Chapter 106 7.10 The Return of the Dead Wife

The restaurant fell into silence, whether it was the puppets who were being manipulated, or the shocked outsiders, all of them froze in place, not knowing what was going on.

    An ordinary man stabbed the big boss with a knife! And arguing with the boss in a cuckold tone!

    What kind of shit series is this!

    No, this is obviously a horror movie!

    For a time, Kurokawa, Mina and the others swallowed dryly. They were ready to watch the ordinary man torn to shreds.

    No matter whether this person is really crazy or admits the wrong person, if they dare to treat a murderous ghost boss like this, it is basically impossible for them to survive. .

    Thinking of this, several people hurriedly pulled up Mina, who was still slumped on the ground, and simply bandaged her wound, so that the skin that was about to fall off would not fall off completely.

    "Shhh! Be quiet, let's go explore the way first, it will be too late when this man dies, hurry up while the boss isn't paying attention!" Fujiwara supported Mina, with lingering fears.

    The scene just now was really frightening. At that time, he was so close that he could almost see Li Gui Linai's pupils clearly. The terrifying cruelty made him shudder, and he still hasn't recovered.

    "Quick! Quick! Mr. Tato! If you still want to save your life, you'd better follow us!"

    At this dangerous moment, Kurokawa completely tore off the mask of kindness just now, took a gun, and aimed at the person beside him who was about to escape. Tianto.

    They need this plot character very much now. As long as they escape from here, and then brainwash this plot character into the appearance of deeply in love with Shendu Reina, the boss who lacks love will definitely take the bait, so the resentment will dissipate, the curse will be automatically lifted, and the task will be completed. It can be completed smoothly.

    The black muzzle was pointed directly at the forehead.

    Tian Teng just came out of the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den. He was just a small staff member who had never seen the world before. Wherever he had seen a gun, he immediately looked pale, raised his hands, and followed in despair.

    Mina, who was supported, endured the pain and covered her face. Half of her face was stained with blood, and the small half of her face was almost completely detached from the muscles on her face, and her injuries were very serious.

    Fortunately, this is not the real world, otherwise she will go crazy. The most important face for her female agent has been completely destroyed, and surgery may not necessarily restore it to its original state.

    Resisting the screams of pain in her mouth, Mina followed her teammates carefully to the direction of the back door of the restaurant, trying to escape from this ghost realm.

    However, after experiencing the terrifying scene just now, she was still a little panicked and looked back subconsciously.

    Not far away, the female ghost Rena with long black hair scattered in front of her face was still standing there.

    In the eyes of outsiders, this gloomy Specter was obviously angry, full of suffocation, expressionless, and his dark eyes were terrifyingly cold. Any normal person who looked into such eyes would leave a huge psychological shadow.

    Yao Ye also thinks so.

    "You... bastard!!!"

    He looked at the indifferent wife in front of him, completely collapsed, and half lowered his head involuntarily, not wanting others to see his red eyes and tears.

    Yao Ye's thin wrist holding the knife trembled slightly, he was holding back the anger and despair in his heart.

    What should I do if my wife cheated, and she still looks unrepentant?

    As a normal man, all he can do is incompetent rage.

    Yao Ye's face was dark, and he raised his eyes again, looking at his wife with disappointment and loneliness in his eyes.

    "...I, I gave you still betrayed me..."

    He had given everything to Rena before and after his death. Even if there were conflicts, he still didn't betray. I didn't expect...

    Sure enough, Reina betrayed the marriage first! ! !

    He knew that people who were addicted to that kind of strange sex would definitely be seduced and cheated easily!

    Yao Ye looked at Shendu Rena with a heartbroken heart and felt deeply that this was the truth, and reaffirmed his previous actions.

    The last time I rejected my wife's courtship, I really rejected it, otherwise I don't know how long I will be prostituted for nothing!

    Shendu Rena looked at her husband's increasingly strange gaze at a loss, and her already stiff face became even more rigid.

    cheating? asshole?

    Yaojun...what did you see? Why do you suddenly become so excited...

    and say some strange things in such a distressing tone.

    Kamito Rena is at a loss now. Although she is very happy to hear her husband express her love for her, she looks at the sadness and despair on the face of her beloved husband, and she is distressed.

    It pulled away its pale face with all its might, revealing a sympathetic smile.

    "Don't be angry, Lord Yao... I love you! I didn't betray you..."

    Shendu Rena tried to explain with hope.

    It approached Yao Ye and stretched out its slender and pale fingers, trying to hug its lover and calm him down.

    Yao Ye looked at his wife's outstretched hand, took a step back with a blank expression, and pointed at the few people behind Rena who were about to retreat.

    This kind of scumbag-like explanation... tsk.

    He believes in a ghost! ! !

    "Then what happened to the two of them? A first love, a new love! Do you think that letting them slip away quickly can cover up your cheating!" Yao Ye's black and white peach blossom eyes were full of irony and hurt.

