Billy has his own portion just below his clavicle he again cursed himself as helpless tears soaked the black piece of cloth that covered his eye if the torture went beyond this he would collapse he thought. Unknown to himself and his unit three boys had already fainted and had been pulled out of the classroom beyond the field. the excruciating pain of the burns lingered in the deepest cell an the boys would have given anything at this moment for the healing hand of Christ alas they all bore the lighter patch of sear on their skin. Flames of torture and endless moaning filled the morning sky the Panorama of passion continued when a few minutes later each peeled body received powdery substance which they rubbed on their skin the movement of the older boys rough palms over an abused skin was pain in itself but the resultant fire was unbearable for this substance was grounded pepper it bit into the wounds and tormented the already helpless skin into spams of misery this time tears streamed freely down the eyes of every unit as the boys scratched,slapped and wriggled uncontrollably like earthworms that had encountered a pinch of salt the wriggle and tears continued unabated for a full hour and by the time it subside it was 4:00am.
the beards now proceed to loosen the piece of black clothe that bound the sight of the initiated boys the exposure of their eyes to flaming bonfire rejuvenated their vanquished spirit the morning was more luminous than the beginning of the night this boys were glad to survive the dreaded night in spite of the infliction they knew now that a few more hours lay before the sunrise and this were meant to welcome them into the fold of the confraternity.
Billy's eyes clogged in pain searched for mouse,Shaun and jayfly he was thinking how much would have loved to watch them die a painful death begging for his salvation to think that they all abandoned him to the precariousness of the night as if he meant nothing to them.
* congratulation Billy!* Mouse said almost too suddenly jerking Billy out of his reverie * you are now a beard welcome to our world*
Billy turned abruptly to face Mouse whose eyes were twinkling in amusement somehow the words feel like a balm after all but a hairline of anger still stuck in Billy's throat the older boys were now interacting in a friendly manner with the long suffering new boys offering their hand in a congratulatory handshake the whole atmosphere in the camp was seemingly absurd. The very boys who had been inflicting the pain for several hours were now acting as sympathetic companions who had been prevented from coming to the rescue of their helpless compatriots.
The existing unit were hastily dissolved and the boys were merged into one fold the capo addresses the new beards he began by congratulating them on their brave survival of the night ordeal he informed them that their first task as beards now was getting themselves closely acquainted with their "brothers" in the university and further to the "realm" or state and later onto the "province"or country their second task which was of utmost importance was their getting intimated with the jargons and custom of their organization;the older beard would teach them. Their third task was cultivating discipline and secrecy among their ranks as the organization did not tolerate flippant members who inform non member of every discussion within the confraternity