Chapter 69 5.5 The Curse of the Blank

Looking at himself in the mirror covered in traces, Yao Ye fell into an unprecedented panic.

He was finally sure that everything just now was real, not a nightmare, but a real horror.

The blank ghost left traces of ghosts on him, did he want to tell him that the time of death was approaching?

"Ugh... woo woo..."

Yao Ye cried out in despair, tears dripping down his soft chin, his beautiful almond eyes filled with tears.

Why, why him?

He was just playing a prank, why did he do this to him?

He didn't kill Blank on purpose, he was really innocent... He didn't want to die.

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more frightened he became. He looked at the marks on his back in the mirror, and wiped it off with a towel while crying, delusionally trying to wipe off these strange marks, as if the Specter who came to ask for his life would never come again.

Sting -

just at this moment, the light bulb in the bathroom flickered.

Yao Ye had been staring at his back in the mirror just now, very focused, but he didn't notice the light bulb above his head.

But after the light flickered for a moment, he was full of unease, and suddenly became extremely frightened again.

His pupils tightened, and he saw a pale palm rubbing against the place he was wiping on his smooth shoulders. His movements were gentle and slow, as if he was reluctant to bear those different shades of Yuken.


Yao Ye was startled, the towel in his hand fell to the ground, and he looked at his side anxiously.


The white bath tiles reflected the dim light in the bathroom. Yao Ye was completely panicked. He looked around, and he always felt that the whole bathroom had become gloomy. fear of speaking.

Could it be that the blank hasn't gone yet?

Yao Ye didn't dare to stay in the bathroom any longer. He hastily wiped the water off his body and walked out of the bathroom with a pale face.

He stepped on the floor frightened, his teeth chattered, his eyes wandered at everything in the house, and his heart shivered.

If that Specter still stays at home, what should he do?

At night, will Blank come to take him away to pay for his life?

Yao Ye didn't dare to think about it anymore, he put on a black hoodie and jeans, and rushed out of the house with his wallet in hand.

The house was no longer safe. For the sake of his life, Yao Ye decided to go to a small hotel outside to avoid the limelight.

Maybe, if Blank couldn't find him, would he let him go?

Yao Ye trotted all the way with an illusion that he didn't even believe in himself, and stood nervously in front of the elevator door waiting for the elevator.

Ding -

the elevator is coming.

Yao Ye, who was standing in front of the elevator waiting to enter, felt very cold for some reason. It was still early summer, but it was as cold as winter. He was only wearing a thin hoodie, and he couldn't help shivering.

The elevator door opened, and a young girl was about to walk out with a large dog. This lively large dog was Alaska.

Alaska is very big, and Yao Ye is blocking the door, just blocking its way out.

Seeing this, Yao Ye stepped back, preparing to open the way to the door so that the pet dog could also come out.

"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

Suddenly, Alaska, who was wagging his tail quietly, roared loudly in Yao Ye's direction, with a hideous face.

Yao Ye's face turned pale, and he quickly stepped back.

He is a little afraid of dogs.

In fact, he was afraid of everything.

Compared with normal people, Yao Ye, who had been frightened by campus bullying, was a veritable coward. He was afraid of everything that would threaten him.

In fact, Yao Ye also knew that he was a little sick, but he couldn't do anything about it, his personality had been finalized, and he couldn't get rid of these deep-rooted fears.

The girl on the leash saw that her dog was scaring people, so she quickly apologized, and was about to leave as soon as she held the leash, but Alaska continued to bark relentlessly.

Yao Ye was so frightened that he was so close to the wall that he didn't even dare to enter the elevator door next to him, for fear that he would be bitten by a dog if he moved.

The girl was even more apologetic, but for some reason, her own dog refused to leave, and she couldn't even pull it.

The ghosts wrapped around Yao Ye's body cast a gloomy glance at Alaska, and the ghosts were terrifying.


Alaska, who was still screaming arrogantly, whimpered abruptly, shrugging his tail and not daring to make any more noise.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, although she didn't know why, she hurriedly dragged her dog, who seemed to be frightened, and left.

