Chapter 41 3.9 Abnormal proliferation

Yao Ye was so frightened that he retreated into the bedroom, and his face suddenly turned pale.

It's over, it's retribution.

Ming An must have known about his affair with Ming Yun, so he returned to his soul to take revenge.

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more scared he became. His face was full of fear. Looking at the charred corpse standing at the door, he was almost scared to death.

"...You, don't be so peaceful, I, I thought you would be with Mingyun only after you died..." Yao Ye cried so much that it was raining.

"I didn't do anything when you were alive, I didn't put a cuckold on you..."

Yao Ye tried his best to be innocent, hoping that Ming An would not take him away.

However, who can guess the idea of ​​a Specter, at least Yao Ye can't guess it.

He was sobbing, his eyes were red, and he wished that he would faint now, without having to face this terrible scene of revenge.

Burned all over, Ming An, whose limbs were uncoordinated, stared straight at Yao Ye with those eyes that were slowly returning to normal. The skin on his face grew rapidly, forming a thin layer of flesh, but he still couldn't hide it. Horrible flesh wounds.

He moved his stiff body, a strange air sound came out of his throat, he seemed to be laughing, the muscles on his face were twitching with dark red mixed with flesh-colored skin films, showing a terrifying smile: "It's okay, it doesn't matter... the monster has already After death, we... can live happily again..."

Ming An knew that he loved his baby deeply, and his baby loved him deeply.

Before, the baby was just bewitched by the monster. Now, the monster is dead... So, he won't care...

Ming An thought about it, and continued to laugh, as if he had forgotten everything about himself just now. How angrily scratched the monster's face and churned its brains into a paste.

He considers himself very magnanimous and looks at his lovely lover, and wants his lover to show the beautiful smile as before.

Yao Ye was about to be frightened by the weird and terrifying smile on Ming An's face. He only felt that his legs were weak and it was impossible to laugh, but he was about to cry.

Ming An walked slowly to Yao Ye's side, those dead eyes were full of almost paranoid fascination and love for Yao Ye, he stretched out a skeleton-like hand covered only with withered flesh, wanting to caress his lover lightly. Pale cheeks.

Yao Ye looked at the palm that was burnt so badly that it could only belong to a dead person, and backed away with cold sweat on his face, until he couldn't retreat, his feet softened, and he slumped on the bedside in the bedroom.

"Let me go... woo woo... please..." Yao Ye cried and begged for mercy, but he still couldn't stop Ming An from continuing to approach.

Mingyun's corpse was lying on the head of the bed, Yao Ye's fall was just facing his head, he turned his head in panic, and instantly met the two dug blood holes on Mingyun's face, his eyes has disappeared.

Even the scalp was torn apart, revealing the bright red muscles and brain inside.


Yao Ye, who witnessed this bloody scene with his own eyes, screamed again with fear on his face.

Unprecedented fear made his adrenaline surge, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He kicked away Ming An who was about to lean over to him in front of him, and crawled out of the master bedroom.

Ming An was kicked to the side of the bed. He was a little sad that he resisted himself, but he still decided to forgive his beloved baby, because he loved his baby so much, more than his own life.

My dear, he must not do it on purpose, he was just frightened. When he recovers, the baby will naturally return to his arms.

The terrifying charred corpse thought so, showing a smile that he thought was gentle and sweet, and followed the steps of his lover out of the master bedroom. His body had gradually recovered, and his movements were no longer stiff, and he quickly caught up with the front and ran around. Yao Ye.

Yao Ye ran while crying. For the first time, he felt that the bedroom was so far away from the door. Before he could reach the entrance of the door, he heard Ming An's voice calling from behind. His tone was gentle and doting, as if it was as deep as when he was alive. love him.

"My dear... come back... OK? Don't leave me..."

"...Come beside me..." The

voice was getting closer and closer, Yao Ye looked back in horror, and found that Ming An was chasing at a speed that ordinary people couldn't match. He, almost in the blink of an eye, was less than two meters behind him.

! ! !

Yao Ye speeded up, listening to Ming An's heavy breathing behind him, he cried even more.

He is dead, he is dead this time...

I regret it, if there is a chance to do it again, he will definitely not choose to fish for this old rich man! ! !

