knew it.

But he is not.

The next afternoon, Mu Huan took the money to the nearest commercial street, picked out some clothes for himself, and went to the supermarket on the first floor to buy some daily necessities.

There are a lot of big pockets and small pockets.

It is worth mentioning here that "Mu Huan" owns a car. He found a car key in his backpack, and the car label indicated that the price was not low.

But he didn't know where the car was parked, and he didn't have time to look for it.

He came out of the supermarket with a bunch of things, and he saw Li Xin who was looking down at his cell phone.

The two met on the escalator outside the supermarket, one facing up and the other facing down. Mu Huan said, "Wait for me." When he and Li Xin crossed each other, he

turned around and changed the elevator to chase after him.

Li Xin was waiting for him at the elevator exit, showing no expression, but there was no impatience in his eyes. When he saw Mu Huan walking over, he said, "Is your health okay?"

Mu Huan said, "I'll invite you to dinner after visiting the supermarket. Your name is Rongxiao."

Li Xin raised her eyebrows, "No need?"

Mu Huan said, "Yes, it's a life-saving grace."

Li Xin's face softened and she smiled lightly, "I'm still feeling guilty, but I have become Your benefactor." The

two entered the supermarket while they were talking, and Mu Huan took the shopping cart and asked him, "What do you want to buy?"

Li Xin took out her mobile phone and said, "The shower gel and toothpaste are gone, and the toothbrush is going to be replaced. Wait, I'll call Rong Xiao first."

Mu Huan walked to the front with the cart and went straight to the toothbrush shelf .

The shelves were full of dazzling goods, but he took down a soft blue Lingling toothbrush without thinking.

Turning around again, he took Lingling's anti-cavity toothpaste from the shelf behind him.

Li Xin followed, and swept her eyes into the shopping cart at will, surprised: "Why..."

Before finishing the sentence, Rong Xiao on the phone said something, and Li Xin shut up again.

Mu Huan didn't think there was anything wrong with the things he helped Li Xin get. When he was with the person in front of him, he seemed to be one body. His thoughts were his thoughts, and his preferences were his preferences.

He knew what he cared about, and knew his heart knot better than anyone.

I hope he walks out, and I hope he has a better life.

Thinking of this, Mu Huan took a bottle of shower gel from the shelf, unscrewed the cap and smelled it, and then handed it under Li Xin's nose.

Li Xin raised her eyebrows to look at him.

Mu Huan smiled and raised the bottle a little higher. The mouth of the bottle touched Li Xin's nose, leaving a little white shower gel on the tip of the nose.

Li Xin stared.

Rong Xiao was over there, "Hey hey hey."

Mu Huan raised his hand, smiled, and gently wiped the shower gel with his thumb.

Li Xin blinked and stared at Mu Huan blankly, the phone was removed from her ear at some point.

Rong Xiao's anxious "hello" sound was left alone.


When Rong Xiao came over, Mu Huan and Li Xin were sitting on the seats beside the glass.

In front of them both stood a cup of milk tea, holding a book in their hands. People passing by in front of the glass will subconsciously take a few more glances at these two people.

Li Xin's quiet breath merged with Mu Huan's publicity, and Alpha's handsome face became graceful and calm at this moment. The legs of the two people staggered under the tabletop, forming a vague "heart shape".

Rong Xiao entered the bookstore, looked at the two curiously, and looked at the books in their hands, one was the first volume of "The Emperor Qiankun", and the other was the second volume of "The Emperor Qiankun".

Li Xin followed Rong Xiao's gaze and saw his book, and smiled: "Mu Huan recommended it, it's very nice."

Mu Huan said, "It's a pity that the author of the second volume is not strong enough, just reading the first volume is enough."

Rong Xiao was curious: "Okay, it's good-looking, show it to me after reading it."

"Okay." The

dinner was quite pleasant, Rong Xiao stammered and didn't like to talk much. For quiet people, eating food in such a quiet way is a kind of enjoyment.

Mu Huan occasionally raised his head to look at the two of them with inexplicable satisfaction.

Rong Xiao is his good friend. If possible, he hopes that their friendship can continue. As for Li Xin, just seeing him well makes me happy.

Therefore, in the middle of the meal, Mu Huan once again mentioned that Li Xin was back on the ice. It was probably because the relationship between the two had undergone some subtle changes. Li Xin finally thought about it seriously, and finally, there was a hint of loosening in the bottom of his eyes.

Strike while the iron is hot.

The next morning, Mu Huan went out to Li Xin's dormitory.

The door opened, and Li Xin looked at him with a confused expression.

Mu Huan pressed the wet towel he had been holding onto Li Xin's face, grabbed Li Xin's wrist amid the screams of the other party, and said, "Let's go, have a fuck."

"What are you doing? "

Li Xin was dragged downstairs in a daze by Mu Huan, and finally recovered when the cold wind blew in the morning.

Mu Huan said, "Run for a while."

Li Xin heard the sound of someone coming downstairs, and hurriedly put on the hat of her coat, complaining, "You are too selfish, so you can't discuss it with me in advance?"

Mu Huan turned to stand in front of Li Xin, and whispered, "Negotiate in advance. Will you agree?"

"But you..."

Mu Huan added, "I'll drag Rong Xiao up in a while, my towel is still wet."

Li Xin raised her head with a smirk on her face, and then the corner of her mouth twitched, "Let's go. ."

Twenty minutes later, Rong Xiao followed the two guys who had been beaten with blood and ran desperately, wanting to cry without tears.

What and what?

I'm not an athlete!

