Chapter 5 1.5 Abnormal noises in the mortuary


    Eanling sprinkled clean water on the smooth tiles, and used a mop to clean the bathroom floor. Just as he was cleaning up, a few doctors walked into the bathroom. He was talking and laughing, but when he saw Immediately after the eucalyptus, there was no sound.

    Since this toilet is a special toilet built by the hospital for doctors, it is not large, with only three or four compartments. The big man of 1.9 meters in Euclid is very conspicuous in this not spacious toilet.

    "Tsk, I don't know what the dean thinks. Everyone is recruited, and they don't even look at their academic qualifications. When did our hospital have such low requirements?" The partner winked.

    The other two doctors laughed sarcastically.

    "Maybe the dean wants to do charity. A person with a junior high school education has nothing to do except for this..." After speaking, he glanced at An Ling.

    Since the three doctors came in, An Ling stopped moving and stood timidly to the side, and it took a long time for him to say a word: "Well, I, I have put up a cleaning sign outside..."

    Generally speaking Hanging up that sign means that the bathroom is being cleaned and no one is allowed to enter casually. These doctors came in, obviously delaying An Ling's work.

    "Yo! What do you mean? Do you think we are getting in your way?" The man with glasses even dared to express his dissatisfaction when he heard that, he immediately widened his eyes, walked up to him, and slapped his hand.

    Because the man with glasses is only 1.6 meters tall, this slap only photographed the forearm area of ​​Eucalyptus.

    The eucalyptus skin was rough and fleshy, even if it was photographed yesterday's burn, it didn't feel any pain, but just fell silent and moved away, not wanting to cause trouble.

    He was used to other people's ridicule, and silence was the best way to deal with it. When they got tired of ridiculing, they would leave and he would be able to continue working.

    The other two doctors were in a hurry to go to the toilet, and they had already entered the cubicle. Only the man with glasses was still standing outside, arrogantly teaching Eun Ling, and occasionally hitting and kicking.

    Euclid Ling endured and remained silent, with no expression on his face half covered by the black birthmark.

    The man with glasses taught him a lesson for a long time, and was in high spirits when the other two doctors came out of the toilet.

    He has always been inferior because of his height, and he has always hated tall people of the same sex, but generally people of that size have strong personalities, and few people can be offended by him.

    Since Tan Ling came to the hospital, he could be considered to be able to express the evil spirit in his heart, venting and venting all his disappointments over the past 20 years on this poor stranger, beating, scolding and insulting at every turn.

    "Lao Qi, let's go first, there are still patients over there!" The

    other two doctors are not really familiar with the glasses man. Yes, it's also very inconspicuous.

    "Oh, let's go first, I have to teach this bastard who doesn't know how to respect people!" After speaking, the glasses man saw that all his colleagues had left, and he stopped hiding his malice and kicked An Ling fiercely. a few feet.

    Although eucalyptus was not afraid of pain, she was still a mortal after all. Her arms and calves were kicked in pain, but she still did not dare to resist.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He hung his head, beating and scolding, just repeating the words of apology, looking completely useless.

    After a while, the man with glasses was also tired and spat hard before entering the cubicle.

    An Ling saw that he had entered, so he picked up the mop that had just been knocked over and continued to drag it to the ground.

    The man with glasses quickly finished using the toilet, and after coming out, he stabbed An Ling in disdain before leaving.

    Eunuch Ling remained silent, dutifully dragging the ground, cleaning every corner clean.

    After a long while, the bathroom was cleaned up, and Yu Ling packed up the cleaning utensils and walked out of the bathroom.

    In fact, these were originally the jobs of cleaners, but recently, the hospital's income was not good. The dean cut expenses, laid off several cleaners, and then left the work to the night shift security guard, An Ling.

    Of course, as compensation, An Ling's salary was also increased by 100 yuan.

    In order to keep this hard-won job, An Ling took over these chores without any objection.

    Anyway, he has the strength, and he can't get tired with more work. As long as he can stay in this hospital and see Dr. Yao every day, he will be satisfied.

    Walking out of the bathroom, An Ling walked by the side of the corridor, trying not to hinder anyone and reducing his sense of presence, but wherever his head is placed, he is the most eye-catching one, and every patient who walks past him And the medical staff will stare at him involuntarily, and then show disgusting eyes.

    The birthmark on his face and the disability on his feet will always be the center of attention.

    Euan Ling has long been accustomed to other people's strange eyes. He lowered his head, looked at the ground under his feet, and walked to the cleaning tool room without squinting.

    There was still a white bandage under the cuff of his left hand. Because of its strong self-healing power, the wound that was scalded yesterday is no longer painful, but Euan Ling never dared and was reluctant to remove the bandage.

    Looking at the bandage on his hand, Eucalyptus showed a soft look, as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

    This was tied by Dr. Yao himself.

    Every time he thinks of this, An Ling can't help but get excited, as if the bandage connected him and Dr. Yao together, An Ling even hopes that his wound will never get better, so that he can have an excuse to approach him. I love Dr. Yao.

