Please read the note after the story its important
'Two days later, after he had spoken to his aunt's
neighbour, Rita, about his interest in Sandra, Stanley
peered through the glass of the reception lounge of the city x Airport as a plane that had just landed gracefully
taxied down the runway, towards the building. On his
fingers jingled the keys of his aunt's Peugeot 505. This
was the flight that was supposed to convey his father
down to City x from city z and he was there to pick
him up. He continued peering as the passengers
disembarked from the plane, hoping to catch a glimpse
of the familiar figure of the man. A few minutes later,Stanley saw him descending the mobile stairs with a
briefcase in hand. Yes, there he was!!
In profile, Dr Stanley Aihe had a dark handsome
face, an older stamp of his first son. In the ethics of a
corporate executive, he was distinguishably clad in a
well-tailored suit and tie to match and he was clean.
shaven. His face however lacked the indulgent
weakness that besotted his son's. Stanley rose from
the maroon coloured leather sofa as he walked into the
crowded lounge. They met and in the manner of men,
father and son stretched their hands towards each other
in a warm handshake. Stanley collected the briefcase
from him and led him out of the lounge into the car
parked behind. As he drove his father into the town,
Stanley enquired about his mother and brother, and he
received endearing messages from his father. His father
in turn enquired about his own progress at school and
the state of his elder sister, whose house they were
heading for.
It was not until after his father had finished a
sumptuous lunch
prepared by his aunt that Stanley realised the purpose
of his visit. He was in town to formalise arrangements
for the construction of his dream house in his state
capital. This was going to be his first house in the state
for the rest of his landed property were in the city z In the past years, he had been so engrossedwith making success from his bank such that he had
not given much attention to owing real property back
at home. The house about to be constructed was
designed for his enjoyment after retirement, a suitable
home for his final home-coming. It has been designed
six years earlier by a renowned architect but Dr Aihe
had felt that he lacked sufficient funds to commence a
work of such magnitude but now he was ready. Like a
child, so excited about a new toy, he discussed the
project with his sister and Stanley. He also informed
Stanley that he would whisk him by evening to the house
of the engineer involved, somewhere along Marian
When the time came, the twilight fog was a shadowy
gray mask hovering above city x horizon/ The
silhouette of beautiful houses that characterised Marian
Street inter-merged as Stanley drove the car towards
the end of the street, under the direction of his father
who lazed comfortably in the owner's corner of the
car. At his instructions, Stanley veered the automobile
left towards the gates of an imposing house, blared the
horns to alert its occupants because the gate was locked.
A security guard came forward to make enquiry. The
guard clasped one palm over the clenched other, in the
Chinese style of greeting as he lowered his frame to
peer into the back seat of the car.
*I'm Dr Aihe,* Stanley's father introduced.
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