family reunion

*Really? My daughter is a first year student

Anatomy Department of the same college. I am sure

you don't know her, just as you have never met any of

my other children,* Clement mocked. *I'II get her and

her brothers for you.*

He disappeared from the parlour and reappeared

a few seconds later with a girl and three other boys

whom he proudly introduced to Stanley and his father,

He started with the girl:

*Ufan, meet Stanley. He's the first son of my childhood friend who is now a bank manager in city z

Stanley incidentally is a second year student of Medicine

and Surgery. Stanley, get to know my only daughter,

Sandra and as I earlier told you, she's of the Anatomy


Stanley remained on the sofa transfixed. His heart

the most violent jerk. He recognised this Sandra

the girl he had been scheming these past days on

how to ensnare. The Sandra that was supposed to be

Billy's girlfriend. So, this engineer who was to erect

Dad's new building was Sandra's father. What a

coincidence! Stanley suddenly realized that the rest of

the little party was narrowly observing his crude stares.

He quickly regained his composure and smiled thinly.

*I'm pleased to meet you Sandra,* he murmured

huskily as he stretched out his hand to her.

*Nice to know you Stanley,* she said with sweetness.

Sandra on her part had stood very still at the initial

sight of Stanley. It was also a considerable shock for

her to find Billy's friend right inside her house which

was very restrictive to male visitors of her own age.

He was the last person she expected in here. She knew

she wasn't really pleased to see him. With her father

reeling all over him, would he be faithful to Billy and

refuse to be a tale-bearer, leaking all those secret

moments she spent out there at Bida Coutures? Shewas however relieved when he acted as if he had neve


met her before. It was a good omen that he

keep a sealed lip.


The introductions continued with the three boys

getting acquainted with the two Stanleys. Sandra a

her brothers made to leave the sitting room but her father

stopped them, insisting that they must share the company

of the visitors. Shortly after, a servant served fried

potatoes and a large bowl of stewed beef which was

accompanied with chilled bottles of sherry and soft

drinks. Clement gradually grew benign and good-

humoured, chuckling happily as if this was some kind

of family re-union.

*You'll have to forget about our new house tonight,

Stanley,* Clement began. *I believe that this is the

beginning of the rejuvenation of our friendship. I'm glad

that some of our kids are here and getting to know

each other. It is my belief that great friendships should

be sustained from one generation to another.*

*Absolutely!* Stanley's father concurred as he lazily

sipped his wine from the cocktail glass. If business had

brought him here, then he had forgotten.

*Junior, I expect to see you more often in this house.

I wouldn't expect you to disappear after your father

has returned to city z. Feel free to come in here anytime

for this is your second home. During the holidays, you'll

get to meet my first son, Malcolm... He should be about your age .I really expect to see more of you will I?*

I wish to say a very big  Thank to  everyone I really appreciate your support and I know you can do better please for the sake of the book

I love you all