Rong Xiao is a graduate of the Department of Sports Medicine of the Sports University. Although he was only treating a bruise, he was admitted to the school with a high score, and he was an absolute academic bully in a sports university.

He is now a graduate student, and he is also doing an internship in the winter program, and he will be a full-time student after graduation.

Rong Xiao is indeed not an athlete.

Such an intellectual running behind two sports is simply abuse.

Especially when Li Xin gradually ran away and began to compete with Mu Huan openly and secretly, Rong Xiao became farther and farther away from them, until it disappeared completely.

Rong Xiao pushed his body to the ground and coughed so hard that he almost coughed out his lungs.

"Cough cough cough!"

What is this and what? !

Mu Huan and Li Xin ran wildly on the runway, seemingly chasing the wind, enjoying the refreshing taste of the early morning air swirling in their lungs.

The two walked side by side, with the same footsteps, the same posture, and even the same rhythm of breathing.

Mu Huan accommodated Li Xin a little bit, but he also knew that Li Xin still had spare power.

The two quietly ran lap after lap, watching the sky turn white and gold, until the sun jumped up from the other side of the building, and the sky was full of light.

As if making an appointment, the two slowed down at the same time until they walked slowly side by side.

Li Xin, who was gasping for breath, said, "I haven't had a fuck in a long time. I'm so tired."

Then he looked at the rising sun and said, "But it feels very enjoyable.

" Chenfeng blew his hair, and his eyebrows were bright, reflecting the light: "Thank you, Mu Huan, for pulling me out so hard."

Mu Huan just smiled, turned around and continued walking.


Li Xin's resumption of training was not as big as the sensation Mu Huan caused in the team, but it still touched the nerves of some people.

On the second day the three of them were training on the ice rink, Wang Qing ran over to take a look. At the evening training, Wang Qing brought Wen Chun over again.

See Wen Chun.

Mu Huan and Li Xin were both stunned and nervous.

Wen Chun is the head coach of the national figure skating single skating. The former Mu Huan and the current Li Xin are all under his control. After being in charge for a long time, there will be more or less Stockholm.

Wen Chun came, didn't say anything, took a seat in the front row with his arms in his arms and sat like that for more than an hour until their training was over.

After Li Xin got off the ice, Wen Chun stopped him and said, "Since I plan to continue skating, I'll come back to practice tomorrow, don't waste time here."

After speaking, he glanced at Mu Huan intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes were disgusting and vigilant. , like seeing a big bad wolf stealing a sheep.

Mu Huan was heartbroken.

Is this going back? Isn't it too easy.

He tried his best to coax people back, and Wen taught them to pick them up in a word, making him, who was still worried about the training team, what a shame.

Li Xin smiled happily, and bowed to Wen Chun: "I'll trouble you in the future, Wen Jiao."

Wen Jiao nodded and smiled, "I said long ago, come to me when you want to continue skating. ."

Li Xin's eyes were slightly red: "Well, I'll report back."

"Okay." Wen Jiao thought about it, and then said, "Okay."

Li Xin and Wen Chun walked in front, Rong Xiao followed. After going up, Mu Huan and Wang Qing were left behind.

The two walked silently for a while, and Wang Qing suddenly asked with a smile, "Are you envious?"

Mu Huan nodded.

Wang Qing said: "You are not the same as Li Xin. When Li Xin retired, he left his way behind. During this period of time as an assistant coach in the team, he also tried his best. I don't know how many people will welcome him when he goes back.

Can you be like him? Impulsive and conceited, you even dare to take a picture of Mr. Xiong's desk. You have gone so far, even if Yu Jiao wants you, she will not be able to open the back door for you. Do you

regret it now?"

Mu Huan nodded, heartbroken. Not very sad.

Li Xin was happier than anyone else that he could go back so easily. As for the trouble on his side, it wasn't him who did the wrong thing, so how could he regret it?

What he does now is just follow the path he chose, and despite the twists and turns, he is happy.


July 3rd.

It is the day when the members of the training team report.

Sign in, receive supplies, and then move into a building dedicated to arranging training campers.

After eating breakfast, Mu Huan went directly to the check-in desk. The assistant coach in the team set up a table downstairs closest to the gate. When Mu Huan passed by, they were chatting casually.

"Will Mu Huan come over today?"

"It feels weird."

"I feel embarrassed. They are all national players, but they compete with the training team for a place, and they may be hated by more people."

"I don't think so. He doesn't even have a coach in the past two months, so he may not really be able to come in again. "

Hey, you said if he can't get in..."

"Sign in." Mu Huan came to his side and said two words.

The assistant and Mu Huan looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

It is not surprising that athletes who have been out of training for a year return to the team to train again and again. Or it is not uncommon for him to return after announcing his retirement. But there is only Mu Huan, who holds the title of a national player, eats and lives in the team every day, and enjoys the treatment of a national player, but no one of the national team coaches recognizes his identity.

How to treat Mu Huan's current identity has always been a difficult problem for the national team.

Going too close, for fear of making the coach unhappy, Mu Huan could not stay in the end.

If he was treated lightly, he would be afraid that Mu Huan would return to the team and cause fire.

Therefore, in the past two months, almost everyone kept away from Mu Huan, and only responded politely when it was unavoidable.

The same goes for these two assistants.

On weekdays, he was also doing trivial tasks such as replenishing ice, registering, and buying air tickets. If he knew which ice rink Mu Huan was training in, he would mostly avoid it and would not want to interact with him.

Now it is rare to talk about people behind their backs, but was caught by the righteous master.

You say embarrassing is not embarrassing.