Seeing the vicious dog leave, Yao Ye maintained his rigid posture against the wall and moved into the elevator little by little.

Fortunately, he kept pressing the elevator button, otherwise he would have to wait for the next one.

Entering the elevator, Yao Ye quickly pressed the door close button and waited for the elevator to reach the first floor.

He was still in shock, looked suspiciously at the enclosed elevator space around him, and carefully stuck to the corner to make sure that nothing should suddenly appear behind him.

Many horror ghost stories are written like this. When the protagonist is looking forward, a ghost suddenly appears behind him and eats the protagonist's head.

Yao Ye believed those street stall literature as a bible, and kept looking around, only to feel that the elevator was going down too slowly.

The ghost hugging Yao Ye tenderly raised the corners of his lips, and kissed his earlobe fascinatedly, feeling that his Yeer was also very cute when he was scared.

Ding -

When the elevator reached the second floor, the button lighted up and stopped on the second floor.

A nerdy youth with glasses lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, and stepped into the elevator in one step.

Yao Ye glanced at him in disgust.

What are you doing, you have to take the elevator on the second floor, why are you lazy!

Yao Ye raised his hand and pressed the elevator button to the next floor.

Forget it, regardless of this lazy person, it would be better to leave this apartment building quickly.

Yao Ye nervously bit his fingers and huddled in the corner, waiting for the elevator to descend to the first floor.

In the eyes of outsiders, he didn't realize how nervous he was when he was too nervous, like a lunatic who was released.

The nerdy young man glanced at Yao Ye from the corner of his eye, and pouted.

There are so many idiots in this apartment building.

The nerdy youth retracted his gaze and was about to continue looking at the phone, but his eyes swept across the mirror of the elevator on the opposite side.

The elevator in this apartment building is a standard cuboid. The nerd youth is standing in the center of the elevator, while Yao Ye is shrunk in the angle between the two sides on the left side of the nerd, just enough to be illuminated by the smooth mirror on the right.

The nerdy youth looked at himself in the mirror on the right, handsome as usual.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the crazy dark-haired youth in the mirror.

The black-haired, baby-faced youth's face was pale, and his fair and thin fingers were bitten between his lips and teeth, and he could vaguely see a few deep bloodshot bite marks on his fingers.

The contrast between the dark red bloodshot and pale knuckles is very strong.

The nerdy young man reconfirmed that this person was a fool, he didn't feel pain when he bit himself, and he didn't change his face even when he saw blood.

Just when he wanted to look away, the nerdy young man suddenly noticed something strange.

Wait, is this man's waist a hand?

The nerdy youth rubbed his eyes and looked again, and found that a bloodless blue-gray arm was tightly hugging the black-haired youth's slender waist, leaving no gaps.

The nerdy young man's breath stagnated, he counted Yao Ye's hands, his left hand was bitten in his mouth, and his right hand was helplessly pinching the sleeve of his left hand.

A man has only two hands, so whose hand is on this man's waist?

The nerd youth was so frightened that he froze in place, his eyes didn't dare to move. He saw the hand around the black-haired youth's waist vaguely rubbing the youth's soft waist, and then he paused, as if he had found a nerd. peeping, stopped.

The nerdy youth who saw this shocking scene trembled all over, and was so scared that he could hardly breathe.

He opened his bloodshot eyes wide and saw a pale face emerge from the shoulders of the black-haired youth behind him, with dark pupils.

It looked at the nerd youth with a gloomy gaze, and the maliciousness in his eyes made the nerd youth shudder.


The elevator finally reached the first floor. Yao Ye was so cold that he was about to jump. He hissed and rushed out of the elevator impatiently.

Gotta get out of here quickly! As long as he leaves this apartment, he can live!

Yao Ye thought so, his eyes flickered with tiny light, full of hope.

And behind him, the nerdy youth knelt on the ground sluggishly, his face turned pale all of a sudden, his eyelids rolled up, and he passed out, which attracted exclamations from many people in the hall.

