Chapter 54 4.6 Strange Bone Scent

The banquet is going on.

The bright lights poured down the hall through the crystal chandeliers, and the high-class people dressed in luxurious and beautiful clothes staggered, and their reserved smiles were looming in the lights.

Yao Ye, with a stylized smile on his white and handsome face, greeted many elders under the introduction of Yao's father, showing good upbringing in his gestures.

"Huh? He's quite handsome, Brother Li, is that the person?"

Fen Mao looked at the black-haired young NPC with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This NPC is really beautiful, has a breathable air that can't be found in the real world, and is very attractive.

Brother Li touched his chin, and also showed some doubts: "It should be, but the forum's strategy doesn't say that he is so good-looking, it just says that he is an arrogant and rich second-generation, very short-looking, and it is said that he is a little fat."

The strategies he bought from the forum are the best way to clear the level that great god-level players have explored time and time again. The introduction to the plot of the ghost island is very detailed, but there is not much introduction to the rich second-generation NPC at the beginning of the plot. .

Because this NPC is greedy for life and fears death, it drags everyone down several times in the plot, and it can especially attract the hatred of the boss, so it is generally used to attract monsters in the early stage, and the research value is not large.

The other two young men also nodded.

One of the young people named Qian Yuan looked at the system watch on his wrist, flipped through the plot again, and pondered: "The plot does not specify the name of this NPC, only that he bullied the big boss in junior high school, and it was held on the cruise ship. The banquet, and then caused a group of people to live on the ghost island, and finally died tragically, it should be him."

Brother Li didn't want to worry so much, he was annoying now looking at the handsome face of that NPC.

Who makes this holographic online game unable to pinch his face, he can only use his original body data to enter, which makes him unable to make himself handsome, and it is extremely difficult to hook up with a girl.

"Okay, no matter what he looks like, he's just an NPC cannon fodder. Let's discuss our plans after going to the island..."

Brother Li pretended to be calm.

The others looked at him with only ten minutes left and looked at him speechlessly.

Since we want to discuss the plan, why didn't we talk about it before, we had to wait until it was about to start.

They thought that this product already had a plan in mind.

However, although they were complaining in their hearts, everyone discussed it very seriously and planned every step carefully.

First of all, be careful not to make too much noise after arriving on the island, at least not when you first go up.

Because the big BOSS will search along the coastline when people land on the island, once it is discovered in the early stage, it is basically a dead end.

When the discussion was almost over, there were only two minutes left, and the four-person team quieted down, waiting for the plot to start.

At this time, another young man named Shishi suddenly said: "Brother Li, have you heard about the news that has been uploaded on the Internet recently."

Others showed unclear expressions.

Stone continued: "It's a legend - the game "Strange Talk" is not fake, it's real, once you die in the game, your spirit will be greatly damaged, I heard that several people have become vegetative and never wake up again. It 's here." The

pink-haired girl didn't know much about this game before, and when she heard the news for the first time, she immediately showed a look of shock and hesitation.

"Really? Isn't this a life-threatening situation?"

Brother Li saw that the girl he had finally caught a little wanted to quit, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"Don't listen to Shito's nonsense, girl, it's true, the rumors stop at the wise! You have some brains! If there is really a problem, the Federation will release this game? Just the spit of the media can scolded the president!"

Qian Yuan also showed his disapproval. The look on his face: "That's right, you just think too much about Shi Shi, you were like this before, and it's unfounded to say that you don't listen!"

The game was about to start and he said these dejected words, which made the originally cheerful atmosphere become stiff.

Seeing that no one agreed with him, Shitou couldn't say that he had any evidence, so he could only pat his head angrily and shut up.

[The countdown of the plot starts: 10]

The plot is about to start. Brother Li finally glared at the disappointing stone, hugged the pink hair beside him to comfort, and waited for the countdown to end.


[The countdown of the plot starts: 0]

Zara Zara -

In the cabin, in the spacious and exquisitely decorated hall, the lights began to flicker, and the violent vibration caused everyone to scream.


"What happened? What happened?"


Bang! ! !

The chandelier shattered, the lights disappeared, and the entire cruise ship was plunged into darkness.

"Ah ah ah !!! Help !!!"

darkness deepened people's fears, so that people become more frightened, and even more piercing screams, no its former elegant demeanor.

It was only at this time that everyone discovered that there was an overwhelming dark cloud over the cruise ship at some point, and the thunderstorm was surging, and the storm was pouring down.

At the same time, a huge whirlpool appeared on the sea.

Compared with the huge whirlpool, this giant cruise ship is like a small leaf, struggling to survive in the double raging storm and whirlpool.

Yao Ye was about to vomit.

Except for a few cruises when he was a child, he hadn't been on a boat for so long that when the cabin swayed from side to side, his face was pale and seasick was a mess.

"what happened?"

Yao Ye was dizzy, and he was separated from Yao's father, so he couldn't find anyone.

The screams in his ears came and went, almost piercing his eardrums.

The sea water poured into the cabin from the deck, and before he could follow the crowd to the safer upper cabin, he fainted in a shock of sea water.

