Chapter 62 4.14 Strange Bone Scent

"I was fooled by you guys! You were so hyped up at the beginning, what strategies and upgrades are you talking about? Now? I offended the BOSS and made me run for my life with you here!

" Almost hit the money in the face. "Also! I didn't do anything at all! That little white face was tied by you guys, it has nothing to do with me! It's you who should be hunted

down! I'm purely dragged down by you!"

This reason, he scolded with eyebrows and raised eyes, only to feel that he was really dragged down by this group of wastes.

"You! It's so confusing!"

Qian Yuan blushed, but he couldn't say anything about the pink-haired girl, so he could only snort coldly and continue to walk forward.

Stone walked with a drooping face full of despair, ignoring the quarrel of the other two.

He really regrets it.

Why stay and continue the game in the first place?

I already felt that something was wrong, so why couldn't I be a little more resolute and quit the game!

Or, it would be fine if they didn't tie the little white-faced NPC, and they didn't beat and scold him, then they might not end up being chased and killed.

Not far away, Yao Ye was let down by the judge.

"You have to be careful, if it doesn't work, you can come back immediately!"

Looking at the big man with the knife ready to go, Yao Ye nervously held his fingers.

Looking at the lovely black-haired young man beside him, the judge only felt his heart softened into a ball of cotton, and countless turbulent soft emotions filled his chest.

He wanted to tell Yao Ye how he felt, but he didn't know where to start, so he nodded silently, and the fingers held by Yao Ye trembled slightly.

"I'll send them back to where they should be."

Then, Yao Ye would show the same beautiful smile as last time.

The judge's voice was low and sweet, and after saying that, he held the long knife beside him and walked towards the outsiders in the mist.

Yao Ye couldn't see the road a little after the big man walked away.

The damp mist around him suddenly squeezed up like a rising tide of sea water, filling the field of vision.

He could only watch the tall figure of the big man disappear into a thick fog.

Yao Ye showed a disappointed expression.

Is he sick?

Yao Ye felt that he was more and more inseparable from this big man, and even this moment of separation made him extremely depressed.

It's only been two days since we got along, but subconsciously, it feels as if we've known each other for a long time, familiar and intimate.

Yao Ye didn't know what happened to him, but the only thing he knew was that he didn't want to leave in a big way.

If only I could be with the big man forever...

Yao Ye sat on the ground with his knees bent, his hands on his knees, his pale, delicate face was a little melancholy and confused.

Together forever... But, no matter how best friends are, they will be separated one day...

His idea is so strange...

If a big man finds out, it will definitely feel disgusting...

[...We will always be together Together...forever...]

Thinking like this, Yao Ye suddenly felt that this terrible thought was a little familiar, as if someone had repeated this sentence over and over again in his ear.

It's because he thinks too much.

Shaking his head, Yao Ye stopped thinking about those ethereal things, stood up, and looked into the depths of the mist, looking forward to the return of the big man.

It doesn't matter if you kill or not, as long as the big guy can come back!

"Ahhhh!!! No no! No!"

The woman with pink afro was caught by a big hand by her hair, and was easily dragged to the ground, face down, and immediately rubbed out blood all over her face, and the pain made her scream helplessly, her legs Stomp on the ground to death.

boom! ! boom! !

The sound of gunshots kept ringing, but it could only be exchanged for a moment of slowness in the judge's movements, and then a greater attraction of hatred.

"X's! Why! Why are you catching up so fast!! Didn't the strategy say that the boss moves very slowly and is not good at tracking!"

Qian Jiu yelled, his gun kept firing.

Due to the continuous shooting, the powerful recoil of the gun made his jaws collapse into a blur. If the pain level in the real world is based on the pain level in the real world, such a large-scale wound would have long ago lost his hand.

Shitou held the gun in both hands, and he was so frightened that he was fighting with tears and snot running down his face.

"Woooo...we're going to die...what the internet says is true, everything in this game is true, we'll die in reality..."

"It's all our fault, we are too I'm arrogant... If I just started to please that rich second generation, it would be good..."

"You **** please be quiet! Now it's useful to talk about this! It's all done!" scolded.

Shishi didn't listen, but still cried aloud.

He didn't fire a few shots, but the cry was loud, and the big man who was nearly 1.8 meters was crying with tears and snot running down his face.

When the judge suddenly rushed out just now, the stone collapsed, and his mind was full of despair.

Now, looking at the bloody face of the pink-haired girl who was accidentally caught, he turned around and ran away regardless of his companion who was still shooting to rescue the pink-haired girl.

He wants to live, even if he uses his companions as a backing for himself!

Seeing Shishi turned his head and ran away, Qian Yuan was so angry that his face was crooked, and he shouted: "Stone! You are a ****! You just ran away like this?"

As soon as the words fell, the judge saw the escaped stone.

Yao Ye would be unhappy if someone escaped.