    Shendu Reina took the black pot out of thin air, and immediately turned her head to look behind her with cold eyes.

    Kurokawa, who had not gone far, waited for a group of people: "..." Fuck

    Seeing that the boss was looking over, Mina was so frightened that she hugged her head and squatted down, covering her bleeding face and sobbing. She didn't dare to look at Shendu Rena again.

    The other teammates also stopped their footsteps with a groaning face, daring not to move, for fear of provoking the boss's disgust and destroying the whole team.

    "I don't know them, really!" Shendu Li Nai said righteously, vaguely guessing the reason for her husband's anger, it should be bewitched by these people, it's all to blame for these scumbags, making Yao Jun so angry.

    Kamito Reina glared at the group of people with bitterness in her eyes, and focused on Mina's face for a while, hesitating whether to take off that face now.

    Maybe after the face change, the husband will change his mind and become happy.

    The outsiders turned pale with fright from such a malicious gaze.

    What is the situation! Why haven't these two fought yet? Are you suddenly looking at them?

    This is not in line with Reina's high efficiency in the movie! Where is the arrogance of being alone for a minute!

    Heo Chuan and his group were confused, and looked at Li Gui Rena who was standing still, and looked at Yao Ye, who was still intact.

    Kill it! What are you waiting for! The boss wouldn't want to kill them first and then kill him!

    The more people made up their minds, the more terrifying they became, and they panicked and became grasshoppers on the frying pan.

    The leader of the team, Kurokawa, stared at everything in front of him with bated breath, and his mind was full of thoughts.

    Looking at Yao Ye's annoyed expression and the knife in his hand aimed at the boss, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that this could not be Reina's scumbag husband!

    Kurokawa thought it was very possible. After all, we only met in the yard in the morning, and now he is so rude to the boss. If it is not an intimate relationship, he really can't do it.

    Then if it is really the scumbag, then things will be easy to handle, just push the first love out and it will be over, just in one nest!

    There is only one question, and that is whether Tato can cooperate.

    After all, in the plot, Tato doesn't love Rena, and it can even be said that he is very bored. If these bored emotions are discovered by the boss, it is likely to cause a greater crisis.

    "I'm still watching, the eyeballs are about to fall off!"

    Yao Ye laughed angrily as he looked at Shendu Rena, who almost put his eyeballs on the strange woman.

    Even if you turn around, you can hook up, and Shendu Reina is also quite powerful.

    One can imagine how many times she cheated on her during her lifetime! ! !

    Yao Ye suddenly felt that the green hat on his head was glowing green.

    After hearing Yao Ye's sarcasm, Shendu Rena turned her head in panic, not knowing how to explain her thought of wanting to take off that face for herself.

    If the truth is told, will the husband be more afraid?

    "Why don't you speak? Are you guilty?" Yao Ye narrowed his eyes.

    Shendu Reina hurriedly shook her head, opened her mouth to explain that she didn't know this group of people at all, and was blocked by Yao Ye again.     "You don't really think I'll believe the nonsense that you don't know her! How can you come here if you don't know her! You're good at playing, new and old loves

    get together, you pervert!"

Du Linna was cowardly. After thinking about it for a while, he still felt that he could not continue to misunderstand like this, and directly expressed his love.

    "No, Lord Yao, I really love you, really! I don't know that woman, I just saw that you like that face very much, so I want to take it off and give it to you!" Shendu Reina will cover her face He brushed his hair away and gave her husband a flattering and gentle smile.

    Hearing this, Yao Ye moved, his expression a little shaken.


    That woman seems to be really hurt...

    Seeing her husband's mood has eased, Shendu Rena breathed a sigh of relief, and continued expectantly: "If Lord Yao doesn't believe it, I can do it now!"

    As he said that, black mist poured into the small restaurant instantly, corroding all life except Yao Ye and Shendu Reina.

    Yao Ye's sanity recovered somewhat, he looked at his wife suspiciously, hesitating whether to believe this nonsense.

    Just when Yao Ye was indecisive, Kurokawa gave the final blow.

    "Miss Reina! Your first love, Tato, has something to say to you!"

    Kurokawa, frightened by the black mist, pushed Tato to the vicinity.

    As for whether this Tianto will be exposed, let's talk about it. If it is not released now, it will be useless for the boss to kill the red eye later.

    Anyone who has seen the movie knows how powerful this black fog is. It's comparable to sulfuric acid, but it's not sex that corrodes, but the spirit. If you stay here for a long time, people will go crazy, so they can't wait any longer, and they must take action immediately. .

    Hearing this sentence, Yao Ye's face darkened instantly, and the knife in his hand became more stable: "Really! Don't you want to see your first love! Miss Shendu!"

    Yes, besides that woman, there are other A first love that was almost fooled by Reina.

    Yao Ye clenched his lips angrily, and after finally softening, his attitude returned to his original state, and his thorns stood up like a hedgehog.

