The capo then went on to introduce the executive and their function to the new beards. He further informed them that the main objective of the existence of the red beard confraternity was the cultivation of Brotherhood outside the Realms of the natural family he emphasized that just as junior siblings were subject to their older ones, the new beards were to respect and obey the seniors in the confraternity the capo advised the weary boys not to owe anybody grudge for the night ordeal as every beard had pass through the same process and since they they themselves would inflict such punishments on up coming members
of the confraternity.
While the Capo was still speaking, some older
Beards were distributing doped cigarettes and hard
liquor in small cups to the new Beards. It might have
been rum or blood but every new boy was compelled
to taste it as a part of the solemn covenant. Like the
well-mannered cedar waxwings banqueting together,
the cups were passed back and forth from one boy to another until finally, one of the converts graciously
swallowed the rest of its contents. Writhing in pains
that lingered in their systems, the distributed drugs were
the necessary evil that was needed for the boys to forget
themselves for the moment.
After the Capo's brief speech, the drumming
resumed and this time, the new Beards were compelled
to join in the dancing, wriggling their bodies and feet in
whatever manner they thought could resonate the rhythm
of the music, as coffins whose contents they knew not
swayed in their tired clutch. With time, they would leam
the proper dance of the Redbeards but this dark
moming they had to naively partake in the celebrations
probably of their own survival. By 5.00am, the party
was over as dawn prepared to herald in a new day
They stealthily creep out into the highway, heading Home
People who woke up early enough watched them
go. They didn't understand but they were glad to see
them go, these weird youths.
Stroking the concrete pillar of the barbed wire fence
that separated him from the premises of the adjoining
house, Stanley waited tensely for Rita. He had sent for
her. He stared blankly at the sprinkle of beautiful houses
that was a conglomeration of the housing estate skyline.
His back was rigid, his muscles flexing, his whole frame
agitating in anticipation of the other girl's reaction to his
impending proposal. Behind him, Patrick, his kid
cousin, idled on the playing-field that was spread out
like a luxuriant green carpet around the large bungalow.
The sun, now a mass of red ball drowning in the western
horizon, seemed to destabilise his already troubled spirit.
He knew that it all began when he met her in the
afternoon of the day before in the precincts of the New
Art Theatre on the main campus. Billy's girlfriend,
Sandra, was really something else. To Stanley, she was
beautiful beyond description and he had to admit that
the mere sight of her, since the day he met her at Billy's
workshop, was refreshingly delightful That day, she
had been in the company of Rita and two other girls
but she had acknowledged his presence by flashing him
a sizzling smile and moving the whole length of her
fingers in a cilia-movement in the contemporary youthful
wave. There was something about that smile that
disarmed Stanley. The small set of clean white teeth