Chapter 105 7.9 The Return of the Dead Wife

The chaos in the small restaurant rose to its peak after the lights were turned on, and everyone was terrified by the way Yao Ye held a knife and the way Mui Ne frantically pinched herself.

Although they didn't know what was going on, everyone was at a loss for a moment due to this strange atmosphere, and then they rushed towards the door in unison.

No one wants to stay in this spooky restaurant anymore, and the human instinct to survive drives them desperately to escape.

Yao Ye was still standing there, his face was frighteningly cold, and with the knife in his hand, everyone around him subconsciously avoided him. In the crowd, only Yao Ye was vacant, which was particularly conspicuous.

Yao Ye looked at Xiao San Tian Teng who had already scrambled to the door, clenched the knife in his hand, and his peach blossom eyes were eerie and terrifying.

The stab was wrong just now, it must be the ghost of Shendu Reina, it seems that he really likes the drama of the hero saving the beauty.

Yao Ye gritted his teeth and raised his knife, ready to do it again.

This time, we must stab that abominable Specter and make him pay the price he deserves!


Tato was crowded and walked towards the door. Before he got there, he looked back and found that the crazy murderer just now had a fierce look on his face.

He suddenly screamed and squeezed in front of the door, shouting words such as help, and was very emotional.

No one is not afraid when their life is threatened. Tato is almost afraid of death. He is sweating profusely. He only hates that his parents have lost two legs.

Panic is contagious.

Tato's fear quickly spread to others. In this small restaurant, which is not spacious, the panic spread very fast, and everyone became more and more panicked and wanted to go out, so that several people were crowded to the ground and were trampled on. , screams one after another.

Yao Ye was squeezed out of the crowd and couldn't cut anyone with a knife, so he couldn't help being a little irritable.

Tato clawed at the door and shouted desperately, "The door! Open it, boss! Why can't you open it! It's going to die! Who will call the police!" This door is usually easy to push open.

Cries boiled for a while.

Yao Ye frowned at the door that couldn't be opened, so angry that he couldn't breathe easily.

"Shindu Rena..."

In order to get the first love and not let the first love run away, he actually learned the trick of chaining doors!

Do you love him so much!

Yao Ye's eyes were red, and he couldn't tell whether the feeling in his heart was more hatred or more sour.

He thought of his newly married wife, who was as gentle and moving as a lily.

At that time, although they occasionally had cold wars, there were still warm moments, unlike the increasingly intensified conflicts later, the communication between them became less and less, until now they are fighting each other.

Rena... It's all Rena's fault! If it wasn't for her arrogant disobedience and cheating, how could they have become like this.

Yao Ye's mental state was a little unstable, he couldn't help shedding tears, his eyes were flushed, and a morbid flush appeared on his pale cheeks.

He squeezed hard into the crowd and walked to the shivering Tato.

Yao Ye stood beside Tato with a stern face, waiting for his cheating wife to appear.

When the little lover is threatened with life, the pervert will definitely not help appearing.

Yao Ye knew his wife very well. He couldn't be more aware of how protective and possessive that guy who was beautiful on the outside and dirty on the inside was about the things he loved.

Because these things should have belonged to him alone.

But now, it was distributed by Reina to others...

"Let me go~ woo woo... I don't know you ah woo! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! If there is anything to offend you! I'm really sorry!"

Tato watched in horror as the murderer was getting closer and closer, and posted Weeping in tears on the glass door.

Seeing that the people around didn't dare to offend the evil star, they all retreated, and Tianto was so scared that he shrank into a ball, and he didn't dare to move the knife even when it reached his head.

Yao Ye looked down at this middle-aged social animal who was curled up in a ball with a strange expression.

He really didn't understand where Reina had taken a fancy to this person, and the derailment was so straightforward, could it be that there was something special about him?

Yao Ye didn't want to understand, and he didn't want to understand. With a swing of the knife, a few strands of hair on the top of Tato's head were shaved off to threaten Reina Shendu, who had been reluctant to show up.

Tato was so frightened that he screamed, his voice almost hoarse.

After this incident, there was more chaos in the diner, with commotion and fear.

And where humans can't reach, the blood-covered Specter is covering his cheeks and weeping. He didn't notice his husband's anger, and sobbed in a low voice because of his ugly appearance.

So ugly... Appearing in front of Lord Yao... woo woo ... Lord

Yao... must be very disgusting... what to do... what to do...

Shendu Reina felt a deep despair, it didn't even dare to look up Go to see her husband, afraid to see her husband showing disgust.

For Rena Kamito, who longed for her husband's love, being hated by her lover was the most terrifying thing in the world.

Get that face quickly... As long as you get that face, Lord Yao... will definitely forgive him!

Shendu Rena gradually stopped sobbing, raised its head, and stared at the woman named Mina not far away through the messy black hair on its forehead.

