Chapter 68 5.4 The Curse of the Blank

There was darkness in front of Yao Ye's eyes.

He felt a strange touch on his body, floating on his exposed skin.

This cold feeling reminded him of the highly poisonous snake, the cool scales and the sinister spitting letter, all made Yao Ye horrified.

Hiss -

is it the viper spitting out letters?

There was a cold feeling on his cheeks.

It was as cold as the breath of a dead man.

Yao Ye trembled, his eyes widened in vain in the darkness, his whole soul was twisted into a fragile shape by invisible fear.

"Help me... woo woo... who will... help me..."

He murmured silently, but no one responded.

Yao Ye couldn't move, he felt like a ghost was pressing down on the bed.

Lying on the floor, he could clearly feel every limb of his own, but he couldn't control this body, he could only let the soft and terrifying touch drift on his cheeks.

This terrifying feeling of being touched made Yao Ye feel itchy, but more, it was a kind of fear from the unknown.

Yao Ye is not a daring person. He has always been afraid of watching ghost movies, even suspense novels that are a little scarier.

But he also knows some ancient folklore, and the ghost press is the most well-known one.

When ghosts climb into the bed and sleep with people when people are asleep, it will make people feel oppressed by heavy objects and unable to move.

Is it... a ghost who is stroking him now?

Yao Ye, who had lost his five senses and only had touch, shuddered, as if he could smell the imminent death of his nose, which made his soul tremble.

Only a ghost can do this.

Yao Ye answered his own question in his heart, becoming more and more uneasy.

The feeling on his body became more and more wanton, and Yao Ye was powerless to resist.

This kind of slaughtered, unpredictable situation made Yao Ye's heart tighten, panting in fear, only to feel that the air around him was getting thinner and thinner, so thin that he could hardly breathe.

No...don't...he doesn't want to die...

he doesn't want to die...

this ghost is blank that blankness?

Yao Ye remembered the eerie figure he saw before falling into the darkness, and the feeling of being hugged at that time. He whitened his cheeks in anxiety and let out a low whimper.

Because he dumped him, so...

is it coming for revenge?

"Woohoo ..."

Yao Yan, who wanted to understand the reason, was really regretful. He really regretted that he had started to blame at the beginning. If he did not choose to deceive the Internet at the time, where would he have to come in this terrible situation.

However, no matter how much regret you say now, it will no longer help.

Yao Ye's eyes widened helplessly, and the tears flowed down between the sideburns along the soft lines of his cheeks, making him look extremely fragile and pitiful.

"I'm sorry... I beg you to forgive me... I'm sorry..."

Yao Ye cried and begged, he couldn't hear his own voice, he could only feel the icy cold on his skin stagnating for a moment, as if moved by his words.

efficient! Apology works!

Yao Ye, like a traveler who was desperate to survive, saw a clear spring, and continued excitedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Blank, I will definitely make a change in the future, and burn paper money for you every year! Okay?

" If he can save his life, let alone paper money, burn real money!

Yao Ye widened his invisible eyes with hope, and his cheeks, which had been pale to the point where the blood had faded, flushed again, appearing even more red-lipped and white-toothed, with a moving face.

The unknown thing attached to Yao Ye's body seemed to be bewitched, and he was fascinated and close to Yao Ye. The cold touch rolled on his soft lips, he was reluctant to leave, and Yao Ye cried again with tears in his face.

He cried hoarsely because he couldn't hear his own voice and was trapped in the darkness of despair. He couldn't control the volume. He just tried to beg for blank forgiveness as loudly as possible, vowing never to do this kind of bad conscience again. thing.

However, the ghost that no one could see seemed to be inaudible, silently and paranoid stroking every inch of Yao Ye's body, obsessed and greedy.

"Ye'er, so beautiful."

Seeing the dark-haired boy crying in despair, the invisible ghost praised him so much, repeating his praise for his lack of vocabulary over and over again, the cold touch caused Yao Ye to tremble.

I don't know how long it took, the strange feeling of detachment on the body finally disappeared.

Yao Ye couldn't feel the coolness on his body at all, his desire to survive couldn't help rising again, and he tried to struggle to get up, but his limbs didn't obey him, and he still had a heavy sense of weight on his body.


suddenly, the sound of a keyboard tapping sounded beside Yao Ye's ear, his eyes widened as if he woke up, and a dark little room gradually appeared in front of him.

The pungent smell of blood permeated the whole room, Yao Ye struggled, propped himself up with his limbs that were beginning to feel a little bit, and sat up halfway.

He found himself sitting at the foot of the single iron frame bed in the corner of the small room, leaning against the cold iron frame, and his back couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Where is this place?

Yao Ye looked to the other side of the room, and a figure with his back turned to him came into view.

It was a tall and thin young man, sitting at the computer desk, the keyboard rattling.

Is he typing...

As if being bewitched, Yao Ye stood up from the ground in a daze, and staggered toward the youth.

Who is he?

With this doubt in mind, Yao Ye walked to a place less than half a meter behind the young man, looking at the butterfly bone that bulged under the black long-sleeved shirt on his back, he seemed a little fragile and lonely.

Standing behind the young man, Yao Ye raised his head and saw the flashing screen on the computer.

It was the chat room interface that he was all too familiar with.

The black chat background, combined with the same dark dialog box, gives people a strong sense of depression.

Yao Ye, who was accustomed to this chat room, never felt that this color combination was depressing before, but now he suddenly felt a little disgusting.

On the computer screen, a bar of dialog boxes kept beating.

