Chapter 115 8.6 Strange Neighbors

The real world

a country n city

call - the

cold wind blows, rolling up the broken newspapers and fallen leaves on the street.

The dilapidated and yellowed newspapers were printed with several eye-catching red headlines [Fully Occupied! The ghost realm explodes! City n has been abandoned by the federal government! ]

A few humans in black cotton-padded coats from head to toe walked past the deserted street corner, carefully searching for the last remaining canned food and medicine in the store.

"Boss, is it really okay here?" One of the tall black people looked nervous, holding a bag full of canned luncheon meat in his arms.

"It's alright, don't worry! I've calculated it! The devouring speed of the ghost realm is stagnant at this point in time. As long as we move quickly and leave before one point! It's impossible to run into each other!"

"But..." The black man is still a little bit Worried, cautious to the point of timidity.

"Okay! You're a man who is not as courageous as a woman like me! If you're afraid, turn around now! I'm going to get anti-inflammatories, and my child can't wait!" He covered a black hood, revealing only a pair of eyes caucasian woman has a rough and vicious voice.

The black man looked at his companions. They were all busy picking up things. No one supported him, so he had to shut up and pick up things in silence.

Gollum -

no one noticed, the black mist had filled the street and was spreading.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The

corrosive black mist quickly corroded the exposed skin of several people, screaming everywhere, they scurried like headless flies, and finally ran into a dense area In the insoluble black mist.

It must be a hallucination again.

Yao Ye blinked, his fingers on the tie clasped slightly.

He took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.

That's right, it's a hallucination. Fortunately, he knew that he had hallucinations, otherwise he would really think that he was haunted by something like a ghost.

Yao Ye, who didn't know that there was a ghost clinging to his body, smiled at the mirror, making sure that he was still in good spirits.

The hallucinations come from excessively tense nerves, so try to relax as much as possible in the future, otherwise it will only get worse.

In the mirror, the pale Specter also laughed, its scarlet lips kissed the cheek of the black-haired youth, clinging to his beloved human being, as if taking a happy selfie in the mirror.

Walking out of the door, Yao Ye locked the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the door next door was pushed open, and the sound of the wheelchair rolling could be heard, and he could vaguely see the neighbor's feet under the blanket.

Yao Ye froze, social phobia committed again.

He didn't plan to chat with his neighbors, so he turned around and walked away quickly, pretending that he didn't see anything.

Although I have a good impression of this young man, and I like his face very much, she is afraid that she still cares about socializing with people, especially when there are a lot of troubles in the past two days.

Yao Ye chose to avoid seeing it.

Of course, there is another, more obscure one, besides this one.

That is, Yao Ye felt that something was wrong with this young man.

It was an indescribable feeling, and it was difficult for Yao Ye to describe it in words. If he had to say it, it was like the feeling of being stuck in his mouth and throat by a piece of sweet candy.

I like the sweet taste of candy, but the suffocation that is wrapped in my breath is unbearable.

The familiarity and intimacy at the first meeting were all overwhelmed by the sense of disobedience. Now Yao Ye is very entangled, so his attitude towards this neighbor boy also seems very divided.

He now suspects that the person who planned to get close to the neighbors before has lost his mind.

Inside the door, the wheelchair stopped quietly, and the corpse of the young man with his neck twisted on the chair had a weird smile on his face.

If you say hello every day, my dear will be very touched~

Hee hee hee~ No need to be moved, my dear, just a kiss~

The invisible ghost hugs the neck of the lover and kisses the lover fascinatedly Lips, pale limbs wrapped around the lover in an arc that made people feel hairy, so intimate that they were indistinguishable from each other.

Standing in front of the elevator, Yao Ye felt chills all over his body, he couldn't help rubbing his arms, and he always felt a chill behind him.

It's weird, I've been feeling the cold for no reason recently, have you caught a cold?


the elevator opened, Yao Ye walked in, thinking about whether he should buy some cold granules to drink.

