Chapter 16 [You have been removed from the group]

"Haha, Mu Huan, here, sign here."

"The dormitory will not be arranged for you, lest you move around."

"Here is the training rules, you can take it back and see."

"And this Scan the WeChat code, we will notify you in the group if anything happens."

Mu Huan has joined the WeChat group, and there are four people in the group, Yu Yiman, Wen Chun, and President Xiong.

In other words, the three giants of their figure skating team are the coaches of this training team.

"Mr. Xiong will lead the team this time?"

"Well, it was decided during the meeting a few days ago."

"Jiao Yu also came? Didn't she never bring a training team?"

"After Mr. Xiong said he would lead the team, Yu Jiao said She also came."

"And then Wen Jiao also came?"

"Wen Jiao was the training coach that was promised at the beginning."

Mu Huan understood.

The training team this time is probably going to be tough.

The assistant sighed: "Hell mode."

Mu Huan thought about it and sent a message to the group.

[Mu Huan: Hello, coaches, I will report. ]

But no one paid him any attention.

There was a chilling atmosphere in the group, and even if Mu Huan just looked at the screen of his mobile phone, he could feel the shadow of the sword.

After a while, Mu Huan had returned to the dormitory with the materials, and a single message was sent to his WeChat.

[Wen Chun: Do you want to be the group leader? ]

Mu Huan thought about the reply.

[Mu Huan: Will President Xiong agree? ]

Wen Chun replied in seconds.

[Wen Chun: Oh, you still know. ]

[Mu Huan: President Xiong doesn't want me to come back? ]

[Wen Chun: What do you think? ]

[Mu Huan: Yu Jiao came in to protect me? ]

[Wen Chun: What do you think? ]

[Mu Huan: So what do you think? ]

[Wen Chun: (smiles) I only look at the grades. ]

Mu Huan sighed, he had expected this situation for a long time, but he was not surprised.

The only surprise is probably Yu Yiman's attitude towards him. He seems to be estranged and indifferent, but he always appears at critical moments.

Thinking about how hard he had been seeking opportunities back then, why did he feel that Yu Jiao at that time was afraid that he was already happy?

Mu Huan put down the phone, sorted it out a little, and went to the practice room.

After nine o'clock, the message of "ding ding dong dong" started to jump on the mobile phone. Mu Huan, who was sweating profusely, picked up the mobile phone and glanced at it. There were already twelve people in the group.

The team members who joined in were all well behaved and greeted the coach timidly. Mu Huan also received three friend messages, and the other party said sweetly when he joined in, "Coach Mu, hello. (Smiley)]

Mu Huan: ...

Looking at the group again, I don't know who started it, and they copied and pasted in a row.

[Coach Xiong, Coach Yu, Coach Wen, Coach Mu, hello coaches, I am XXX from the XX provincial team, I hope you can give me more guidance. ]

[Coach Xiong, Coach Yu, Coach Wen, Coach Mu...]

Mu Huan was ashamed and knocked in the group, [I am also a training team member, not a coach. ]

The next second, Mu Huan was pulled into a small group.

It was obvious that there was a lot of jumping around in this group.

[Why is the head coach leading the training? (Frightened) (Frightened)]

[Isn't Yu Yiman a pair skating coach? When did you come out to lead the training team? (question mark)]

[Hey, maybe the pair skating is going to recruit people (saliva), gold medal coach, everyone, let's do well. ]

[(struggle) (struggle)]

[Upstairs, are you A? O? B? ]

[Omega. ]

[O don't think about it, I heard that an O named Yin Ge in Y province has already settled down, and Yu Yiman went there last month. ]

[A thunderbolt from the blue! ]

[What about A? A is it settled? ]

[I haven't heard of that, but the Omega was decided by the pheromone of the match. It is estimated that A has already been chosen. ]

[Yu Yiman also came to our team to combine pheromones, and I don't know who that A is, like a prince choosing a concubine. ]

[Yu teaches this is true love! ]

[I admire, I admire. ]

[Ah, by the way, have you heard? The national team has one in our training team this year. What does this mean? ]

[? ? ? ]

[? ]

[It seems to be coming to ask for a place. ]

[Crazy begging! The training team can recruit up to two players a year, and a national player can join in the fun. ]

[I know this person, Mu Huan. ]

[Mu Huan? ]

[I also know, know him. ]

[Who is he, isn't he famous? Or from the Yu Yiman team, you have to eat too much to support yourself, right? I curse him to eat instant noodles without seasoning packets, shit without paper! ]

[Mu Huan: ...]

So, the group was as quiet as chickens.

Mu Huan put down his phone and resumed training, unknowingly at half past ten.

After finishing his training, he planned to go to the cafeteria after a break. He picked up the water glass in one hand and his mobile phone in the other, except for the door of the practice room.

After walking for a while, Mu Huan remembered the phone that hadn't rang in a long time, opened it, and received a message.

[You have been removed from the group].

Mu Huan: ...

This is really being discriminated against everywhere.

From the practice room to the cafeteria, the time on the way is about the same as going to the ice skating rink. After 20 minutes, Mu Huan arrived at the cafeteria and saw a group of strangers.