His eyes fell into darkness.

Crash - the sea slaps the sand.

After an unknown amount of time, Yao Ye finally regained consciousness.

He subconsciously licked his chapped lips, the bitter taste of sea water in his mouth.

No, you have to wake up quickly!

Yao Ye remembered that he had suffered a shipwreck. If he lost consciousness for too long, he was afraid that he would drown.

Driven by the desire to survive, Yao Ye struggled to open his eyes.

He was surprised to find himself lying on a soft sand, the sharp sand rubbing against the side of his face, causing a slight tingling sensation.


Yao Ye sat up on the beach with his heavy body up, and before he recovered from seasickness, he only felt a twitch in his stomach, and had to sit on the beach to pant and rest.

He looked around and saw other people in the same distress on the beach, many of them familiar faces.

Yao Ye glanced around and found that his father, Yao Fu, was not on the beach. He was suddenly a little lost and anxious.

I don't know if my father was saved.

Yao Ye rubbed his temples in distress, and when he opened his eyes again, there was a stranger in front of him.

A young man with dyed silver hair and a medium build looked condescendingly at Yao Ye who was still sitting on the beach.

Looking at this unfamiliar young man, Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, not knowing where he had offended him, showing such an unpleasant expression.

What does this guy want, want to fight?

Yao Ye, whose temper was not very good, raised his eyebrows, looked at the stranger in front of him vigilantly, and stood up from the beach, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

"Hey! Boy!" The

silver-haired young man, Brother Li, took out the boning knife he carried with him, and the sharp blade shocked everyone nearby under the refraction of the sun.

Yao Ye was still thinking about how to fight back if he did something, but now he was quiet, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he tried his best to pull out a kind smile.

"No, brother, why use the knife, we don't seem to know each other, why don't we talk about it? If I offend you in any way, I apologize?"

Yao Ye looked at the knife at his throat and stepped back a few times. Step by step, the already pale cheeks turned a little whiter.

What the hell are you doing?

Inexplicably encountering a shipwreck, forget it, and even if you float to the island and be rescued, you will be threatened with a knife?

Yao Ye is still in a state of confusion, so he can only try his best to appease the emotions of the stranger in front of him, and he doesn't want to cause trouble again.

He is still very weak now, and the opponent still has a knife. It is impossible to beat him. Showing weakness is the most sensible move.

Brother Li looked at the NPC's greedy face and snorted disdainfully, and winked at the stone beside him.

Shito knew, and out of nowhere took out a handcuff and handcuffed Yao Ye.

Yao Ye: "..." Who the hell are these people, they all have handcuffs!

Yao Ye, like a prisoner, was pushed aside by a stone and was strictly guarded, and his heart was very broken.

What a mess! what's the situation! Why was he suddenly handcuffed! ?

Seeing that the rich second-generation NPC had been restrained, Brother Li raised the knife again, and turned to gesture to the surrounding shipwreck survivors who had woken up.

"You guys! Listen to me! I only say some things once. If you don't listen carefully, you will be at your own risk!"

The rest of the survivors on the beach watched hesitantly.

They showed bad looks to Brother Li, the knife-wielding murderer, but they all cowered around, not daring to really help Yao Ye against Brother Li.

Those who can get on that cruise ship are rich and noble people. I have never seen such a rogue guy like Li Ge, so I don't know what to do for a while.

Besides, human nature is selfish, and they have no obligation to help Yao Ye.

After all, this person has a knife on his body, and this is an isolated island. Once he is injured, God knows if he will be alive to wait for the arrival of the sea rescue team.

Brother Li saw the expressions on the faces of everyone who dared to say nothing, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What he likes most is the authenticity of the game.

Watching the upper class who stepped on their feet in the real world respect themselves, is there anything more enjoyable in this world?

Brother Li, who has a very distorted hatred for the rich, continued: "In a while, the owner of this island will come over, and it will clean up the disobedient guys, so I advise you not to scream loudly, if it attracts it, Lao Tzu Kill you first and sacrifice to the sky!"

After speaking, Brother Li showed a grim face, made a big move, and ordered: "Now, you all come with me! You can follow me if you don't want to, you just wait to die!"

Everyone They looked at each other, dubious about the island owner that Brother Li said would kill people, but out of the mentality of not being afraid of 10,000, he was afraid of Brother Li's arrogance, and he was unwilling to be alone, so he had to follow up in a group.

Seeing this, the other three people around Brother Li showed a playful look on their faces.

"Brother Li, you're pretty good at it! They actually listen to you!" The pink-haired girl adored her face.

Brother Li said complacently: "That's right, this is the method summed up by the Great God. After this group of NPCs landed on the island, there was a period of panic for a period of time. The Great God took the lead when everyone was in a panic, but I didn't expect the effect to be very good, the completion of the plot was very high, and I lived with these NPCs to the end."

"That's why I said that this task is very simple. Wait, I'll scare them later. Keeping it is more obedient than a dog." Brother Li smiled wryly.

Hearing this, the pink-haired girl also giggled, and the four of them chatted happily.