At the same time, the apartment building also ushered in uninvited guests.


蒙着黑色头套的白种.女人撕心裂肺地尖叫着,伸出手去摸自己被黑色雾气腐蚀得快要烂掉的头脸, but touched a smooth.

skin, intact.

"...Are you okay?" The

other four companions also regained consciousness after screaming. They looked at their limbs in amazement, those limbs that were completely rotten in the memory just now.

"Boss, what's going on here?"

The middle-aged white Tom, who was called the boss by everyone, was also shocked. He touched his neck at a loss. Just now, he could clearly hear every blood vessel in his neck. The festering voice, but now, it is completely fine.

"Here? Where is this place?" The

Caucasian woman Mary stared blankly at the people in the apartment hall with their relaxed faces, those office workers in suits who walked calmly outside the door.

All of these are scenarios that can only be seen before the big explosion.

After the big outbreak, the whole country turned into a mess, with gunpowder smoke everywhere, panicked people fled this weird country, but many died in the crashed flight - the ghost domain, and even humans are not allowed to escape by this means. .

"Is it a dream?" Mary's face was covered in tears, and she couldn't wait to rush out the door. She wanted to go back to the happy life she used to be, and she was going crazy.

At this moment, even the child she usually cares about has been forgotten, and she just wants to enjoy a meal that can only be enjoyed in peacetime, even the most ordinary hamburger.

boom! ! !

A blood flower exploded on Mary's head, causing screams in the hall, and the companions in black masks were trembling with fright.

Slap -

a headless corpse slowly fell to the ground, with its fingers still sticking out the door, blood splashed all over the small half of the floor of the hall.


The elevator door opened, Yao Ye saw the appearance of the human head exploded at first glance, and his face couldn't help but turn pale.

What's the matter, early in the morning, is it a terrorist attack?

Behind him, the ghost with a pure face retracted his outstretched hand and put it back on his lover's shoulder.

For some reason, Ellen felt disgusted when she saw these human beings, as if these people would destroy the happy ending he finally waited for, so disgusted that she wanted to cut these people into pieces.

It would be better if even the bones were crushed to pieces, so that Ellen could feel comfortable.

Li Gui tilted his head and looked at the remaining few people, imagining all kinds of bloody death methods in his mind, and a childlike innocent and cruel smile evoked on the corner of his mouth.

It's strange, I get angry when I see these people~

It must be because these people are villains in fairy tales.

Villain, like a vicious stepmother?

In that case, he will die~

Everyone, can't destroy his happiness~ The

ghost's dark green eyes stared at the remaining humans in the hall, and the face of death gradually appeared on his face, and the white coat on his body was also stained Dark red blood.

In the hall, the people who were busy going to work were still busy. They walked bustlingly and walked out of the apartment building without changing their faces without seeing the corpse lying on the floor.

Seeing this, Yao Ye paused and pondered for a while, thinking that this was probably another hallucination.

The hallucinations are getting worse.

Otherwise, if you were prescribed those medicines yesterday, let's continue to take them on time, so that you can start using them.

Yao Ye thought about his illness melancholy, kept walking, and walked out of the apartment.

You have to act like nothing has happened, so that you can't be found out that you are mentally ill... uh, no, someone with a mental disorder.

"No!!! Mary! Woohoo! God! Who will help us!"

Because Jack's white youth was pulling his hair in pain, he tried to stop the people around him and let them call an ambulance, but his hand went straight from the surrounding passed through people.

It's like, they're just transparent ghosts that don't attract any attention.

"Why? Why is this happening?" The

four of them, including Jack, stood blankly in the middle of the hall, letting the crowd pass through them, their expressions collapsed.

"Is this all an illusion?"

Boss Tom looked around and nervously checked everything around him. He always felt that everything was too abnormal, even if it was an illusion, it was too real, even the expressions of the characters. lifelike.