He had played Resident Evil before, and at that time he thought the so-called lickers were really ugly, with no skin on their bodies.

It was only now that I found out that it was not the scariest thing to not have a single piece of skin, but the most terrifying thing was that one side had skin and one side didn't. The mixed appearance simply broke through the limits of human fear.

Ming An now looks like an extremely terrifying look.

It was obviously a charred corpse that should have died long ago, the stiffness between the limbs was obvious, but it had a strange and erratic speed, and the expression was still vivid, which was 10,000 times more terrifying than the worst nightmare Yao Ye had ever had.

Yao Ye didn't dare to look back, afraid that he would lose the courage to run away if he took one more look. He could only try his best to run to the gate and pray that he could escape.

However, Yao Ye's speed was still too slow.

Just a few centimeters away from the main entrance, Yao Ye slipped and fell to the ground, and Ming An who was behind him walked over unhurriedly, with helplessness and doting in his eyes.

"My dear, does it hurt?"

Ming An tilted his head, knelt in front of Yao Ye on one knee, held his pale face, and stroked Yao Ye's trembling lips with his fingers.

Yao Ye was so frightened that he was about to faint, and he let the terrifying monster in front of him touch his cheek with a bloodless face, not daring to move.

"... woo... please... don't hurt me..."

Yao Ye's eyes widened, tears kept falling down one after another, soaking Ming An's scarred fingertips, and

Ming An lovingly wiped his lover's face The tears on his face, the corners of his lips curled slightly, trying to be gentle, but he couldn't hide the desire and greed in his eyes.

"It's okay... I won't hurt my heart..."

Ming An kissed Yao Ye's lips, sweeping every corner of his lover's mouth, greedy but not satisfied.

Yao Ye didn't dare to move, he could only cry and endure this rough and violent kiss, trembling with fear.

Just when Ming An was immersed in the reunion with his lover after a long absence, Yao Ye, who still opened his eyes, looked at the figure standing in front of him at an unknown time, and his pupils shrank in fear.


a man covered in blood with a pale and terrifying face smiled bitterly, raised his slender fingers to his lips, made a silent gesture to Yao Ye, and then raised the axe in his hand.

Mingyun! ! !

Looking at Mingyun, whose brain was still exposed, Yao Ye's eyes widened, he was really going crazy.


Blood splashed everywhere, hot blood spilled all over Yao Ye, and his pale cheeks were stained with a gorgeous layer of blood.

He stared blankly as Ming An was cut into two pieces, the visceral meat slipped out of his chest, and blood spread.

Ming An is not dead yet, his face has been repaired, he turned his head to look behind him, and the moment he saw Ming Yun, he showed a resentful expression.

"Damn!! Monster!!! How dare you!!!"

Ming An was caught off guard and was successfully attacked, and his face was distorted with hatred.

Mingyun's two blood-like eyes were repaired and only one eye was repaired, and he didn't even care about the skull, just to kill Ming'an and regain his beloved kitten.

"Hohohohoho!!! You are the monster!!!"

The unclosed skull and exposed brain were bleeding continuously. Ming Yun's originally handsome cheeks were covered with his own blood, but he smiled as if he could not feel the pain, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

boom! ! boom! ! !

Mingyun held the axe and kept falling, excitedly cutting the monster's body to ensure that he would not take away his lover again.

The entire porch was stained with blood, and pieces of flesh and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Sitting on the floor, Yao Ye's mind went blank.

He looked down dully at the blood on his hands, suddenly shuddered, and screamed with his head in his hands.

"Ahhhhh!!! Monster!!! Monster!!!"

He burst into tears, desperately trying to get up, trying to escape this hell on earth.

It must be a dream, it must be a dream.

None of them are human, they are all monsters!

Yao Ye muttered to himself, his spirit was completely broken by these bloody scenes.

" you want to leave?"

Mingyun, who was chopping hard, did not forget his beloved lover, showing a doting look.

"Woooo...woo! Don't come here! Don't come here!!!"

Yao Ye had already climbed to the door, holding the door handle, but he couldn't open the door that symbolized hope.