    Kanda Rena: "..."

    Kanda Rena, who has always been polite, has the urge to curse.

    Sa -

    the black mist surged, surrounding a group of six people tightly.


    Shendu Reina couldn't bear it any longer, she spoke gloomily, her voice was low and terrifying, and her dark pupils aimed at Kurokawa and Tato who were approaching.

    Tianto screamed in fright, tears streaming down his face.

    "Wow! Reina! Me! It's me! Do you still know me! I'm Tato!" Tato was grabbed by the back of his neck by Kurokawa, and he could only use his limbs to greet him.

    Kanda Reina looked at the idiot with a blank expression.

    Tato, I almost forgot about this man.

    At the school reunion, he said that he had an affair with him, and he called someone into a sack. I didn't expect that I didn't have a long memory to say it, and I dared to slander him!

    If Lord Yao really left because of this...

    Shendu Rina was motivated to kill, and her eyes became more and more gloomy and terrifying.

    Kurokawa didn't see anything wrong with the boss, and when he saw that he was fine, he thought the plan was a success, and hurriedly began to introduce again: "Miss Shendu, yes, this is your first love, Tato! He found that he loved you deeply. I just fell in love...but it's already separated by yin and yang, so I'm so excited to see you again! You! Be sure to listen to him talk about his love for you! He loves you so much!!!"

    Kurokawa said in a tactful tone. Like reciting, he said a lot of praise, wishing he could directly open Tato's mouth and speak for him.

    "..." Tato stared at Kurokawa dumbfounded.

    Everyone's goosebumps were aroused by the tenor-like tone of Kurokawa, showing an indescribable expression.

    In the silence, Shendu Reina approached Tato expressionlessly, stretched out his hand, and twisted his neck.

    Kazha -

    The excitement and joy on Kurokawa's face froze on his face.

    ? ? ?

    The group of six fell into a dead silence.

    An important plot character died, at the hands of the boss who was said to love him deeply. This turning point is really fantastic.

    Slap -

    Tato fell softly to the ground with a lingering fear on his face.

    Everyone watched as the Boss walked towards the scumbag who was said to be slashed by a thousand swords, and held the man's hand almost flatteringly.

    "Jun Yao...Look, he's dead, and there's no way he can stop us~ lol~"

    The glamorous female ghost has pale complexion, smiles like flowers, and her dark eyes are full of morbid love.

    In fact, in the face of this almost farce misunderstanding, except for the anger and sadness of her husband just now that made her feel a little distressed, Rena Kanda was still very happy.

    Because her husband, who has always been indifferent, was jealous, and with such a strong love, Kanda Rena was almost flattered.

    For the first time, he was so sure that he had the love of his husband.

    Husband's love is really touching. If he betrayed, he will be stabbed. This kind of love is too sweet, and the eyes of Kanda Rena darken a lot. Husband's cheek, rubbed thinly.

    "Don't be sad anymore, Lord Yao, I didn't cheat, I will always love you alone." Shendu Rena confessed affectionately.

    Yao Ye looked slightly startled when he saw his first love, who was still alive and kicking, turned into a corpse.

    He was frightened.

    "...Really, really dead?" Yao Ye's already chaotic brain couldn't handle overly intense content, and now he was in a trance.

    After all, he was just an ordinary person. When he saw someone die in front of him with his own eyes, he was the lover of the person beside him, and he was immediately shocked.

    "Really~" Kanda Rena embraced her husband and kissed her husband's snow-white ear with a deep love.

    Yao Ye leaned on his wife's arms in a trance, his thin waist was tightly bound in it.

    "Don't worry, Yaojun... so cute, it's alright, it's alright, shall we go home right away?" Rena Shendu felt her husband obediently staying in her arms, and noticed her husband trembling slightly.

    Yao Ye's breathing was a little short. He wanted to look at the corpse again, but his vision was blocked and he couldn't see it for the time being.

    Although this approach cleared up a misunderstanding, Yao Ye always felt that something was wrong.

    After thinking about it, Yao Ye said honestly, "You have broken the law."

    "..." Kanda Rena stopped as she stroked the ends of her husband's hair.

    "Murdering is wrong."

    "...No, he just fell asleep."

    "You said he was dead just now."

    "..." Reina Shendu silently let go of the ghost that was pinched in her hand and released the ghost. the ghost realm.

    In this way, Tianto who died in the ghost realm will only go crazy in the real world, but not die.

    "It's a dream, it's not dead, you'll know when Yao Jun wakes up." Shendu Rena smiled sweetly, and rubbed the tip of her husband's nose, trying to get away with it.

    Yao Ye looked at the two fools.

    The author has something to say: By the way, tomorrow's update will be moved to 12 noon, because last time I saw a little angel in the comment saying that he was going to school at 3 o'clock in the afternoon qaq, so he promised to update orz in advance, but I'm looking for There is less than that comment, but it will be done as promised, so tomorrow's update will be at 12 noon.p