powerful love portion

evenly spaced out and that scintillating gap between

the upper incisors. He was aware that the girl jolted his

senses and his heartbeats pulsated at her sight.

Since then, he had persistently been warning himself

to desist from thinking about the girl. She was not meant

for him. She was Billy's property and Billy was his

friend although he had chosen to become a stubborn

fellow. It would be very unfair for him to start chasing

Sandra Anyway, she would never give in to pressure,

considering the way she had wrapped herself around

Billy out there in the workshop.

But as the hours rolled by, after the brief encounter,

Stanley's inherent weakness began to manifest in his

thoughts. He was generally not a quitter and he had

grown up in the past, accustomed to having his way,

having what he wanted and rarely loosing out on his

wants. He realised that he wanted Sandra and his mind

worked on how he would acquire her. Much as he

wanted to erase her image from his mind, she stuck

there like a portrait; the lovely hazel eyes, the chiselle!

nose and the parted lips which seemed to beckon or

him. Gradually, passion had edged out reason from his

brain as an overwhelming desire for Sandra took hold

of him. At this moment, he felt he needed her not just

for a few moments of fleeting conquest but for eterre

keeps As a young man reeling out of the infatuation of

childhood, his creative imagination even fantasizeSandra as a princess in love with a magician in the person

of Billy due to the latter's powerful love potion and he,

Stanley, the prince, was on this mission to rescue the

princess from the loathed magician and his wicked tribe.

Somehow, his fairy tale thoughts were synonymous with

his realistic thoughts, the living ladder of ascent and

descent between two worlds was just a projection of

his subconscious feelings. To Stanley, Billy was no good

since he decided to pitch tent with the Redbeard

Confraternity. To every member of the Jackal

Confraternity, every other campus confraternity were

just a poor imitation of the Jackal Confraternity,

indisciplined in all ramifications and lacking defined

objectives. Thus, a member of any such group was

inappropriate for a paragon like Sandra as they could

endanger her with their uncivilized behaviour.

Even if Sandra was supposed to be in love with

Billy, Stanley reasoned that he could still make a

breakthrough. She was probably charmed by his large

fashion house but he would show her that there was life

beyond Billy's proprietorship. No matter how far he

had gone with her, Stanley was determined to wrench

the girl out of Billy's grasp; to make her turn her back

on him forever. That would even serve Billy right. From

a green-eyed monster, he had become an overnight

snob When a trickle of caution and fair play had seeped

into his thinking, he had again dismissed it with other

unjustified thoughts like: In these greedy times, was there

any girl that stuck to a particular boy? Who gave hima

night? How many bottles of drink had he given to

Sandra's people for him to start claiming the girl?

Stanley loved wooing his woman the proper way

But his overnight desire for Sandra made him nervous

and for the first time in such an attempt, he prayed for

success. He had reasoned that if he were to conque

this princess, he would have to carefully commit his

intelligence to contriving a game plan. He knew tha

failure would bring scom, ridicule and could spel

disaster for him in the hand of Billy. The girl was certain

to tell him if he did not succeed.