Chapter 4 1.4 Abnormal noises in the mortuary

The next morning

    , Yao Ye got up from the bed with dark circles under his eyes, brushed his teeth and washed his face drowsily, and almost fell into the sink.


    He took a towel to wipe off the water droplets on his face, Yao Ye's teeth were shaking from the cold, and his face was flushed red by the cold water.

    The water supply system in this apartment is absolutely terrible. The tap water is colder than the water in the open-air river outside. The temperature is almost below zero. With this water temperature, it is not surprising that the water pipe will freeze one day.

    After washing up, Yao Ye hurriedly put on his clothes, picked up his briefcase and went out. It was almost seven o'clock. If he didn't leave, he would miss the first bus, and he would have to take a taxi to waste money.

    Walking to the elevator in the middle of the corridor, Yao Ye pressed the button and waited for a while before the elevator opened.

    No way, there are many office workers living in this apartment, almost all of them start at this point, and the elevator has to stop on almost every floor, which is very slow.


    The elevator opened, and two or three office workers were already crowded inside. Yao Ye also hurried into the elevator and stood facing the elevator door.

    While waiting for the elevator to close, he inadvertently glanced at the apartment room diagonally opposite the door, and vaguely saw that the door was slowly opening, and a familiar figure with long hair and petite stood rigidly inside the door, looking in Yao Ye's direction.

    Crack - The

    elevator doors are closed, and you're going down.

    Yao Ye froze in place, and after a while he muttered, "Isn't that room a bachelor..."

    Why is that junior high school student there?

    Did she live here before? Was he too busy to notice? Is that the bachelor's sister?

    Yao Ye wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, and his eyes were a little dazed.

    That girl, it should be... the person is right.

    Ding——The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. Yao Ye was pushed to the side of the elevator by the influx of people. For some reason, he raised his head and looked outside the elevator door. What caught his eye was a familiar figure next to the entrance of the stairs not far away. .

    Crack -

    the elevator door closed again, Yao Ye bit his left index finger firmly, and then swallowed the scream in his throat.

    Are you still dreaming?

    Has he not woken up and looked dazzled?

    Ding - the fourth floor is here.

    This time, Yao Ye's face in the elevator was almost transparent, and his black and white eyes were filled with unbelievable light.

    Because not far away, the figure of the black-haired junior high school student became clearer and clearer, so clear that Yao Ye could even see the bright red streaks on the girl's neck and the blood that kept oozing out.

    This time, he couldn't deceive himself anymore...

    He, hit a ghost.


    The elevator arrived on the first floor, and everyone rushed out, one of the young black-haired figures was particularly fast. He stumbled out of the elevator, and ran out of the apartment building without turning his head back, so scared that everyone almost thought he was What's wrong, panicked.

    call! call! call!

    The frightened Yao Ye didn't dare to stop running down the street for a moment. Yesterday's foot injury had gotten better, but it wasn't very painful, but the cold air in the morning rushed into his lungs along the fragile throat. The stinging pain was terrifying, and the rust smell appeared in the mouth after a while.

    A bus just stopped at the bus stop ahead, the No. 5 bus that Yao Ye usually takes.

    Yao Ye ran to the bus door at a sprint speed of 100 meters, and scanned the code to get on the bus, which shocked the driver, because Yao Ye's face at this time was really not good-looking, his skin was white and reflective, and he was very The handsome doll's face was full of panic.

    "Ouch, are you alright, boy..."

    The driver looked worried, looking at Yao Ye's thin body, for fear that he would fall on the spot.

    Yao Ye was so tired that he was gasping for breath, and after barely breathing, he waved his hand and replied, "No, it's alright, huh! I'm going to be late, master, don't worry about me, let's drive... Huh! Cough! "

    Yao Ye came early, so the car was not full, there were several empty seats, Yao Ye clutched his chest weakly, coughed and found a seat by the window, feeling that his lungs were about to explode. .

    I don't know if I'm getting old. I've never been so tired after running a thousand meters in college. I'm only twenty-three years old. Should I start to maintain my health?

    Yao Ye gasped for a while, before his intense heartbeat gradually calmed down.