The judge thought silently, put down the pink-haired girl who was about to kill, raised the broad-backed giant knife in his hand, and threw it with a flick of his hand.

Pooh -

the long knife hit the target correctly.

The stone was nailed firmly to the ground, the long knife pierced his back, slashed his skin, and the blood mixed with the broken internal organs scattered on the ground.


Shito looked at his body that was almost divided into two in disbelief.

He still had some consciousness, and he could even see his heart beating in his chest, scarlet and fleshy, like a rose on the verge of withering, exuding a rotten smell.

It turned out... His internal organs looked like this... The

stone lay on the ground blankly, falling into the endless darkness with his fascination and unwillingness to the world.

It 's so painful...

If only... I didn't offend the BOSS...


Seeing the stone's body being split in half, the money was split in his eyes, and he was shocked by the lightning-fast throw. Horrified face.

Too fast, the speed of the judge is too fast.

It's almost the same as opening the hang, and it's completely different from the boss described in the guide with full strength and 0 agility.

These idiots who write strategies indiscriminately!

Qian Yuan felt that he must have been fooled by the guys pretending to be bosses in the forum, which led to this miserable scene.

Now that the game has been locked, he doesn't know if he can return to the real world after he dies. If it's like what the stone said, he will become a vegetative person when he dies, which is more terrible than dying directly!

The money is most afraid of such an outcome, so the fear of death in the game has never been deepened.

He clenched the gun in his hand grimly and aimed it at the head of the judge.

The damn boss! Why is it so strong!

Boom! ! !

The inquisitor's head wrapped in bandages exploded with blood, but it was quickly repaired. The cracked skull with dense granulation was numb when looking at it. "

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhin Qian Yuan gritted his teeth and ran into the depths of the mist while the judge executed the pink-haired girl. He doesn't want to die anyway! He must not die! Qian Jiu left the screaming pink-haired girl running all the way, only to hear the scream of the pink-haired girl behind her stop abruptly, and then a familiar sound of breaking wind came. , embarrassed and reluctantly dodged the blood-stained sword that was thrown towards his back. However, the blade was too sharp, and the money piece was still cut off by half of its back, dripping with blood. The broken blood vessels and the exposed bones are all chilling. "Scared!" Yao Ye, who was walking blindly in the fog looking for a big man, was startled by the person who suddenly appeared at his feet. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the bastard. It's really a narrow road. Seeing this bastard covered in blood, in a state of embarrassment, and with a mad face, Yao Ye, who had a bad intuition, hurriedly took a few steps back, but he had to stop when money was pointed at his head with a gun. "Stop!" Qian Yuan's face was covered with blood that was splattered, and the huge pain behind him made him look hideous. "Speak! What is your relationship with the judge!"

Qian Yuan endured the pain and took a leap, holding Yao Ye hostage, and he still asked Yao Ye's head with a gun.


Yao Ye guessed that the bastard was referring to the big guy.

He glanced at him resentfully. In order to save his life, he still swallowed his breath and replied, "Friendship.


At this time, the judge had already caught up. He looked at the scene in front of him, his hand holding the long knife trembled slightly, and the unprecedented anger broke through all his reason, leaving only endless resentment.

Actually! ! !

How dare you hurt Yao Ye! ! !

The Inquisitor's resentment caused more and more blood to ooze from his eyes.

His bandaged face was gradually stained red with blood, turning into a terrifying scarlet, as if announcing the unquenchable anger of the Inquisitor.

Qian Jiu looked at the judge who gradually revealed his figure in the fog, his face full of unwillingness and madness.

He knew that his injury was too serious and his health bar was constantly dropping. I was afraid that he would not survive, but he was really unwilling. Why did he die because of an NPC? He is human, how could he lose to this weak chicken rich? Second-generation NPC?

"Don't try to lie to me! The judge will be your friend?! Tell me! Are you also a monster on this island! Set me up for a trick!"

Yao Ye felt that this bastard was crazy. What kind of monster is not a monster? Yes, are the eyes a decoration, can't tell that he is a person?


the judge's heavy and depressed breathing sounded, Yao Ye realized that the big man had come over, and couldn't help his eyes light up.

"Big guy! You're here!"

Yao Ye wanted to break free from the shackles of the gangster behind him, but the gangster's arm clamped his neck firmly, unable to move.

"Don't move! Stop it for Lao Tzu!" Qian Yuan frantically aimed the muzzle at Yao Ye's temple and smashed it hard.

Yao Ye's eyes dazzled with pain, and the judge clenched his fists angrily.

However, the judge, who was afraid of Yao Ye's injury, held back and stopped not far away, not daring to take half a step forward.

"Let him go." The

judge cherished the words like gold, but every word was biting extremely hard, as if suppressing extremely heavy anger.

The money was shocked by the terrifying aura of the judge, and the wrist holding the gun couldn't help trembling, and then he shouted in a more twisted way: "Fuck! If you let me go, I will die!"

