Chapter 42 3.10 Abnormal proliferation


The honking of the car's horn was particularly harsh in the quiet late night.

Yao Ye quickly released the horn button he accidentally pressed, and wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously.

He drove the car and drove out of the villa, and there were two broken monster corpses in his trunk.

He was going to dump the two bodies in a suburban reservoir.

Only in this way can all the sins of this night be buried.

Now Yao Ye is really glad that Ming'an's villa is located in an open area. All surveillance is controlled by the villa, allowing him to move the body into the car without any hesitation, and then hide the body.

As long as the body cannot be found, the police have no reason to suspect least, there is no evidence to convict him.

Yao Ye didn't know if his plan would work, but he didn't want to go to jail. This method of throwing the corpse was the best solution he could think of.

"Hu! Hu!"

Yao Ye's excessively tense spirit put a great burden on his heart, beating very fast, and his breathing became heavy.

Looking at the road in front of him with no end in sight, and driving in the suburbs in the middle of the night, Yao Ye was really scared. He gritted his teeth and suppressed the tears in his eyes, so that he would not cry out on the spot.

He really didn't understand why things suddenly turned out like this.

Even though the gold master died, he was still in grief, and in the blink of an eye, he became a murder suspect.

No, not him, he didn't commit a crime, those things are monsters.

Yao Ye shook his head and looked in a trance.

But will anyone believe it?

Nonsense such as corpse resurrection will only be regarded as a mental patient!

Soon, the car stopped by the reservoir.

Yao Ye nervously opened the door, got out of the car, looked at the desolate scene nearby, swallowed, and walked to the trunk.

This is an abandoned reservoir in Lihe City, and there is a pool of stagnant water with few fish.

Due to the construction of water conservancy projects in the past few years, the role of this small reservoir has become smaller and smaller, and it has simply been abandoned. If the body is hidden under the reservoir, no one will find it.


opening the trunk, Yao Ye looked at a large suitcase inside, still with some fear on his face.

But for the sake of his own future, Yao Ye gritted his teeth and took out the suitcase. The heavy weight made him almost unable to lift it.

Kazakaka -

just after Yao Ye finally removed the suitcase, a rustling sound came, Yao Ye's hair stood on end, and he looked around, but found nothing unusual.

When he listened carefully, he realized that the sound was coming from the trunk.

Yao Ye leaned over and listened carefully, and after a while, his face turned pale.

Why, this kind of sound... It

's very similar to the sound of a human chewing food...

Yao Ye was so frightened that he backed away and saw a lot of red blood seeping out of the suitcase, more and more.

The suitcase also began to vibrate slightly, as if something wanted to break free.

Yao Ye stared at the suitcase, biting his fingers nervously, his mental state was on the verge of collapse.

"'s just dead..."

"'s also possible, they are take revenge..."

Yao Ye hesitated for a while, obviously trembling with fear, but he still firmly held on The lever of the suitcase dragged it towards the reservoir.

Whether or not this monster is going to be resurrected...he must hide them in the reservoir, or he will be the one who will die.

"It's an illusion... It's all an illusion..."

Yao Ye tried his best to comfort himself, while dragging the heavy suitcase behind him with all his strength.

Pfft! ! !

The suitcase fell heavily into the depths of the reservoir.

Yao Ye didn't even dare to look at how deep the reservoir was, and after throwing away his suitcase, he ran back to the car without looking back.


Yao Ye breathed heavily, wiped the bloodstains from the trunk with the cotton cloth from the car, and carefully threw the cotton cloth into the reservoir until he could no longer see a trace of it.

The dark reservoir is silent, hiding all secrets.

Yao Ye closed the trunk, quickly got into the driver's seat, and drove away from the reservoir.

With the departure of Yao Ye, the uninvited guest, the reservoir returned to its former silence.

Only the submerged suitcase kept making the chewing and struggling sounds, as if something was angrily scrambling for something. It was full of vague creaking sounds, not like people. Voice.

The blood in the black suitcase seeped out and gradually stained the entire reservoir.

After driving back to the villa, Yao Ye was already very tired, but looking at the clock that was almost four o'clock, he cheered up and cleaned up the entire living room of the villa.

Those black footprints were easy to clean. The blood-stained sheets and bedding Yao Ye hid in the utility room. Only the blood at the entrance was very difficult to clean, and Yao Ye couldn't wipe it clean.

Crash -

Yao Ye weakly poured a bucket of cold water on the entrance, and dragged the dark red marks on the floor with force. Most of the bloodstains could be washed away, but only a small part of the bloodstains could never be wiped away.

Helpless, Yao Ye had no choice but to find a square rug to cover the bloodstain, which was not too small.

