Chapter 61 4.13 Strange Bone Scent


Brother Li had his limbs chopped off, and he could only scream and struggle on the ground.

"X's! Why does it hurt so much this time than before!!!"

Brother Li didn't die before, but it didn't hurt as much this time. Usually, it popped up automatically when it reached the threshold of fear.

Thorn -

The huge blade slashed down, opening Brother Li's fragile chest cavity, revealing the bright red beating internal organs.


Brother Li shouted hoarsely, this inhuman pain made his facial features distorted, and his tears were almost gone.

The tall and indifferent judge ignored Brother Li's screams, and instead stretched out his hand and took out the stinking internal organs from Brother Li's abdominal cavity that had begun to mutate and wriggle.

Clap la la -

blood spilled all over the ground, Li Ge was bathed in his own blood with a ferocious face, and dense blood-red fleshy buns grew out of the broken limbs, completely turning into a twisted monster.

The human consciousness in his body was swallowed up by the filth of the island, and he lost his breath in an instant.

At this time, Brother Li's companions had long since disappeared.

The judge didn't know if his actions had relieved Yao Ye's resentment. He turned around and looked at Yao Ye who had been standing behind him, carefully judging Yao Ye's mood.

Unexpectedly, Yao Ye's emotions were stronger than the judge had imagined.

With tears all over his face, he threw himself into the big man's arms at once. Due to his lack of height, he could only tremble, holding on to the big man's waist and abdomen.

"Thank you... I'm sorry, I hurt you..."

Yao Ye cried heartbroken, like a helpless child.

He really couldn't accept that the person who liked him left.

Yao Ye knew very well that he had nothing left, and if he lost it again, he would really be alone.

The big man is the only one who lends a helping hand at his most difficult time, and is even willing to agree to his unreasonable request, which means a lot to Yao Ye.

On this strange and eerie island, Yao Ye couldn't even see any hope of surviving until he met the big man.

He knew that he was spoiled, and his ability to withstand pressure was weak, but he never expected that he would be so fragile, so fragile that he was on the verge of collapse in just two days.

Although it had only been two days since he landed on the island, Yao Ye felt as if he had passed most of his life, and everything had changed.

The malice of the whole world hit him, and he couldn't bear it.

The big man is already the only friend he has now. If this only friend leaves him, Yao Ye really doesn't know how long he can last, maybe he will go crazy on the spot.

Yao Ye sobbed and hugged the big man tightly.

He used to think that he was very likable, and that all his elders and friends would greet him with a smile.

But since going through this shipwreck, he discovered that he had never had a good relationship with him. His former kind elders only treated him differently because of his father's wealth. Once he was in trouble, he was nothing.

Only big is different, he is only big...

he must not lose big.

The judge stiffly looked at Yao Ye who was holding him, sighed silently, and wanted to touch Yao Ye's hair with his hand to show comfort.

But he looked down at the blood on his hands, and withdrew his hands sadly.

It's really... so dirty...

The judge didn't want to touch Yao Ye with such dirty hands.

Yao Ye noticed the judge's movements, his eyes flashed, and he understood the judge's mind at once.

"It doesn't matter...not dirty, never dirty."

Yao Ye pulled the judge's hand back and stroked his cheek.

He lightly rubbed the judge's big blood-stained hand, and didn't care even if some red blood was smeared on his cheeks. He closed his eyes with attachment and satisfaction, revealing a sweet smile.

"Thank you, big man." The

black-haired and black-eyed youth was like a cat, leaning on the judge's palm with his head tilted, his white and tender cheeks stained with red marks, adding a different kind of beauty.

The judge let Yao Ye hold his hand in a daze. He had never seen Yao Ye so gentle and his mind went blank.

"...No thanks."

After being silent for a long time, the always stupid judge finally choked out a sentence.

Yao Ye opened his eyes, his two hands were still holding his, his eyes were bright and very moving.

"Big man, being your friend is the best thing in the world." Yao Ye showed a bright smile.

Listening to Yao Ye's "confession", the judge felt that his heart was beating a little abnormally.

He looked at Yao Ye's bright face, and had the urge to hug Yao Ye, but he felt that this move was too frustrating and would blaspheme Yao Ye.

The judge who has never been in love doesn't know what to do. The inferiority complex in his heart and the surging love are intertwined, making him overwhelmed.

But in the end, he couldn't help but squat down, stretched out his hand, lightly touched Yao Ye's cheek, and said gently,

"I'll go and help you kill other people."

Judges like to see Yao Ye so happy, he Want to see more.

As long as he kills those outsiders who anger Yao Ye, Yao Ye will become happy.

Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, and his fingers touched the wound that had healed on the judge's body, looking depressed.

"If they hurt you, it's okay not to kill them." Compared with those abominable gangsters, it's more important to be big.

The judge was silent. He didn't know how to explain to Yao Ye that he had thick skin and was not afraid of guns.