The people behind them followed them suspiciously, through the dense woods, for fear that some beast would rush out to eat them.

"Hurry up!"

Shitou pushed the NPC in front of him, looking at the guy's thin body with disgust.

Yao Ye walked in front of him with a bitter face and was pushed by the stone. If he slowed down, he would be punched in the back.

Only after walking more than 200 meters, Yao Ye felt that he was about to vomit blood from the hammer.

barbarian! These savages!

Yao Ye gritted his teeth angrily, he had never suffered such a big humiliation in his life.

"Brother, I really don't know when I offended you, so, when we go out, I'll apologize to you, a million dollars?"

Yao Ye begged for mercy.

Shitou kicked Yao Ye with a cold expression on his face. He didn't like this glib NPC very much. The money in the game was not real money.

"Be honest and go your way!"

Yao Ye was kicked to the ground, almost not crying, his eyes were red, and he looked at the numerous survivors behind him as if asking for help.

The survivors avoided his sight, and even some of the elders who had treated him kindly in the past looked cold.

Damn, these white-eyed wolves!

Yao Ye's cheeks were flushed with anger. His father had invested a lot in Yunhai City over the years. These people have more or less received the favor of Yao's father. They should be more kind and kind on weekdays. As a result, when something happens now, they are more than strangers. Indifference, it's just savage.


Just when Yao Ye was thinking about things sadly, a non-human scream came from not far away.

Everyone was startled and panicked.

Brother Li and his party showed a confident smile.

Here comes the plot point.

This plot point should be that the BOSS is executing the sinner. In the original plot, an ignorant survivor broke into the scene and was chopped into meat sauce.

"Hum! Be quiet and come with me! I will show you the truth of everything! Save you scolding me in your heart! Tell you the truth! I am saving you! Just be honest and obedient after reading it, or you will die. I don't care!" Brother Li said coldly.

When everyone heard the words, they showed a dubious look, and they still didn't trust Li Ge and others.

The reason why they followed Brother Li just now was only because their brains were blank after something happened, and they didn't know where to go for a while, so they just followed the crowd. After all, they were all powerful people when they were outside, so how could they just surrender to a few Guy dressed as a gangster.

Brother Li and the others saw the careful thinking of these people and didn't take it seriously. They just glanced at these pitifully arrogant NPCs mockingly and led them to a hillside.

The trees covered the figures of everyone, and it was almost invisible to anyone on the hillside from the outside.

"Here! Look down!" Brother Li pointed to an open space under the hillside with disdain.

"This is what happens if you don't listen to me."

Hey, this boss likes to execute people in various places the most, and always prefers the bloody way of chopping people apart. He is affectionately called Brother Dao by the players. Use this Execution scenes are perfect to scare disobedient NPCs.

"Hoo-Jie-Jie-Jie-!!!" On the

hillside clearing, a humanoid monster with a crow's mouth roared at not far away, his voice shrill and full of fear.

Opposite the crow's mouth is a big man who is more than two meters tall. He is covered with bandages, and a blood-stained garment similar to a butcher's leather apron wraps his lower body.

He dragged a long knife and walked slowly towards the crow's mouth without saying a word.

The crow's mouth was trembling with fear, and he wanted to escape, but was shocked by the invisible pressure, so he could only desperately show the bone blade in his hand and stabbed the big man nimbly.


the bone blade cut through the bandaged abdomen of the big man, but the big man didn't realize it, and grabbed the head of the crow's mouth.

The crow neighed sharply and was easily caught.

In the next second, the long knife cut across, the lower body of the crow's mouth fell smoothly, and the internal organs and blood spilled on the ground.

"Jie—" Before the crow's mouth could groan and groan in pain, his head was crushed by the big man, and he threw it aside.


Yao Ye covered his mouth, but couldn't help but let out a low whimper.

Ever since he had experienced those bizarre things in his youth, he had been terrified of such bloody scenes, and when he was caught off guard, even his soul was about to be frightened away.

The big man with bloody bandages wrapped around his face seemed to sense something and turned his head sharply.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! He's here! Woohoo! Monster!" "

Help! Help! What to do! Who can call the police! Murder!


He exclaimed and cried one after another, leaving Brother Li's previous warnings behind.

Brother Li and others are so popular that they can only stare at this group of trash.

Saying that you can't speak out, no wonder so many people died in the plot!

After looking at it for a long time, the huge man bent over and picked up the bone blade from the stump of the crow's mouth, and threw it towards the direction of the hillside.

boom! ! !

The bone blade perfectly stabbed a survivor in the head.

The unfortunate survivor didn't even have time to scream, and fell limply.

Yao Ye happened to be on the side of the deceased, bearing the weight of his body, and happened to meet the deceased's dilated eyes.

Those bloodshot eyes were dead, full of unwillingness and resentment towards the living.


Yao Ye couldn't hold it any longer, and crawled out from under the dead body, sobbing sobbing.

He can't take it anymore, where is this place?


Who will save him?

Under the hillside, the strong man who was about to continue throwing heard a familiar voice. He froze in place as if he had been hit by a spell.