you're on my side

*I see,*Stanley said, swallowing bitterly.

*But if you want me to still tell her about you, then

I will,* Rita said when she saw the droop of

disappointment on his face.

*Don't tell her about me for I've just realized how

silly that will be considering that we've met before. She'll

think me shy but I'll want to get better acquainted with

her through you. I don't want to rush things. I want it

to be a gradual process. We'll first be friends, then

somewhere along the line, we could derail into an affair,


*Hopefully!* Rita said, her voice ringing with


*But you're on my side, Rita?*

*I have a soft spot for you.*

*And for Billy?*

*I don't know Billy as well as I know you!*

*So, that settles it that you're on my side?*


*Believe me Rita, I love Sandra. I know I do love

her much more than Billy. If you're to know who Billy

truly is, you would not want to see your friend associating

with him.*

*You've known him before?*

*Not too well but I've heard a number of incredible

things about him.**You know what? I've got to attend to other things

now but when next Sandra is here, I'll find a way of

inviting you or bringing her along.* Rita cut in sharply as

she hurried back to her house.

*Give me a date,* Stanley called out to her.

*I can't Stanley, but it should be any time within the

week. Just keep in view,* Rita answered him before

disappearing into the backyard of her house.

*Okay. Thanks a million,* he said resignedly, as he

turned to walk back into his aunt's house.

It was already twilight. Stanley's heart was suddenly

set ablaze with the fire of jealousy. Out of over six

thousand boys in the university, how could Billy of all

people be the one to hold the key to Sandra's heart?

And Billy was once a friend. That was the murky part

of his own attempts at wooing the girl. Things would

have been much easier if Billy and he had not been

acquainted. It was possible for Sandra to rebuff him

solely for this reason. If only he had never met her out

there in his workshop. If only she had failed to

remember or recognise him the day before. It was for

this reason he refused to intimate Rita on exactly how

he had met Sandra. Any reasonable person would think

it unfair to start chasing one's friend's lover. If the

relationship between Billy and him were normal as in

those good old days, he would not have even

contemplated such a deed. For certain, the friendship between them was dead and buried by Billy's

damnation of his invitation and his impetuous decision

to join the Redbeards who initiated him as a new

member about a week earlier, to his knowledge. If he

successfully "snatched" Sandra from him, he had nothing

to lose. It would be a lovely way of spiting Billy who

had so heartlessly dumped him. He had to be careful

in his plans. He would not rush things but he would

play this game no matter how dirty, by employing lies,

threats and blackmails. Anything to get Sandra off his

hook. On his success, Billy would not try any nonsense.

No Beard would try any shit on a Jackal. They knew

better than to try.


Please your support keep me going I need your support

In Any way thanks love you all