    But in order to escape, he could only run like this.

    In fact, the moment he got out of the elevator, he felt cold all over. Seeing that the figure of the junior high school student last night had been haunted, he subconsciously ran out of the apartment building, always feeling that if he didn't run, he would be killed on the spot.

    Really, it's wicked.

    Facing this strange event he had never seen before, Yao Ye was at a loss, and his nervousness and fear made him restless. Tooth marks.

    Soon, the car started, Yao Ye looked back at the window, both looking forward to seeing something and dreading what he was about to see.

    Sa -

    The cold wind swept across the car window, bringing chills through the unclosed car window, Yao Ye's beautiful peach eyes reflected a dark-haired girl standing silently behind the stop sign.

    Sure enough, it is following itself.

    Yao Ye didn't dare to look anymore, he turned his head quickly, covered his face with his hand, and closed his eyes to rest.

    He felt that he was just dreaming now, without any sense of reality.

    After twenty-three years of normal life, I suddenly discovered that there are really supernatural events in this world. This impact is no less than the reshaping of the three views.

    Yao Ye sat blankly on the bus and suddenly didn't know what to do.

    Can people fight ghosts? Now that he is being watched by ghosts, is he dead?

    Why exactly?

    Just because I said a few words yesterday? This female ghost is too small.

    Thinking of the female ghost's student dress, Yao Ye hurriedly took out his mobile phone and began to search for news about the murders happening nearby. Even if he died, he wanted to be a clear ghost, at least to know the real identity of the female ghost.

    Open a browser and search for the name of the apartment building, and a string of news pops up, the most conspicuous of which is undoubtedly a headline.

    #Guishi No. 3 Junior Middle School female student suspected of committing suicide by jumping off the building for love.

    Looking at the news on the mobile phone interface, Yao Ye hesitated for a while, but clicked on it. No offense, the deceased rest in peace. Don't blame.

    After clicking on the page, a high-definition picture was quickly refreshed.

    It was a half-length photo of a beautiful girl, Yao Ye's pupils shrank slightly, and he recognized that this face was a female ghost, and it was her.

    Flicking his finger on the screen, Yao Ye continued to look down, finally figuring out the death process of the female ghost.

    Died really bad.

    According to the news, this girl named Xiaolan (pseudonym) broke up in a puppy love. After being forced by her parents and the school, she was very emotional. She climbed to the roof of Yao Ye's apartment and committed suicide. The neck was stuck, the corpse was separated, and blood was said to have spilled over half of the street.

    From a fifteen-story apartment building, jumping down is definitely dead, at least it should be considered a straightforward death, but this wire has put a question mark on the girl's death.

    Some people speculated that the body was separated after she died, while others said that the girl was cut alive by wires.

    The news is over here. Due to the frequent murders in Gui City recently, people have long since noticed it, so not many media have paid attention to this matter. Yao Ye searched for a long time and couldn't find any other reports. This information is about him. Only got it.

    This incident happened before Yao Ye moved to the apartment. No wonder he had never heard of relevant news. If he had known that a murder had happened here, he couldn't move here if he was killed.

    "The Renai Hospital station has arrived. Passengers who want to get off, please get off the bus as soon as possible..." When the

    bus arrived at the station, Yao Ye followed the crowd and got off the bus in a trance.

    According to folklore, the more tragic the ghost dies, the more ferocious it is. If this female ghost was really strangled to death by a wire, she must have suffered tremendous pain before her death. No wonder she lingers in the elevator. .

    Now, how long can I live after being targeted by a vicious ghost?

    Yao Ye frowned in distress. This was the first time he felt that he was so close to death. Before, he always thought that he was looking down on life and that life and death didn't matter, but it was only at this moment that he truly felt the deepest fear in human hearts. - He doesn't want to die.

    He wants to live, no matter what, he doesn't want to die in the hands of a ghost.

    In other words, since there are ghosts, there must be something to restrain ghosts. There may be ways to eliminate ghosts in places such as temples and Taoist temples.

