Chapter 53 4.5 Strange Bone Scent

"All dead?"

Yao Ye couldn't believe it.

He couldn't imagine how a person who was alive before suddenly disappeared from the world.

This was the first time Yao Ye had faced death in such a profound way since he could remember, and he was a little dazed and confused.

Is that taciturn young man really dead?

Seeing Yao Ye's dazed expression, Father Yao could only sigh and say, "Oh, yes, who would have thought that things are impermanent, I originally planned to invest a sum of money for them to improve the family's situation, but these few Tian was busy taking care of you, so I didn't have time, and when I was free, I learned the news."

Father Yao lovingly rubbed Yao Ye's fluffy hair, and continued, "The person who helped you is named Yuan. It's okay, alas, he's also a poor child..."

Listening to Yao's father's narration, Yao Ye's pale cheeks showed a little helplessness.

From Yao's father's mouth, Yao Ye understood the whole story.

Since he was hospitalized with a high fever three days ago, Yao's father took his anger at the butcher, and has been hanging on the butcher's family without further contact.

After all, Yao Ye was his precious only son, but he fell ill inexplicably in the slaughterhouse. His son was still awake with a high fever. The doctor even warned that he might burn into a fool.

Concerned about the chaos, Yao's father is inevitably sullen.

During these three days, because the butcher was angry at the failure of attracting capital, he often committed domestic violence to his wife and son. In severe cases, he even stripped his wife's clothes off in front of the guests to ridicule him.

His wife was so humiliated that the slaughterhouse was set on fire, and the slaughterhouse was reduced to a sea of ​​fire.

This human tragedy has become explosive news in the town for the past two days. Everyone is discussing, discussing the butcher's domestic violence wife who is said to be a good husband, the wife who is said to be insane, covered in scars, and the gloomy little son, Even at a young age, he lost his life.

After listening to Yao's father's narration, Yao Ye couldn't help showing a lost expression.

Yao Ye didn't have any feelings for Yuan Ping at first, but at most was a little grateful and a little interested.

But I didn't expect that Yuan Ping suddenly disappeared. People always try to beautify the deceased, and Yao Ye is no exception.

Thinking of everything that happened in the slaughterhouse that day, everything was like a nightmare. The terrifying monster faded away and was replaced by a silent, pale boy's face.

Yuan Ping always seemed to be very calm. He must have known what happened in the slaughterhouse that day, but he didn't say anything and took him out of the slaughterhouse firmly.

Yao Ye kept replaying the images that Yuan Ping had seen in his mind. The boy with eccentric personality in his memory suddenly became mysterious and charming, and every move he took when he walked out of the slaughterhouse became mysterious, like a fantasy. Magnificent dream.

Suddenly, Yao Ye felt very sad about Yuan Ping's death. If he hadn't died, they would have become very good friends.

"Dad, let's build a tomb for their family, otherwise they will be too pitiful." Yao Ye said sympathetically.

Father Yao nodded solemnly.

After that, Yao Ye spent another day in the hospital to recuperate. Because his illness was almost cured, Yao Ye simply went home to recuperate.

On the night of returning home, a piercing siren sounded in the town, and countless police cars crossed the entire town and hurried away.

Yao Ye opened the window of the room and looked out, only to see countless flashing lights.

He watched curiously for a moment, then closed the window and went to sleep.

Sa -

A cool breeze blew through, and Yao Ye's short fluffy hair was messed up.

He brushed away the broken hair that covered his eyes, and inadvertently glanced at the road outside the villa through the gap between his fingers. The dark shadows walked slowly along the road, and the rigid walking posture did not look like a human being.

! ! !

Yao Ye was startled, and immediately let go of his hand and returned to the room.

Just now, what is it?

Yao Ye's eyes widened and his breathing was a little short. He felt that he might have seen something that he shouldn't see, but the vigorous curiosity belonging to a young man made him unable to bear to look again.

The streets were empty.

Seeing this, Yao Ye pondered for a moment, slowly raised his hand, covered it in front of his eyes, and looked out the window at the street through his fingers.

Yao Ye had heard of an ancient folklore before, saying that by looking through your fingers, you can see things that don't exist in this world.


Yao Ye, who raised his hand, looked at everything in front of him, his breath stagnant.

I saw strangely-shaped humanoid monsters dragging their dilapidated bodies in the night. They were silent, their movements were slow, but they carried a chilling breath.

Yao Ye swallowed his saliva, and continued to look with trembling hands. He even saw some soft-bodied monsters that were exactly the same as that day.

Yao Ye didn't dare to look any more, he carefully retracted his hand, closed the window, and shrank on the bed shivering.

Where is the outside going? He didn't know, only vaguely remembered that the direction was the only way to go by the sea.

Yao Ye kept his eyes open until three o'clock in the middle of the night, but he still didn't fall asleep. He simply gave up and walked out of the room to go to the kitchen to find some supper to cushion his stomach. When he was full, he might be able to fall asleep.

