Reverend gentleman

Billy could not be more thankful than now that he

had a place like his shop. It was more or less his new

apartment as he could hardly be found in the house

again. From the lecture halls, he returned to his

workshop where he worked until he was tired out and

retired to the cubicle that housed a mattress and some

basic household items. His private life was no more a

knowledge of his parents and he did not encourage his

siblings to spend time here with him. Billy met Sandra

sporadically on campus but she maintained her weekend

visits to the fashion house. She was later to meet with

many of Billy's numerous friends. Of course, she had

never suspected that most of the boys she saw were

the so-called "secret cult boys", but she observed that

the once neat and reserved workshop was becoming

an abode of several Uniharb boys. If this was a mark

of Billy's growing popularity, she didn't think she

encouraged it. Most of these boys did not come to

make clothes neither were they known customers.

Rather, they just came, sat, smoked and disturbed the

tranquillity of the environment in their raw, vulgar

manners. Billy's friends on the other hand got to know

her as their brother's girlfriend and they watched her

with keen interest. They even sought to know from

Billy how good she was in bed. Billy did not wish to

discuss Sandra with the boys but they had a way of

drawing him out of his shell. They were shocked when

Billy informed them that he had not had sex with the girl

and they wondered aloud what made Sandra, his

girlfriend. For most of Billy's colleagues, one could not

claim a girl he had not slept with. Girls these days were

not trustworthy and a guy who played soft with themwould end up being the loser. No Beard was known

to be a soft guy and therefore he needed to fully capture

the girl before a member of another confraternity got

her. She was one of the remarkable beauties in school

and an ego-booster, not only to Billy but the Redbeard

Confraternity. Billy did not take the advice of his friends

to sleep with Sandra seriously until the day Sandra

mentioned Stanley's visit to her house and the

connection between Stanley's father and her own father.

Of course, she had not mentioned her father's subtle

attempts at a match-making. Nevertheless, Billy was

immediately alarmed. He realized with a lot of bitterness,

the opportunity Stanley had over him. He suddenly felt

that he had played the reverend gentleman for too long

with her. He loved Sandra and he was ready to play

with time but he reasoned that he had to consolidate

the relationship by sleeping with her. Stanley, with this

new family friendship, could easily push himself into her

heart. He would prefer another guy to have Sandra

instead of Stanley. He decided that he would have to

bed Sandra at any cost. If he were the first, he wouldn't

give a damn about the other guy.

Happy new month everyone and thanks for your support