    Yao Ye thought about the countermeasures, absent-mindedly entered the hospital, then sat in the office in a daze, no longer active in the past, even the director of the department asked him to go to the operating room to fight, he declined, because of his uncle who was the vice president. In terms of face, the director was not angry, but instead gave him a relaxed clerical job, responsible for printing some documents.

    Yao Ye responded in a perfunctory manner. The director, who had been ignoring him before, suddenly became enthusiastic since he knew his uncle's identity. The ghost couldn't see his careful thoughts.

    People are dying, and the work during the internship period is not that important. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know where to go, Yao Ye would have wanted to ask for leave and wouldn't come, and his life was about to end, so what kind of work would he care about.

    "Hey, don't you think it's strange? There are always dead people recently. The refrigerators in the mortuary are full. It should have been sent to the crematorium for cremation, but it didn't."

    Several nurses disliked the service desk to boil water . Slow, come to the office to pick up water, and start chatting gossip along the way.

    "Why didn't the delivery work? Is there anything tricky about it?"

    "Hey, don't mention it, I heard that the funeral home was overcrowded and couldn't handle it. Several hospitals in the city failed to deliver it, other than that. Besides, it is said that the corpses are a bit evil..."

    The head nurse who chatted the most, made a prayer gesture, and then said: "My cousin works in the public security bureau and I heard that There have been several accidents, and whoever moves will die, so now the corpses are piled up there and dare not move, and I don't know when they will be able to deal with it."

    A few onlookers exclaimed in horror.

    "Yeah! It's so scary, who is in charge of the mortuary, the idiot, isn't he afraid of being on duty at night?"

    "Then who knows, maybe it's because of his ugly face, the ghost is afraid hahaha!" The

    nurses laughed They became a group, making all kinds of guesses, but the words were all joking about the defects of Eucalyptus.

    Yao Ye frowned. He couldn't listen anymore. He was about to stand up to drive out these broken-mouthed nurses, but the head nurse at the beginning lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Don't say it was me. I heard that the eucalyptus mausoleum is the fate of a scorpion star, and his old mother who died early asked him for a peace talisman in the temple, which shocked his life and kept him safe from evil.

    " It is because of this safety talisman that he has been able to guard the morgue for so long without incident!"

    Several other nurses widened their eyes with surprise.

    "This peace talisman is so amazing? Why don't I believe it, sister, don't you scare us!" Several nurses obviously didn't believe in what Fate said.

    Seeing a few young nurses questioning their authority, the head nurse panicked and clapped her chest: "What is there to deceive you! You came late, I don't know how evil the morgue in our hospital was back then, Two security guards in a row were frightened. Even during the day, strange things often happened in the hospital. Fortunately, no one was killed.

    At that time, the dean took money for the hospital's reputation to suppress the matter. I came down, and then I asked the expert to make a fortune, and it didn't take long before I invited the Lonely Scorpion Star in Eucalyptus! After that, the hospital was quiet, and nothing happened again.

    Otherwise, you would think that Can the face of An Ling be admitted to a private hospital as good as ours? Don't be afraid to scare the patient!" The

    head nurse looked contemptuous when she mentioned An Ling.

    Hearing these words, the young nurses looked at each other, all in surprise.

    Seeing the young nurses who have never seen the world, the head nurse's gossip heart was greatly satisfied, and she said triumphantly: "Don't talk nonsense when you go out for a while, this is because I see you young people who don't know anything. I warn you, I will be approved by the dean for speaking out!" The

    head nurse took the water and walked out as she spoke.

    The young nurses nodded again and again, very interested in this aspect, and followed them out.

    The quietness in the doctor's office returned to the previous quietness. It was working hours at this time. There were not many people in the doctor's office, and it was terribly empty.

    Yao Ye lay on his back on the soft office chair, thinking about what he just heard with complicated eyes.

    "Peace Talisman..." Is it true?

    The author has something to say: Let's talk about it first. In view of the author's lack of IQ, in the next plot, the doctors may have to drop their IQ to move the plot. QAQ does not mean black doctors, really, really, really, really Great respect for the profession of a doctor! (Crawling away from the top of the pot cover)

    Finally, please leave a message for collection