"Perhaps, this is just a projection before the explosion?"

Black Bob said in a trance, clenching the cross hanging around his neck.

Everything before the outbreak was so peaceful and peaceful. No one would have imagined that in just two years, a powerful country would be reduced to such an appearance.

No one does not miss the past, but black people know better that nothing will come back.

Yao Ye walked past the black man, and just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the flaxen-haired man on the other side stretch out his hand and stubbornly want to touch him.

Yao Ye glanced at the hands full of black mud between his fingers and the stains in the palm lines. After being silent for a while, he chose to avoid it.

Even if it was a hallucination, he didn't want to be touched by something so disgusting.

-Honey~ can I leave for a while?

After Yao Ye took a detour and walked away, he heard Liang Sisi's whispers in his ears again, and his body froze when he was touched by the sensitive area, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

This hallucination is so real, it's like someone is really talking in his ear.

——Dear, don't be afraid~ I'll be back in a while~

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! We must be back! It must be! It must be!"

Jack stretched out his hand frantically and touched it everywhere, although he knew it in his heart This is mostly an illusion, but he is still reluctant to give up hope easily.

And when he was about to meet a Chinese man, his expression suddenly became frightened.

Because he saw the tall, fair-skinned Chinese man in front of him roll his eyes, glanced at him indifferently, and then stepped down to avoid his touch.

! ! !

This is... being able to see him!

This man didn't ignore him!

Here it is for real! Not a hallucination!

Jack opened his mouth and was about to shout in ecstasy. The next second, the corner of his mouth was pulled open by a pale palm in a terrifying arc.

"Aah~ what do you want to say? Do you want to disturb my dear?? Old time literature_" The

black-haired ghost smile is morbid and crazy, and its sharp nails like a blade easily tore Jack's cheek out of a terrifying The radian, the corners of the mouth are hooked up to the roots of the ears, the bright red gums and the white teeth are exposed, forming a happy clown smile.


Jack groaned in pain, his pupils shrunk, shaking into a ball unable to move.

Ghosts, there are ghosts!

This is not reality...

This is - ghost realm! ! ! "It's all your fault! It made me want to separate from my darling. Fortunately, my darling

agreed to leave me temporarily. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome!"


Thorn -

Jack's mouth was completely torn, and blood spurted out, staining his teeth and cracked lips, as well as most of his body.

"Ahhhh!!!" The

eldest Tom and the other two looked at the scene in shock and were extremely terrified.

They looked at the boy in white standing behind their companion in disbelief, watched by those dark green eyes full of endless blood and tyranny, even screaming to escape from the depths of their souls.

"No no!! Ahhh!!!"

A scream came from behind, Yao Ye hesitated for a while, but turned his head to look over.

He saw the hallucinations staring at his companions with fearful faces.

The guy who just tried to touch him.


Doing performance art?

Yao Ye was far away, only vaguely saw that the smile on the man's face was like that of a clown, and he smiled very happily.

With a sigh, Yao Ye walked straight out of the apartment building.

These days, even hallucinations have become garish, and it seems that there is still a plot, but I don't know what the hallucination of performance art is doing.

After Yao Ye walked out the door, he stopped in surprise before taking a few steps. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his shoulders, feeling a lot easier on his body inexplicably.

As if he had lifted a heavy burden, his shoulders were extra light.

Looking up at the bright sunshine overhead, Yao Ye sighed that it was a good day today. It should be the fresh air that made him feel relaxed.

In the apartment building, the blood-covered ghost is laughing excitedly, hunting its unpleasant prey.

"Hee hee hee-going to die! Die! My dear can't wait~ I must be missing me~ ah~ I really don't want my dear to wait any longer!!!"

Facing Li Gui's smirk, the three who survived Screaming at a very high decibel level, he fled in all directions.

correct! They must have broken into the ghost realm in the center of the legendary city, the ghost named Ellen! The ghost king who caused the fall of the entire city!