"...It can be killed." The judge said concisely.

"But you'll get hurt..."

Yao Ye was frightened when he remembered the scene just now, he held the judge's arm and even cried in his voice.

No matter how strong he is, he is still a human after all. How can a human be better than a gun?

If the gun just hit the heart, wouldn't it be dead.

After listening to Yao Ye's words, the judge began to speak in his heart again, thinking about how to explain that he was not a human and had no heart.

"...I have no heart." The judge replied after being silent for a long time.

Hearing this, Yao Ye had a question mark on his face.

He reached out and stroked the judge's broad chest and touched his strong bandaged chest muscles, blushing inexplicably, and whispered, "But, your heart is beating." It was beating very fast.

Yao Ye touched the bulging chest muscles of the big man with a bit of envy.

This big man has a really good figure and well-developed muscles. The bandages can make people see that the muscle lines are very strong, and they are very elastic to the touch.

Yao Ye, who was feeling very comfortable, couldn't help touching it again, feeling that his behavior was a bit strange, so his face also turned a little red.

The inquisitor felt the hands on his chest stroking, and his heart immediately beat faster.

He was silent, not knowing how to explain.

He didn't know why this useless piece of meat started jumping again.

Killing if he can, the judge who never talks nonsense has not spoken for a long time, so his ability to speak has plummeted, and he can only look at Yao Ye wordlessly, a little helpless.

Yao Ye kept persuading the judge not to go, for fear that he would be injured, chirping like a sparrow.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find them."

The taciturn big man said in a low voice after staring at Yao Ye for a while.

Then he picked up Yao Ye in front of him and put him in the crook of his arms.

Yao Ye: "..."

! ! !

Yao Ye, whose body was suddenly in the air, was so frightened that he quickly put his arms around the big man's neck, his face flushed red.

"Wait! What are you doing! I'm not a child! Put me down! Hurry up!" The

judge felt that he couldn't explain it, so he could only take Yao Ye to see it, the facts would prove that he could kill those outsiders. .

Therefore, in the face of Yao Ye's request, the judge who was not good at expressing chose to remain silent.

After struggling for a while, Yao Ye saw that the big man was very determined, so he had to give up, helplessly leaning on the big man's arms, pouting in dissatisfaction: "What if you get hurt again, I will feel distressed."

Bang! !

The big man paused for a while, one of them didn't pay attention, his head slammed on a branch next to him, and all the fallen leaves and branches on the tree fell down.

The judge responded quickly and protected Yao Ye in his arms, so that Yao Ye didn't feel any collision.


The judge with a head of leaves and branches continued to walk forward in silence.

Yao Ye held back his laughter and reached out to help the big man remove the branches and leaves from his hair.

This big guy is too cute.

"...They are right in front." The

judge said calmly, holding Yao Ye in one hand and a long knife in the other.

Yao Ye took off a leaf from the judge's black half-long hair and looked over subconsciously.

In front of me, a small town immersed in fog revealed its true face.

"This is..." Yao Ye's eyes widened, and he always felt that this place was very familiar.

The inquisitor continued to walk forward and entered the town.

Looking at the familiar street scene in the town, Yao Ye finally remembered everything from his youth.

He remembered, isn't this the town where Yuan Ping is?

It turns out that this island is not only the slaughterhouse, but also this small town?

Are all copied over?

Yao Ye looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and even began to wonder if this small island was just an illusion before his death.

"...They are there." The

judge's voice was low through the bandages, but it had a unique magnetism.

Yao Ye couldn't figure out the situation and was full of skepticism. Hearing the big man's words, he looked over and saw a few familiar faces walking around the corner not far away.

It was Brother Li's companion who had escaped just now. Due to the thick fog covering the surroundings, those people didn't seem to see the big man and Yao Ye, and they were arguing endlessly.

The pink-haired girl walked dejectedly with her face down.

"It's over, we're over, we're actually lost and can't get out... By night, we'll be dead!" The

pink-haired girl was very afraid of pain, so she was very sad.

Qian Yuan frowned and couldn't stand the pessimism of the pink-haired girl: "Isn't it still night? It's not time to go out yet, maybe you will run into the judge as soon as you go out!" The

pink-haired girl glared at Qian Kuai glanced and said sharply: "I'm afraid that it won't be the judge's turn to take action, and we'll have to bury it all here!"

"Speaking of which, it's all your fault! If you didn't tie that little white face at the beginning, we Where will he be targeted?"

"You blame us now? Didn't you agree with this plan at the beginning? Who would have thought that this judge was a GAY! Did he really let that little white face sell his ass successfully!"

Qian Yuan's mood was also very bad, and I saw it with my own eyes. He felt a little guilty for his brother's tragic death.

Yao Ye, who heard everything, said, "..."

Obviously it was pure brotherhood, but these bastards really couldn't spit out ivory from their mouths.