    Doctor Yao, who is farther than the clouds in the sky, can only be shamefully approached in this way.

    He really is a despicable villain... But, he is so happy, why is he so happy.

    Euan Ling put all the cleaning tools in the tool room, and then sat on the bench in the tool room to rest, looking at the bandage on his hand and smirking, obviously a very simple and honest smile, but in this dark and damp tool room, it showed a little bit. Sick.

    He really loves Dr. Yao...for Dr. Yao, he is willing to do anything...

    Pa-ta -

    Yao Ye was walking towards the mortuary, the leather shoes under his feet stepped on the smooth and damp floor, making a crisp echo.

    The mortuary is located on the ground floor of Renai Hospital. It does not see sunlight all the year round, so it is always extremely humid. Even the air has an inexplicable smell. I don't know if it is the smell of rotting corpses or something else.

    Yao Ye sniffed a little uncomfortably and wanted to sneeze, but he couldn't, which made him feel uncomfortable.

    I really did not expect that this luxuriously decorated private hospital still has such a dilapidated mortuary.

    Yao Ye took the elevator down. After getting out of the elevator, there was a corridor leading to the mortuary. There was only a dim yellow incandescent lamp hanging on the ceiling. It was cold and damp, and the walls were full of water stains from nowhere .

    It was obvious that the tiles had been carefully cleaned, but even so, the hallway had a dirty feel.

    Yao Ye did a lot of psychological construction before he overcame the psychological shadow brought by the female ghost this morning. He stepped into this corridor, but he didn't take enough steps, for fear that a monster would suddenly appear and entangle him.

    There is already a female ghost staring at him, and he doesn't have to live for a few more, just kill himself.

    "Master Eu? Are you there? Master Eu?" Yao Ye shouted boldly, but no one responded, only his own voice echoed in the empty morgue.

    Shit this is too scary.

    Yao Ye was so frightened by his own echo that he backed away. Otherwise, he will come again next time. Master Eu may not be here today, or he will not respond at all.

    Thinking like this, Yao Ye stopped and was about to go back. He didn't want to go into the morgue at all. He had bad luck this year, so he should not go to the morgue to join in the fun.

    Zara -

    the incandescent lamp on the ceiling flickered a few times, making a sound characteristic of electric current.

    Just as Yao Ye was about to turn around, he found that a figure appeared in the corner of the light, standing under the uncertain light.

    Yao Ye didn't dare to move, he stopped there when he twisted halfway, and carefully rolled his eyes to take a closer look.

    I saw the black shadow at the end of the corridor was motionless, and its limbs were like normal humans, but it gave a sense of disobedience.

    Are you alive?

    Yao Ye was beating a drum in his heart, his keen sixth sense made him not dare to speak out, let alone run away, and the shadow was motionless for no apparent reason, and the two sides were at a stalemate for a while.

    Yao Ye was panicked at this time. For the first time, he felt that he was less courageous than a mouse, and even his breathing was much shallower.

    It has to be said that many people who have never believed in ghosts and ghosts are often more afraid of such things than those who were originally superstitious, and the reason is very simple, that is - they are scared.

    Looking at the black shadow that suddenly appeared, Yao Ye's face was as white as a dead person, sweating like rain, and he couldn't regret it.

    I knew that the morgue was very evil, why did I come down alone? It was because I thought I didn't die fast enough.


    the incandescent light above his head flashed faster, Yao Ye's eyes were about to cramp, but he didn't dare to look away, he had never eaten pork and seen pigs running, although he didn't believe in ghosts and gods before. , but I don't watch horror movies less often. Just blinking at this time can easily happen.

    I don't know how long it took, Yao Ye couldn't help blinking his eyes. The next second, a sudden change occurred. The black shadow that was standing still moved forward suddenly, his feet alternated rapidly, but his upper body did not move at all, and his movements were strange and terrifying. It simply reflects the uncanny valley effect to the extreme.

    Yao Ye was so frightened that he hurried back and didn't dare to turn his head.

    The sound of footsteps behind him followed like a shadow, getting closer and closer.

    Yao Ye's face was full of despair, and he felt that his life was about to be taken here.

    Acting in a horror movie? This is it! There is such a play! No matter how he goes, he can hit a ghost!

    clap clap-

    The footsteps were close at hand, Yao Ye looked at the elevator door that was about to open, and pressed the elevator switch desperately, only to hear a "ding--" sound, and the elevator door opened.

    The sound behind him stopped abruptly, Yao Ye didn't dare to think about the situation behind him, he rushed forward and collapsed into the elevator as if he had collapsed.

    He thought he would fall directly to the ground and was ready for the severe pain, but found himself being hugged and slammed into someone's arms.

    Ok? Who is this?

    Yao Ye was dazed at the familiar blue uniform in front of him, looked up, a face with a black birthmark came into view, the owner of the face stared straight at him, his cheeks flushed, and he seemed surprised too.

    It is Eucalyptus.

    Yao Ye looked at An Ling, so he didn't hug him and kiss him, it was too timely, buddy!

    The author has something to say: The update is here, and there will be more updates later~