——[Please, don't leave me]

——[Please, don't leave me]


Looking at the information on the screen, Yao Ye always felt that something was wrong.

"Hu! Hu!" The

nervous Yao Ye gasped in panic, always feeling inexplicably uneasy, and wanted to take a deep breath to ease the growing fear in his heart.


At this time, the conversation in the chat room also came to an end.

——[If I die, will Ye Er come back? ]

Yao Ye looked at the dialog box in horror, and finally confirmed the identity of the young man.

- Blank, this person is blank.


Yao Ye called out in a low voice, his pupils trembling, afraid that the young man would turn his neck off in the next second.

The young man with his back to Yao Ye was silent and did not respond.

Yao Ye didn't know where he got the courage, so he reached out to the young man, put it on his shoulder, and pushed it gently.

"Blank, is that you?"


the young man's body that was still sitting upright fell on the computer desk, and a piece of garbled characters was pressed on the keyboard.

! ! !

Yao Ye looked at everything in front of him with a pale face, put the palm of his hand that had touched the young man in front of him, and saw the dark red blood spreading in his palm.

Just now because of the dim light in the room, Yao Ye couldn't see clearly, and only saw the young man wearing a black top and pants.

Only now did I discover that the young man's black clothes had already been soaked with blood, so that the slightest touch was full of blood.

There was also a cold and smooth feeling under his feet.

Yao Ye lowered his head sluggishly and saw the dark red and black liquid pouring out from under the computer chair.

All is the blood of the youth.

If the blank is dead...

then, who is the person who just typed...?

In an instant, Yao Ye's pupils shrank.

He staggered back and ran towards the door of the room.

Just when Yao Ye was about to touch the doorknob, a resentful voice came from behind him.

"Ye'er, it hurts." The

cold-voiced man's tone was soft, as if he was courting the one he loved deeply.

Hearing the voice, Yao Ye's lips trembled, and he didn't dare to look back. He squeezed the doorknob hard, and frantically twisted the locked door.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!! Woohoo! Hurry up!!!"

Yao Ye cried, desperately trying to open the door that symbolized the hope of life.

"Ye'er, finally came to see me, I'm very happy." The

man's cold breath came to Yao Ye's ear, and his bloodless lips kissed Yao Ye's small ear intimately.

Yao Ye's frantic shaking of the door handle suddenly stopped, shaking like a sieve.

He moved his black eyeballs one after another, and saw a pale, bloodless face leaning on his shoulder on his left side.

This head with a handsome face looked at him without blinking, with dark pupils, as if exuding the cold air from the depths of hell.

Its skin was pale and uncomfortably dead, and it looked gloomy and terrifying to the extreme.

Under the head, there was a deep scratch on the man's neck, and the black and red blood spread to Yao Ye along the bloodstain on his neck.

Yao Ye saw that the white vest on his body was dyed red, and the skin on his body was also soaked with blood, and he suddenly fell into an abyss.

The man stared at Yao Ye's beautiful eyes obsessively, with deep love in his gloomy brows as before.

"...Now, we can be together."


Yao Ye's mind went blank, he could no longer accept this painful reality, and let out a scream.


Yao Ye woke up from his dream and found himself lying on the floor. The cool temperature of the wooden floor passed through the close skin, and it was freezing to the bone.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, which are not covered by curtains, the sun is shining, and the room is silent.

He sat up from the ground in a daze, his half-long black hair was a little messy, he raised his hands tremblingly, looked carefully, and was relieved until he was sure that he was not stained with any blood.

"...Yes, is it a dream?"

Yao Ye curled up at the foot of the bed uneasy, the dark circles under his eyes seemed to put a layer of smoky makeup on him, making him look gloomy.

"Yes, it's all dreams, it's all dreams..."

Yao Ye hugged himself and comforted himself in shock, wanting to completely throw away the fear that remained in his heart just now.

After a while, Yao Ye finally came back to his senses. He dragged his numb and sore body on the floor to the bathroom. He didn't notice that on the glass window behind him, a black figure was still following him.

Maybe it's better to take a hot shower.

Yao Ye washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror who looked ugly. His fingers were still trembling subconsciously. He was like a frightened rabbit, uneasy and at a loss.

Clap la la -

Yao Ye filled the bathtub with hot water, and before the water temperature dropped, he couldn't wait to soak in it, his pale and delicate skin was reddened by scalding.

But the scorching temperature was exactly what Yao Ye wanted, giving him a sense of reality that he was still alive.

Yao Ye curled up again in the bathtub, enjoying the security of being hugged by hot water.

"It's all dreams...all dreams..." He was still muttering to himself.

But is it really a dream?

The incorporeal black ghost hugged his beloved human from behind, and let out a sigh of satisfaction that no human could hear.

Yao Ye wiped his body with a bath towel soaked in hot water, wiping it hard, as if to wipe off those weird touches just now.

Whoops -

Yao Ye was washed, and after standing up from the bathtub, he found that there were some blue marks on the place where he had been rinsed with hot water, as if he had been beaten by someone.

Yao Ye had just recovered some blood and his baby face turned pale again. He bit his finger tightly, leaving a deep tooth mark on the knuckle.

After a while, Yao Ye calmed down, he took a deep breath, walked out of the bathtub, went to the half-length mirror of the sink next to him, turned his back, turned his head to look at himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, the back of the fair-skinned young man was covered with cyan marks, especially the bones with distinct joints, and there were faint traces of licking and biting on each distinct bone.

Ghosts, traces left.