That's right, as long as they get that face that Yaojun likes...

they will go back to the happy days before~

Wearing a dark kimono, the pale-faced kimono ghost stroked her cheeks, showing a paradoxical smile, her eyes were full of that face that was not beautiful, but could attract her husband's attention.

Not far away, Mina, who had not recovered from the disaster just now, touched her neck, coughed repeatedly, and looked in a trance.

"Mina, are you alright! What happened just now? Is that the boss Rena?"

Fujiwara's face was full of worry.

Captain Kurokawa was in a hurry to drag back his first love, Tato, who had disappeared. After a few words of comfort, he ran to the door to find Tato.

The other teammates also looked at Mina worriedly, at a loss.

None of them thought that they would enter Rena's ghost realm so early. They just came to find their first love, and they were not ready to enter at all. It was basically equivalent to coming to die.

"Well, what should we do, we're probably already in the ghost realm... Now apart from each other, we can't tell who is real and who is fake..." Teammate A frowned.

In order to do this task, he has watched the movie many times, and also checked a lot of related strange stories, so he naturally understands how powerful Reina's ghost realm is.

It can be said that once they enter the ghost realm, their life and death are all under the control of Li Gui Linai. She can blind their perception at will, let them circle in place, and can't escape for a lifetime, and she can also possess any of them. On one person, sow discord and let them kill each other.

This trick has appeared many times in the movie, and it has been tried and tested, and there is no solution at all.

Even if they have amulets on their bodies, it is impossible to be foolproof, and they will lose their lives here if they are not careful.

And dying in this strange world, although not really dead, will cause great damage to the spirit, and even become an idiot in serious cases, so it is best not to die if you can.

"Woohoo ... I don't want to die ..."

Teammate B's face bitterly, almost crying, his psychological quality was not strong, and he scared himself lightly by brain supplement.

Just when several people were gloomy and gloomy, Mina suddenly screamed in pain and ran away quickly, clutching her bloody arm. In fact, if she hadn't reacted quickly, the knife mark would have appeared on her neck just now. .

Everyone was shocked, only to realize that at some point, the ordinary onlookers around came up silently, their faces became very pale, and their eyes were directly aimed at Mui Ne's face, how scary the atmosphere must be. How scary.

And Mui Ne's arm was scratched by one of the onlookers. The knife edge was very wide, and it kept cutting half of Mui Ne's arm.

Looking at the man dressed as a chef with a wide-backed kitchen knife, Fujiwara and the others were startled by the strange smile on the man's face.

" face...give me..." The chef's face was pale, but his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Such weird smiles are all over the crowd, and even a fool can guess what's going on.

This group of people were all under control, and Li Gui Linai had indeed been eyeing them.

Several people stood back-to-back, waiting in a serious line, but their palms were sweating coldly, and they felt that the odds of winning were not high.

The restaurant fell into an eerie silence, and the people who were still noisy and wanted to escape the restaurant quieted down. They reached out their hands and grabbed Mui Ne's face greedily.

That fresh face... the face that Yaojun loves... is his.

When the abnormality occurred, Yao Ye was standing beside Tato with his chest folded, his face very impatient.

"Shindu Rena? Why haven't you come out yet? Do you really want me to chop him up?" Is

n't this philandering guy very possessive, why is he now cowardly.

With the knife in front of him, Tato kept his mouth shut and didn't dare to make a sound. He trembled like a sheep maniac. After listening to Yao Ye's anger, he felt that the name "Shendu Rena" was very familiar, and he quickly remembered his student days. The influential figures in the school looked at Yao Ye in amazement.

"... big, adult, are you, do you mean Miss Shendu? Woohoo ... I, I and her are friends, really, so please let me go!"

Tian Teng seemed to grab a life -saving straw , trying to explain to Yao Ye the close classmate relationship between himself and Shendu Rena, what to lend to Shendu Rena, help each other during graduation trips, and talk about everything that can be related to each other.


Yao Ye expressionlessly listened to Xiao San showing off the beauty he had with his wife in front of him, and after a long while, a cold sneer came out of his mouth.

"Really. It seems that you and Rena are really close..." Yao Ye said yin and yang angrily.

It turned out that I fell in love at such an early age, no wonder I have been obsessed with it, the first love is always unforgettable, hehe.

Tianto didn't hear anything wrong, and he was still thankful that his connections had saved him, and nodded again and again.

"Yes, yes! We are the best friends! Speaking of which, we almost became a couple at the beginning!" When she was a

student, everyone knew that Miss Shendu was the eldest young lady of the big family, and there was no limelight. Two, the flower of Gao Ling in many people's hearts is not fake to anyone. Tato was fortunate to have met several times. Later, when he participated in the class reunion, he still didn't forget to show it and brag that he was Miss Shendu's first love. It was quite a show.

Yao Ye couldn't bear to see this little three being so arrogant in front of his original wife, the hair on his forehead fell, casting a shadow on his eyelids, and even his tone became much gloomier.

"Haha, that's really a pity, then, in order to continue the relationship, I'll send you to see Rena, okay? You must be very happy!"