Yao Ye was in despair, completely lost his ability to speak, and could not even shout, he could only breathe unsteadily, panting in fear.

His eyes were stained blood red with blood, his pupils were trembling, and his mental state looked very unstable.

Seeing that the kitten seemed to be scared, Mingyun threw the axe in his hand aside, indicating that he was not malicious.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, you know, I love you, Yao Ye."

The thin, blood-covered man evoked a gentle smile, but blood was constantly seeping from his two bloody eyes, together with the brain that lacked the scalp, forming an extremely terrifying picture.

Yao Ye was so frightened that his breathing stagnated, and he was so scared that he couldn't even scream.

Are you going to die?

Yao Ye looked at Mingyun's terrifying face, like falling into an ice cellar.

No, he didn't want to die, he finally saved so much money to live a rich life! He didn't want to die like this!

Yao Ye stared at Mingyun not far away, and after seeing that he didn't want to approach, he calmed down a little, and begged in a crying voice: "Let me go, please, I promise. , I will forget everything that happened today, and I will never appear in front of you again in my life, please... woo..."

Mingyun stood not far away, although he was very distressed for the frightened little boy. The cat, but still helplessly shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"No, we want to be together forever, don't we? How can we give up halfway?" The

next moment, Mingyun appeared in front of Yao Ye's eyes, and the love in his smile was still pure and dazzling.

"...Let's be together forever, kitty~"

Yao Ye looked at Mingyun in horror, pushed away the approaching Mingyun, got up and wanted to run away, but slipped by the slippery pool of blood at the entrance and fell on the ground. Ming An smashed into several pieces of corpse.

Ming An's pale arm that had been cut off was pressed under Yao Ye's body, and when he noticed the difference, he exclaimed and retreated to the wall, crying out in fear.

"Woooo...I'm sorry...woooo...let me go..."

Mingyun came from the gate and smiled dotingly.

"Stop making trouble, let's go back, the monster will wake up later..."

"Wow! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Yao Ye stepped back while crying, trying to find another way to escape. He touched the axe that was discarded by Mingyun.

"Don't come here! Me! I can really do it!"

Yao Ye held the axe in both hands, trembling and uttering cruel words, but his heart trembled with fear.

Mingyun tilted his head, looked at his bluffing kitten, and suddenly realized: "So the kitty wants to play games?"

Yao Ye didn't understand this perverted brain circuit, but he held the axe and dared not move, as if he was holding the last one. A lifesaver.

"...Don't be afraid, if you want to play games, you can, just cut here hehe..."

Mingyun smiled and pointed to his neck, where there is a large artery, as long as it is cut, even he will Immediately lost consciousness.

Yao Ye felt that Ming Yun was mocking himself for not daring to do anything, and he shouted viciously: "Don't think that I do not dare to do it!"

Ming Yun's eyes had returned to normal, he looked at Yao Ye tenderly, and smiled: "So, let's do it! Ah."

Yao Ye wanted to really cut it, but he still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, and he couldn't do it.

Zila -

On the floor, Ming An's broken arm rubbed against the floor, making a harsh and strange sound.

Mingyun looked coldly, frowning in disgust.

"It's really like a cockroach, you can't kill it cleanly--"

As soon as the words fell, Mingyun's glazed eyes widened a little, and it seemed a little sad, but also a little helpless and pampered.

Pooh -

the axe sank into Mingyun's neck.

Yao Ye slumped on the ground in a daze, watching Mingyun slowly fall down, breathless.

Yao Ye turned his head and saw a palm lying on the floor he stepped on just now. It was Ming An's palm.

Yao Ye, whose hands were full of blood, covered his mouth in horror, preventing himself from screaming again.

He seemed to have stepped on something just now, and he fell forward involuntarily, just like this, he sent the axe into Mingyun's neck.

This was an accident, but it still led to Mingyun's death...

What should I do? Now...he is the one who killed, will the police believe his testimony?

A ghost is chasing him, so the villa owners are all dead, and he is the only outsider left?

Will anyone believe him? Both corpses belong to monsters... Would anyone believe this?

Yao Ye bit his fingers nervously, looking at the corpse on the ground, his lips trembled.

If...the body was hidden, wouldn't he be suspected?