The opportunity came for Billy on a particular
afternoon, incidentally, a fortnight after he had resolved
to bed her through any means. Sandra was lying,
relaxed with Billy in his bedroom at the family home.
They had come in straight from the campus when they realized they were both lecture free for the next three
hours. Sandra was ever willing to share the slightest
opportunity she had with her lover. When he had
suggested their going to his house, she had even been
relieved for she was getting fed up with being surrounded
by boys reeking of tobacco. Billy's room at home was
detached from the two bedroom flat that the rest of the
family occupied. It was more or less the boys' quarters.
a multi print viscose tunic that hugged her bosom and a
Sandra stretched out herself, yawning. She was wearing
Lycra leggings. Her right arm clanged from the gold coloured bangles as she stroked Billy who was sharing
the bed with her.
*Sandra baby, do you realize that my love for you
is real?* he murmured.
*I love you too Billy... You must know that but...*
*But what?* Billy anxiously asked.
*I don't seem to know who you are these days... I
mean, you're a nice sort of person, reserved but
honestly speaking, I don't like this idea of you being
crowded by guys all the time.*
*Sweetheart, isn't that better than being crowded
by girls? They are my friends and they are all students
like you and me.*
*I understand but my spirit does not seem to like
them... You know what I mean.. Some of them have
such piercing eyes that one would not want to be left alone with them,* Sandra explained.
*Well... I've never noticed!* Billy replied
*Anyway, I know that this popularity has got to do
with this fashion business; getting to meet new clients
everyday,* Sandra reasoned.
*I'm glad you understand, Sandy,* Billy said before
adding, *I'II get you a drink, an ice cold malt.*
*That will be wonderful of you. I'm really thirsty,*
Sandra said as she lay back on the bed.
Billy walked out into the scalding afternoon sun to
purchase the malt drink. He knew that this was the
moment he had been waiting for and he must not
blunder. On stealthily returning to the house with the
drinks, two bottles, he remained in the flat. There, he
proceeded to open the two bottles and poured a little
quantity of white powdery substance into one of the
bottles. He then carried the two bottles with their metal
cork lying loosely over their tops. He handed over the
drugged bottle to Sandra and he started sipping the
other as he began another conversation.
*Since then, Stanley has not been to your house?*
he asked innocently.
*No, but I saw him two days ago at our faculty,*
Sandra replied as she gulped down a large quantity of
the malt drink.
*Personally, I've not seen him for a long time. Being in different faculties in the university had really separated us* billy said watching Sandra narrowly as she swallowed her drink.