Saying that, Yao Ye raised his lips and raised the meal in his hand. Knife, murderous.

Eh? Tian Tou was stunned, he almost trembled into Parkinson's, he was out of breath from crying, he didn't know where he said something wrong, and he offended this murderer again.

No, he really doesn't want to die!

"Ahhh-" Just as Yao Ye's knife was about to fall, Mina's scream sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then looked over.

Not far away, Mui Ne, who had just escaped the claws, was caught again. Several people held on to her hair, and their fingers became claws, approaching her face.

Kamito Rena stood beside Mina, excitedly looking at the face that was about to be handed, the turbulent emotions caused the black mist around her to cover her body to disperse, revealing the original terrifying and bloody ghost.

It stretched out its hand and used sharp black fingernails to close to Mui Ne's skin. The slightest touch was a patch of blood. Half of Mui Ne's face was stained with blood, and it was about to peel off the skin in the next moment.

Of course, from Yao Ye's point of view, Shendu Rena was sticking close to the woman's side at this time, her fingers caressing the woman's injured cheek, her expression should be as gentle and gentle.

"Shendu Rena!!!"

Yao Ye looked at the little Sanda Fuji beside him in disbelief, and then looked at the wife beside the strange woman, feeling that he was being tricked and his lungs were blown out of anger.

Co-authoring yourself was talking to the air just now?

This scumbag actually really liked another one! I don't even want my first love, just for her! ! !

Yao Ye was trembling with anger, and he scolded loudly, which sounded particularly loud in this quiet restaurant.

Yao Ye had never suffered such a big humiliation in his life.

That wife, who nominally loved him, just watched him scolding the air just now, and ran leisurely and contentedly to court a strange woman.

What, are you showing off his popularity to him!

This scum!

Yao Ye's already unstable spirit completely collapsed, and he now has only one thought after realizing that his green hat has become green to scum.

That is, to kill this careless wife, the former eachother would have the right to feed the dog.

Shendu Rena looked at her subordinate's face with excitement, as if she saw a bright future with her husband, and was about to tear it off completely when she heard her husband's angry roar, she paused, and looked back cautiously.

The handsome husband stood by the door and came straight at it.

Kanda Rena subconsciously covered her face in panic.

It is obviously unforgivable for a husband who is deeply loved to see the scene of his murder. A person as kind as Lord Yao would definitely detest such behavior.

Maybe, he will become very scared...even if it doesn't hurt his lover...

No normal person would accept that his wife has become such a bloodthirsty monster...Kanda Rena is very aware of the darkness of human nature , however, it does not want to accept such an ending.

It loves her husband deeply, even if she dies, she is unwilling to be separated.

Lord Yao...don't be afraid of me, don't leave me...please...

Shendu Rena's mind went blank, all killing intent and bloodthirsty turned into panic and despair.

It is afraid to hear that her husband's next sentence is "divorce" or the rejection of ghosts, and that merciless indifference is enough to defeat it.

No, never will.

They want to be together forever, even if Lord Yao wants to leave... it won't let go...

Lord Yao can never leave it's side...forever! ! !

Shendu Rena's chaotic thoughts flooded with almost crazy love, and she took a step forward nervously, her whole body swelled and rolled with resentment, and her dark pupils were full of deep possessiveness.

He was terrified by such a rare and blunt anger from his husband, and his only thought now was to trap his lover and never let him go, and then it didn't matter how ugly they were, because they would never be separated.

So, it doesn't matter, Lord Yao, it doesn't matter even if you want to say something outrageous...because, after all, they will be together forever...

However, the truth always deviates from the imagination. The husband's next sentence is not "divorce" or other harsh words of contempt, but...

"Kanda Rena! You... How many times do you have to cheat!"

" ..."


What cheating?

After doing a lot of psychological preparations, Kanda Rena, who had even thought about where her husband would be imprisoned in the future, didn't react, she was sluggish, and looked at her husband for unknown reasons.

It was greeted by a sharp knife.

Stab -

the knife cut through the air, leaving a deep scratch on the white tablecloth.


Mina, whose face was ripped, sat on the ground dumbfoundedly, covering her face, staring blankly at the warrior who dared to use a knife with the big boss in front of her.

Captain Kurokawa, who had finally pulled over the mission target Tato, also stared at this scene in a stunned manner, and his three views exploded.

The other four teammates were also dumbfounded, standing still, not daring to move.

It's over, it's over, the boss is going to be provoked, they're dead!

Needle-dropping could be heard in the restaurant.

Yao Ye was panting heavily, looking at the knife that had passed through his wife's translucent body, his face was unwilling.

"Shindu wait, even if I can't kill you now! I will kill you in the future! You cheating fellow! Shameless! Wolf-hearted and dog-lung!" Shendu,

who was stared at by her husband with the eyes of a heartless man Reina was stunned on the spot, and before she could change her emotions from her complaining wife who was about to be abandoned, she was instantly labeled as a scumbag.