Every summer vacation, the national team will set up a training team, not only the figure skating team, but also the speed skating team and the ski team will open a training team at this time.

Since July, a lot of training team members have moved in one after another, and the national team members have gone to other places to train with their coaches in order to avoid this "overload".

From the place where you are tired of being tired to go to the place where others are tired of being tired, it is called "external training".

It might be the training ground of a certain provincial team.

In short, in just a few days, the national team had a "big change". When Mu Huan entered the cafeteria, all he saw were young children, and some of them were not even differentiated.

He went straight to the pick-up area and picked out some dishes he liked. As soon as he turned around, Mu Huan saw Li Xin waving to him in the corner.

Li Xin's coach is Wen Chun, and Wen Chun's teammates are fierce and vicious, but have a good temperament. Leading a training team is a boring job, it may not be able to recruit suitable team members, but you still have to take care of children, which is a thankless task that Wen Chun does every year.

In addition, Li Xin stayed on the team every summer vacation.

This time is no exception.

Mu Huan sat opposite Li Xin, looked at Li Xin's state, and asked, "How are you doing recently?"

Li Xin was training at a regular time, which happened to be staggered from Mu Huan, and now both of them are in the recovery period, so they can focus on The strength is very strong, and if you don't practice every day until you can't walk, you will never stop.

Therefore, in more than a month, the number of times the two have met can be counted on both hands.

It was a rare meeting, Mu Huan looked at Li Xin's face and smiled: "This is the state of an athlete." Li Xin

said, "What state?" "The same goes for you." After a while, he said, "I've been thinking carefully about you persuading me to come back. I must thank you. If you have time during this time, let me know and I'll invite you to dinner." Mu Huanjia He put a piece of meat in his mouth and smiled. Li Xin tilted his head: "What?" Mu Huan smiled at him: "Whether you believe it or not, I'm very satisfied to see you like this." Li Xin blinked, bowed her head to eat, and stopped talking. People came in one after another at the gate. Halfway through the meal, Mu Huan saw Yin Ge and a female Omega walking into the cafeteria together. Yin Ge watched from side to side from the moment he came in, until he saw Mu Huan, he hurriedly closed his eyes and walked forward. Li Xin followed Mu Huan's line of sight and said, "President Xiong's intervention in the training team this time, you have to be careful." Mu Huan nodded and asked, "Is there any inside information?" Li Xin said, "It doesn't count, the team Everyone knows that Mr. Xiong left during the meeting, and Yu Jiao hurriedly followed up, not for you or for anyone." "President Xiong really doesn't want to keep me?" "Yes, but Yu Jiao expects a lot from you. If Yu Jiao must keep you, and President Xiong can't control it." Mu Huan nodded. Li Xin said: "Be good recently. If you can't eat dinner, let's change the time. Don't be too public in the team. There are so many people waiting to pick on your fault. If you have anything, remember to ask Yujiao, it's really not good. You can tell me that too."

Mu Huan looked at Li Xin with a half-smile but not a smile: "Help me like this now."

Li Xin raised his eyebrows: "It's a matter of courtesy, and besides, I'm also your senior brother, so it's normal to ask you a few words."


" Li Xin left the cafeteria together, and there were people going to the cafeteria one after another on the way.

Arriving in front of Li Xin's dormitory, Mu Huan said goodbye to him, and Li Xin said again, "You still owe me a water slide."

Only then did Mu Huan remember this.

Li Xin said, "Teach me when you're done. It should be alright when you recover recently."

Mu Huan's heart moved: "Why don't you go now." It

was obvious that Li Xin was excited, "Strong water skiing" It took Li Xin three years to develop the best ice control skills, but now Li Xin is stuck in the entry skills, and the new season starts after the summer vacation, Li Xin naturally wants to learn it as soon as possible.

But the words that had already reached their mouths changed at the last moment: "Forget it, you should have a good rest at noon, start training tomorrow, and think about what you will do."

Mu Huan listened to Li Xin's mother-like arrangement and couldn't bear it. Stop laughing.

Li Xin's expression changed after being laughed at, and she became irritable: "Why? What are you laughing at?"

Mu Huan shook his head and waved: "Goodbye."

Mu Huan really planned to give himself a day off today.

In the past two months, in order to catch up with the progress as soon as possible, I hardly took a day off.

Finally, when the training team starts, in order to deal with all kinds of things that may happen tomorrow, he must recharge his batteries to deal with it, and if necessary, I am afraid that he will have to fight with President Xiong.

After taking a rare nap at noon, Mu Huan was lying on the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep. He took out his mobile phone and opened the WeChat training group, and there was a new announcement.

The announcement informed them that they would gather in a building at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and the coaches would take them to the skating rink, asking them to hand over their mobile phones, laptops and other electronic equipment, which would not be returned until after the training session. At the same time, the training team members will do a short program self-presentation tomorrow to evaluate their personal standards.

It's all an arrangement within the program, of course.

Just as he was about to put down his phone, he saw that he had added a friend request. He clicked it and saw that the other party called himself Yin Ge.

Yin Ge?

The Y provincial team, the pheromone is the grapefruit-flavored Omega, which has basically been appointed by Yu Yiman.

It's really hard to remember.