But before Yao Ye went downstairs for supper, he saw his grandma sitting in a wheelchair, quietly looking out the corridor window.

"Grandma? Why did you come out?"

Yao Ye trotted to grandma in surprise, afraid that something would happen to her when she was old.

After that, Yao Ye pushed grandma's wheelchair and was about to push grandma back to the room to rest. It was quite far from that room, and Yao Ye also wondered how grandma pushed the wheelchair to come here.

"The people outside are so pitiful."

Grandma said suddenly, startling Yao Ye.

He froze for a moment, showing a happy expression.

"Grandma! You're sick! Does grandma still recognize me now!" Yao Ye squatted in front of grandma excitedly.

The grandma, who has always loved Yao Ye, has been ill since she became ill, and she no longer recognizes anyone. Yao Ye cried several times because of this. Now that she is back to normal, she is naturally very happy.

"Little Ye, I'm leaving."

Grandma looked at Yao Ye kindly, her voice full of the vicissitudes of the years.

Yao Ye looked at his grandma in confusion, not understanding what grandma meant.

Is grandma leaving? where to go?

The silver-haired old man glanced out the window for the last time, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Back then, in those famine years, my grandma was about to starve to death, and I saw a lot of people eating people. I thought that such things would never happen again...

But people always repeat the same mistakes... Children, I really hope You won't encounter such a thing in the future."

Yao Ye was at a loss, he really didn't understand what his grandmother was talking about.

The old man caressed the top of Yao Ye's head lovingly, and sighed, "My child, promise grandma that you won't go out by boat before you are twenty-five, okay?"

Yao Ye looked at his grandmother's kind face, and suddenly felt a little flustered. He blushed in confusion, and nodded.

He didn't know why he was crying, he just lay on his grandma's knee and couldn't stop crying.

After crying to the end, Yao Ye fell asleep, only to be woken up by Yao's father from the room the next day.

At the same time, Yao Ye also learned the news of his grandmother's death.

Last night around three o'clock, my grandmother died in her sleep, smiling and peacefully dying.

In order not to disturb the rest of Yao Ye, who had just been discharged from the hospital, Yao's father and Yao's mother did not wake him up when the accident happened.

Yao Ye, who was sitting at the head of the bed, heard this, his face was pale, and he told Yao's father everything about last night.

He dreamed that his grandmother, who died at 3 o'clock last night, appeared in the corridor around 3:30 and said something strange and meaningful to him.

Father Yao's grief had not yet disappeared, and when he learned of this supernatural thing, he inevitably thought a lot in his heart.

He felt that this town must be in conflict with their family's feng shui, otherwise these strange things would happen, and he made up his mind to move out of this town when his grandmother's funeral was done.

Yao Ye was also a little scared, and he was absent-minded for the next few days, as if he had lost his soul.

It wasn't until Father Yao took the family out of the town and sat in the car driving out of the town that Yao Ye became more energetic.

In the past few days, Yao Ye finally understood the whereabouts of the police car that day.

It turned out that something happened at the slaughterhouse.

A group of townspeople gnawed at each other in the ruins of the slaughterhouse like crazy.

Even more frightening, the police dug a large pit in the slaughterhouse, which was full of human bones and clothes.

The butcher, he has been killing foreigners who came to town, and used the meat and bones of foreigners to make soup.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye glanced at the town that was constantly moving away from the rear window, and there was a trace of daze in his eyes.

Yuanping him, does he know what his father did?

If he knew, would he be afraid?

Having such a cruel and vicious father is the most terrifying thing in the world.

The car quickly drove out of the town, and not far away was a blue sea horizon.

Yao Ye was clinging to the car window, looking at the beautiful bay, vaguely, he seemed to see countless twisted black shadows, slowly stepping into the endless deep sea.

The appearance of the soft-bodied monster that day appeared in front of him again, Yao Ye pursed his lips.

Was the monster he saw that day asking for help?

Yao Ye couldn't help but think like this.

Because those foreigners can't rest in peace even after they die, and every inch of their marrow has been chewed to pieces, I'm afraid even their souls are screaming in pain.

It's just that it's meaningless to think about these now. All the sins have come to an end with the death of the butcher family, and those dead souls may rest in peace.

The car gradually moved away, and Yao Ye completely stayed away from this land where countless strange things happened.

For the next nine years, Yao Ye never came back here, and gradually forgot about this town. Together with the pale, thin and mysterious boy in his memory, he was buried deep in his memory.

Nine years later, Yunhai Port.

A luxury cruise ship is moored on the shore, welcoming countless guests who are about to embark.

Today is Yao Ye's birthday, and he will be celebrating his twenty-fifth birthday on a cruise ship.

Because Yao Ye was the only son of the richest man in Yunhai City, there was an endless stream of people coming to the cruise ship to attend the banquet.

Countless celebrities and rich people boarded this giant cruise ship that was under the package.

