*Welcome sir. my boss has been expecting you,* the
security man blurted as he quickly hurried off to open
the gates for the car
It was not long before the two were ushered into
the well furnished parlour. To Stanley, it was simply
magnificent. Hexagonal in shape, large picture windows
opened up to a clear view of a swimming pool outside
at one side. One could also capture the velvety lawns
outside which were beautifully maintained and sloped
to the high fences. The parlour was large and the
windowsills were rendered gay with potted plants.
Stanley was more impressed by the decor particularly
the exotic shiny Chinese wallpaper and the beautiful
Persian rugs on the floor. The parlour had taste and
distinction and he guessed that this engineer would be a
widely travelled man with taste and originality.
Stanley was still assessing the interior decoration
of the room when a tall, fair man of about fifty appeared
through one of the doors that opened into the drawing
"You're welcome Stanley! How body?" he began
as he sank into the couch besides Stanley's father.
*I'm good* the banker replied in a relaxed
*Good evening sir,* Stanley greeted promptly.
*There is no disputing the fact that this is Stanley
the second,* their host said, smiling as he keenly assessed
the boy with an interested gaze,
*Of course! A chip off the old block,* Stanley Senior
said laughing.
*I'm very pleased to meet you, Stanley Junior. You
are welcome to my humble home. I am Engineer
Clement Edet and I hold a big grudge against your
dad...* the gentleman purred.
*I should be the one holding grudges against you
Clement,* Dr Stanley interrupted in a jovial manner.
*Listen Son,* Clement began, on a bit more serious
note, *your Dad and I were classmates at King's
College, and the best of friends then.... Do you
know that it is in the highschool you make your
best friends? Your Dad and I had a lot in common.
He's a Roman Catholic and I am a devout Catholic.
We were only separated when we graduated from the
college and proceeded to different universities
Your Dad is aware of my presence in this town for
the past twenty years but he has never bothered about
me. On my part, each time I was in city z, I
endeavoured to call on him but when I observed that
he was not reciprocating my gestures, I stopped. I
only knew he was existing early this year when he called
on me with plans of a new building he intends to erect
in the town. You can imagine, I know nothing of my
once bosom friend's family. I'm meeting you as his son
for the first time. Is that fair, Junior?* Clement asked.
*It's not fair!* Stanley muttered, smiling politely
*Clement, you know too well that this job has give
me no time,* Stanley Senior chipped in blankly.
*So, what are you doing now?* Clement asked
Stanley, ignoring his friend's remarks.
*I'm in the university, sir.*
*Uniharb, sir.*
*Uniharb? Just got an admission?* Clement asked
genuinely surprised.
*No sir. I've been here since last academic year*
*Your Daddy instructed you not to come to my
house while you're in school,* Clement sneered.
*No sir!*
*Which department are you in?*
*Medicine and Surgery under the College of medical science* Stanley explained.
I still need your support please
Thanks for the support you have given me I really appreciate I love you all