Looking at the restored living room and bedroom, Yao Ye relaxed a little, then went back to the room and took a nap for a while. After the servants all came, he just found a reason to dismiss the servants.

Looking at the servants who left angrily, Yao Ye rubbed his bloodshot eyes and quickly packed up and left the villa, no longer thinking about what happened next.

Yao Ye went back to the apartment he had saved up and bought, and slept for three full days before recovering. After that, he became extremely haggard and sensitive, and even the slightest movement would frighten him to hide his head.

He kept the lights on all day, but pulled the curtains tightly, and stayed out of the gate, living like a rat in the gutter.

Ding dong -

the doorbell rang, it was takeout.

Yao Ye confirmed through the cat's eyes that it was the delivery person before opening the door to take the delivery, and then closed the door immediately, as if he was afraid of some terrifying existence.

Opening the takeout, Yao Ye devoured it.

His short black hair was messed up, and his originally full cheeks had become much thinner, but it did not damage his beauty, only a little more fragile and fragile beauty.

Yao Ye turned on the TV that he hadn't watched for a long time while eating, intending to see if there was any news recently.

A few days ago, he had been afraid of the police coming to arrest people, so he didn't even dare to turn on the TV. Now he has calmed down and has more courage, and wanted to see what was going on outside.

Turning on the local news channel, the situation was calm and there was no news about the two brothers Ming'an and Mingyun, which made Yao Ye a little confused.

Because although Ming An and Ming Yun are very low-key, their assets are among the top in Keli City.

The two of them are now considered dead and missing, why the outside world shouldn't be so quiet.

Haven't found out that Mingyun is missing yet?

Yao Ye guessed that Mingyun had always been bored in the villa after all, maybe the outside world really didn't know his existence.

Yao Ye lowered his head, looked at the excellent food in the takeaway lunch box, and remembered the final death of Ming An and Ming Yun.

For the convenience of packing them into the suitcase, he broke them into pieces by hand, blood dripping and disgusting.


Yao Ye covered his mouth with a pale face, and quickly ran to the bathroom to vomit, in extreme pain.

His stomach was twitching in protest against his recent irregular schedule and overly tense nerves.

Yao Ye felt that he was really not far from madness, he couldn't control the tears in his eyes, and his face was streaming again.

He was obviously numb and didn't want to cry at all.

But the lacrimal glands seemed to be in constant control, and his heart was broken from crying.

After a long time, when Yao Ye's mood gradually stabilized, he returned to the living room and ate the cold takeaway mechanically in confusion.

The news from a few days ago began to be played repeatedly on the TV. Yao Ye looked at the date and realized that he had been in the room for a full month.

"Due to the ferocious rain, the urban waterlogging is serious... But what is more surprising is that the Sangou Reservoir, which has been abandoned... The impact is currently estimated to be small, please don't panic."

! ! !

The beautiful hostess on TV broadcast the news with dignity and grace.

Yao Ye's pupils shrank, and it became difficult to breathe when he looked at the pictures in the news.

Sangou Reservoir...the one where he dumped his body... breaks its


What? Are you kidding me?

It's just a small reservoir...that river is about to dry up, isn't it?

why why?

Yao Ye took out his mobile phone and began to search for relevant information on the mobile phone. He was relieved until he found that the body had not surfaced.

He bit his scarred fingers and muttered nervously: "It's alright, it's alright, it won't, it won't be found..."

That's right, he still went inside such a heavy suitcase. If the stone is stuffed, it will never come up, so he doesn't need to worry.

Ding-dong - the bell rings.

Yao Ye froze in shock, his eyes widened and he looked in the direction of the sound, only to realize that it was his cell phone.

He picked up his phone and found a group message from the penguin colony.

[Monitor: I am holding a class reunion this week, and I hope the classmates will give face [Han laugh]]

Yao Ye opened the penguin group and watched the conversation among the energetic classmates who were joking all kinds of jokes. He was originally nervous. His nerves became calm, and his expression gradually relaxed.

Maybe it's time for him to go out for a walk, he's always bored here, I'm afraid he'll really be driven crazy.

Yao Ye, who was amused by the jokes of his classmates, showed his first smile in the past few days, and his mood became better.

"Captain! The ghost realm has been opened, and the whole team is ready!" The

serious-looking man in military uniform saluted the captain in front of him.

"Well, well, you all know the story line of the ghost realm. It was all exchanged by the previous comrades with death again and again. Now they can't continue, they can only stay in the hospital to recuperate. We must replace it. They accomplished their mission! Do you understand!" the dark-faced and serious captain shouted loudly.

The soldiers in all equipment responded loudly without squinting: "Report captain! I understand!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Rumble -

a huge crack appeared from the air shrouded in black mist, and the dangerous breath stimulated every soldier nerve.

This battle must be won.