Among them, there were also a few unexpected visitors.

Four strangely dressed young people boarded the boat with invitation cards. Although the security check was suspicious of their appearance, the invitation cards could not be faked, so they had to respectfully invite them to the boat.

"Wow! This game is amazing! It's so real! Even this cruise ship is so luxurious!"

A cute girl with a pink explosive head chewed the bubble gum in her mouth, and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"That's right, this is made of the top technology of the Dragon Kingdom. Don't worry, girl, I'm a senior explorer. This dungeon will definitely pass the level easily! You are responsible for enjoying it!"

Another dyed silver hair The non-mainstream youth glanced at the turbulent waves on the pink-haired girl's chest, and pretended to be a hero.

"Mmmm! Brother Li, you are the best! People are most afraid of horror games! This time it's all up to Brother Li!" The

pink-haired girl smiled sweetly and hugged Brother Li's arm, rubbing against him with her chest .

"Uh hahaha! No problem!" Brother Li flushed with excitement.

The other two young people beside him were speechless.

The four of them stood in the corner of the cruise ship deck, watching the gorgeously dressed celebrities gossip and discuss business opportunities and gossip they couldn't understand.

Brother Li curled the corners of his mouth and said, "Oh, don't look at these guys looking very sane now, when the plot starts, they will have to be drowned hahaha!" The

pink-haired girl is too lazy to watch the plot before entering the game. I was curious and asked Li Ge how to proceed in the next plot.

"The next is the shipwreck, most of them were rescued, and some of the passengers were drowned, and after drowning, they didn't know they were dead, they were pushed to a ghost island by the sea, and they were killed by a murderer all day long. The devil is chasing and killing them, and they are all dead in the end." The

pink-haired girl trembled when she heard it, and her face turned pale with fright.

"Ah? What should I do? I'm most afraid of water. Will I really be drowned? Isn't this game only able to reduce the pain by half?"

Brother Li enjoyed the beauty's embrace, and said proudly: "Don't be afraid, we are not these NPCs. Of course, we don't need to experience death. After the shipwreck happens, we will be automatically sent to the ghost island, and then we will complete the mission and clear the plot."

"Yes, I asked about it. Raiders, in this dungeon, the biggest boss on Ghost Island is a big man covered in bandages, and he seems to have a grudge against the NPC who held the birthday party today!"

The pink-haired girl showed a curious expression and expressed doubts: "Have a grudge? What's the matter?"

Brother Li continued: "Hey, little idiot, what do you think, after knowing this, we can take that The kid is tied! When the boss comes, throw him out to attract the boss's hatred! Then the task will not be easy!"

Fan Mao immediately realized, looking at Brother Li with admiration on his face, and the two began to get tired again.

The two young people next to him are Brother Li's friends in real life. Of course, they are very interesting and no longer bother him to pick up girls, but go to the cruise ship restaurant on the side to experience the food in the game.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the cruise ship,

a handsome black-haired young man was standing in front of the window with red wine and overlooking the sea.

Since he promised his grandma not to take a boat, he really hasn't been on a boat.

For nine years, he had been suffocated. Looking at the pictures of the rich second-generation friends who were playing on the cruise ship all day, Yao Ye was very angry.

Now, it was finally his turn to post.

Yao Ye happily drank the red wine in the glass and took a selfie with his mobile phone.

After posting the photo to the circle of friends, Yao Ye put away his phone and was ready to go.

After all, he is the protagonist of the birthday party tonight, and he will be called arrogant if he doesn't go on.

Yao Ye left the room, not noticing that outside the floor-to-ceiling window, above the distant sea level, there was a dark cloud flickering with thunder.

[There are only 30 minutes and 51 seconds left until the beginning of the story, players are advised to prepare]

[Players please keep their emotions stable, once the upper limit of the fear threshold is exceeded, they will be forcibly logged off]

Four young people who call themselves players look at the sky The dark cloud looked around at the celebrities who were unaware, and they all showed expectant smiles.

The plot is about to begin.

at the same time,

In the endless deep sea, where humans cannot find, an isolated island floats in the ocean.

On the beach, a large man covered in bandages slashed the humanoid ghost in front of him in half.

The muscles of the big man are streamlined, and the tall body more than two meters high has the perfect proportion of an inverted triangle. Even if it is wrapped in bandages, it cannot hide the explosive muscle lines.

Compared with ordinary people, the stature of a behemoth is daunting.

As the blood-stained blade slashed down, the screams of the ghosts stopped abruptly, and the countless ghosts hidden in the island were terrified, afraid to make a single sound, for fear of disturbing the terrifying judge.

The one-meter-long broad-backed blade in the hands of the judge was dragged to the ground at will, and there was no expression on the bandaged face.

It seemed to sense something and turned to look beyond the island.

In the sea outside the island, a huge vortex appeared, and as usual, it would bring intruders.

For the judge, all intruders must die.