"Judgment No, your real name is Yuan Ping, right? Just such a little white face? Why? Just killed so many of my companions!! Just for him?"

Qian Yuan's facial muscles twitched nervously, too nervous. The nerves and the body that lost too much blood have made him not very clear, and his words are crooked and logical.

Yuan Ping?

Yao Ye was stunned when he heard this familiar name, his pupils clenched.

Yes, that Yuanping?

Yao Ye looked at the tall judge, the mysterious boy who existed in the young memory perfectly overlapped with the judge at this time.

"You're... Yuan Ping?"

Yao Ye's voice trembled, he couldn't imagine what kind of pain the thin young man had gone through to become what he is today.


Yuan Ping clenched his fists and said nothing.

Was discovered...

disgusting him... was discovered by Yao Ye... What should I do?

Will he... leave?

Yuan Ping lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Yao Ye's expression. His originally muscular arms began to tighten, and the aura around him became more and more terrifying.

Can't... can't leave...

stay forever... can never leave...

Yao Ye, it can only be his.

Yao Ye looked at the big man who didn't speak, and was so anxious that he remembered what he did to Yuan Ping when he was a teenager, and he had mixed feelings for a while.

Yuan Ping, would he still resent his arrogant behavior towards him back then?

That's why I didn't say anything...

The big guy who will only be nice to him, will he also abandon him?

Yao Ye bit his lip and looked at Yuan Ping with red eyes.

Qian Jiu looked at the sudden stalemate in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, his mental state was no longer normal, like a desperado, his eyes were blood red.

"Yuanping! Isn't this person your enemy?"

Qian Jiu held a gun with a grim face: "You haven't forgotten how he bullied you in the past!

" Why don't you dare to kill even an enemy! Why don't I help you!"

Looking at the judge standing quietly not far away, Qian Yuan grinned and pulled the trigger.

The Inquisitor will never let its prey go. Even if he didn't die of excessive blood loss, he would have died under the Inquisitor's knife. Anyway, he was dead to the left and right, so it would be better to pull a person on his back.

boom! ! !

The blood exploded, Yao Ye blinked blankly, everything in front of him was dyed a terrifying scarlet with blood.

The world has become extremely quiet.


The last scene Yao Ye saw was a black flame burning on the big man.

The black burning flame is beautiful.

The judge, who was still standing not far away, stared blankly at the young man whose blood was dyed red, and his huge body trembled violently.

" Ye ahhhh!!!" The

judge's whining full of resentment resounded throughout the island.

Unforgivable - unforgivable! ! !

The unwillingness and hatred that came from the depths of hell made all the souls who heard this voice split their hearts and hearts, and also caused Qian Duan not far away to bleed and cry in pain.

boom--! ! !

The monstrous fire of hell rose from the judge and covered the entire island in the blink of an eye.

"Aah! What happened! Hellfire?!


"The judge is crazy! He's going to slaughter the island! Ahhhhh!!"

Countless in the shadows The monsters and ghosts who had survived and were wailing and begging for mercy in this hellish karmic fire, were burned to such a degree that not even the ashes could be left behind.

"Ah ah ah !!! hurts !!!"

money to block the whole body burning from the black flame, which hit a painful soul to let him on the spot fell to the ground, twitching struggled.

However, the flame that could have consumed everything did not easily burn him to ashes, but slowly burned inch by inch, so that he could experience the most brutal and inhuman torture in the world.

"I was wrong - please - let me go!!!"

Qian Yuan begged for mercy in a high-pitched voice. He didn't expect that the act of venting his anger just now would lead to such a painful punishment. All were green, but his begging for mercy before his death was of no use at all.

The damage has already been done, and everything is useless, it can only make the judge's anger even more intense.

The judge trembled and picked up Yao Ye, who fell weakly to the ground, with a low whine from his throat.

Then, he looked at the money block struggling like maggots on the ground with disgust and resentment, the bandage on his face slowly fell off, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes.

The Inquisitor cursed with great resentment.

"You will be tortured forever and ever."

Hearing this, Qian Yuan's eyes widened in shock, and then, his eyes burst open with a "pop" in the flames, and his soul was soaked in the cursed sludge, bringing tearing pain.


Bang! ! !

The last outsider died in agony of the Inquisitor's curse.

The judge hugged Yao Ye in his arms, and the bandage on his face fell off, revealing a face full of scars and tears.

It was the first time he shed tears since his death.

He kissed Yao Ye's bloodstained forehead lightly, and there was deep love and fragility in his magnetic voice.

"I'm sorry... Yao Ye... Please..."

"Wake up..." The

judge was regretful and desperate.

If he didn't have low self-esteem and cowardly avoided Yao Ye's sight before the outsider shot, how could this result?

Before he came to the island, Yao Ye was already dead, so he would not die again, but would only fall into a deep sleep after being hurt, and wake up again after waiting for repair.

But if Yao Ye didn't want to wake up and fell asleep, Yuan Ping would have nothing to do.

"Please... wake up..."