Someone hurriedly called an ambulance, and the nerdy young man twitched before the ambulance arrived, his facial features were twisted and ferocious, and he kept saying things like "there are ghosts" and "there are ghosts in the elevator", the weird appearance was scary. Get cold on the soles of your feet.

Yao Ye ignored the commotion behind him, he just ran desperately and rushed out of the rose apartment.

At this time, the sun was setting, Yao Ye saw that the pedestrians on the road were wearing thin summer clothes, and their expressions were normal, which was a little strange.

Because he was so cold that his teeth were chattering.

He urgently needs to find an air-conditioned hotel to rest.

Yao Ye rubbed his eyes wearily, cold and tired.

Yao Ye remembered that there seemed to be a small hotel with air conditioning near the apartment, so he went straight to the hotel.

But who knows, he went out in a hurry and forgot to bring his ID card, and the hotel saw him dressed in sloppy clothes again, for fear that Yao Ye might be some kind of gangster, he refused Yao Ye's request to open a room.

Yao Ye had been begging for a long time, but he didn't want to give up. Apart from the hotel, he really didn't know where else he could stay.

"Don't come to open a room without an ID card, it will delay things!"

The counter, who was annoyed by Yao Ye's entanglement, rolled his eyes and looked impatient.

Yao Ye was rejected by the counter with a cold face. He hated it in his heart, but his face was still submissive. He lowered his head and walked away.

X's, they all look down on people, they are all scum!

"Hum! Poor ghost! Fortunately, I didn't live in, otherwise I don't know how much trouble I'll cause, tsk tsk!" The

counter looked at Yao Ye's back, especially his old shoes that were very worn, not to mention disgusted.

The ghost figure hugging his lover heard everything, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at the lady at the counter.

"Hi--" The

counter had a cold war, inexplicably, it felt a little cold.

Although the air conditioner was on in the room, there was still a chill in the bones.

She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms, and was about to go to the lounge to put it on, but when she stepped out of the counter, she slipped and fell to the ground, and put the antique shelf behind her. To touch crooked.

Bang--crack--! ! !

The fragile vase on the shelf smashed to the ground, and the counter hurriedly dodged, but the arm still accidentally pressed into the vase fragment, and the whole arm was dripping with blood.

The counter wailed, not noticing that a pair of copper scissors slipped off the shelf, scratching her wide-open mouth.

"Ahhhh!!!" The

screams spread far away.

According to folklore, the grievances of the ghosts will bring bad luck to people. The specifics vary from person to person, and they will kill people's luck. If they have shallow luck, they may die because of this, but if they know how to cultivate themselves in time, they may save their lives. .

Yao Ye, who walked out of the hotel, heard the screams, and when he looked back, he saw that the mean front desk was covering his mouth and jumping feet, his hands full of blood.

Seeing the red bloodstain, he took a step back in fright, but then he gloated again.

"Humph! I made you mean just now! Haha!"

Yao Ye showed a rare smile, obviously, seeing someone worse than himself would make him very happy.

Seeing Yao Ye's smile, the ghost shadow also rubbed Yao Ye's cheek happily, being intimate.

Looking back, Yao Ye continued to walk aimlessly on the brightly lit street, wondering where he was staying tonight.

Now that it's already dark, he doesn't dare to go home for the time being, but he can't stay in the hotel, where can he go?

[Wanhu Internet Cafe]

The light sign of an Internet cafe flashed in front of Yao Ye's eyes. His eyes lit up and he knew where he had gone to rest.

He can go to the Internet cafe to pack the night!

It only costs ten yuan a night, you can play on the computer, you can sleep on a chair when you are tired, and you can buy a bag of instant noodles to eat when you are hungry, which is a great deal!

Yao Ye did what he thought of, and walked into the Internet cafe excitedly.

But he didn't notice that after he entered the Internet cafe, the lights of the Internet cafe began to flash and rattle.

Zila -

the light board flickered for a moment as if it was damaged before it regained its brightness, and everything returned to its usual tranquility.

It's just that some places on the sign no longer glow.

A little bit on the word "household" went dark, and the whole lamp board suddenly became gloomy and terrifying.

[Wanshi Internet Cafe]