Chapter 116 8.7 Strange Neighbors

Everyone who survived in the city of n has heard of a terrifying legend called "Ellen".

It was a ghost king derived from a strange story, a ghost wandering between floors, hunting humans everywhere because of boredom.

That's where it all started, and after the "weird neighbor" tale became popular, the nightmare came.

In the beginning, it was just a news of death in an apartment, and then it slowly spread. Many people went crazy for no reason. When they were found, they seemed to be insane.

When nothing broke out, many people died, but not many relative to a country, so no one cared.

It was not until the day of the outbreak, when countless grotesques crawled out of the ground, that people finally realized that the crisis was coming, and those who died were only the beginning of an unprecedented disaster.

Tom still remembers the scene on the day of the outbreak.

A red moon turned the entire city into a blood-red color, and ferocious ghosts raged on the streets. They greedily devoured the flesh and blood of human beings. The internal organs and limbs were scattered on the road, and the disgusting smell of blood filled the air.

After the ghosts, the black vortex devoured most of the city, and the ghost realm continued to devour everything around it.

The human being involved screamed and disappeared in the center of the whirlpool. Tom was lucky to be in the other half of the city and escaped the disaster, but he was still scared to death.

Seeing with my own eyes countless of my kind being swallowed up by my side is the eternal nightmare of many survivors in n city.

At that time, Tom collapsed on the ground after escaping from the coverage of the ghost realm, and saw the terrifying scene in the depths of the whirlpool with countless companions around him.

A pale white ghost in a wheelchair was staring gloomily at everything at the other end of the vortex, and the face of a handsome boy was full of excited smiles.

Countless survivors screamed in fear. They were afraid of the ghost's face, as if they were face to face with death. It was a trembling and uneasy from the depths of their souls.

That face, Tom will never forget.

And now, the owner of that face was following behind them, with a forewarning of death.

"Ahhhh!!!" The

only three survivors were running desperately, they dared not stop for half a step and escaped in the spiraling stairwell.

Heavy footsteps and terrified gasps are their accompaniments.

"Go to hell~ hurry up~... tsk, why are you running away?"

The tall, slender boy covered in blood swayed his stiff limbs and walked up the stairs. The joints of the joints rattled like rust It's like a machine for a long time, with a sense of disobedience that people can't ignore, and it doesn't look like a normal human at all.

The sound of the joints twisting was particularly frightening.

It tilted its head, looked at the group of guys who wanted to destroy its own happiness, and curled its rose-red lips.

"'s so annoying..."

The three of them were sweating profusely when they heard the words of the ghost king behind them, and they didn't dare to turn their heads back.

No one wants to die, especially dying in the hands of the ghost king, that must be the most miserable thing in the world.

"Run! Run! Never stop!"

Tom murmured in a trance, cheering for his companions.

"That's Ellen! Can we escape! That ghost king who likes to play tricks on his prey, all those who come out of his ghost realm will go crazy and commit suicide in all sorts of unimaginable ways! I know, I know! Companion A

roared in a collapsed, hoarse voice: "I saw those dead signs! That person... that person used a hook to hang his stomach out! It's all blood... it's all blood... woohoo! Why! Why me! Woohoo!"

Hearing Companion A's words, Companion B also collapsed a little, and the rapid breathing made his lungs tingle, and these words were undoubtedly fueling the fire for him at this time. , which is of no use but more fear.

"Stop talking! Shut up, Lao Tzu!"

Companion B glared at Companion A furiously, wishing that this companion who was still spreading panic at such a critical moment died immediately.

He ran at the end of the line, listening to the voice of the ghost behind him getting closer and closer, and becoming more and more frightened, he stretched out his hand to get close to the unpleasant companion a, and let him be his scapegoat.

However, things backfired. Companion B's overly tired body accidentally tripped over the stairs, and his face was covered in blood, while the other two who were busy escaping for their lives did not pull up Companion B in time.

"Hee hee~ Are you here to play a game?" The

boy's gloomy voice sounded above his head. Companion B, who was still struggling to stand up, raised his head tremblingly and saw a pair of tyrannical green eyes.



a bloody red tongue was spit out from the mouth of partner b. There was also a big hole in the vocal cords of his neck. He grabbed the stair railing with bloody hands. , trying to get up.

He doesn't want to die, he must not die, a! a. Just be a surrogate ghost! It shouldn't be him who died!

"Uh-uh--" The eyeballs

fell out one by one, and the optic nerve hung bloody in the eye socket, trembling slightly as Companion B moved forward.

The black-haired and green-eyed Specter stretched out his hand happily, waving his fingers like he was manipulating a life-sized puppet, and the human body moved with its command.

Companion B approached Companion A very quickly, and the black and red blood continued to spew out from the fracture in the mouth, looking extremely terrifying. "b! What are you doing! Don't come here! Don't come here! I won't say it! Don't say it! We are companions! Woohoo

! Let me go!!!"

, a cried even more, he climbed the stairs with difficulty, but was still grabbed by the clinging b's arm.


B cursed with the only half of his tongue left, his eyes that could no longer see things hung on his cheeks, and was pulled down by struggling A.

"Damn it is you! Let go! Let go ah ah ah!!" Companion a made a ruthless kick, kicking and beating this former companion.

"Hee hee hee--"

Ellen laughed very happily when she saw these human beings killing each other.

Killing is his favorite thing to watch.

Especially these guys who try to disturb him and his dear ones, all of them - go to hell! ! !

boom! boom! ! !

With an explosion, a blood flower exploded on the head of companion B, and the blood was mixed with the brain, and A was dyed, and A also groaned and groaned in pain.

B's blood seemed to have become the most deadly corrosive agent in the world, and bursts of white smoke emanated from the head and face of Companion A, the melted minced meat slid down the outline of the bones, and the screams were also distorted.

"Ahhh! It's so painful!!!"

The human being wrapped in the melted flesh was no longer in human form, and only the terrifying neighing sound proved the existence of this person.

Specter's pale fingertips folded together, like a puppeteer taking back the thread he manipulated, and the headless corpse fell along with it.

In just a few minutes, the two humans have lost traces of their existence.

"There's... one left~"

Li Gui slowly raised his head, there was a strange "creaking" sound of friction from his neck bone, and in the dark green eyes, the pupils spread to the edge of the pupils, as if looking at somewhere, and like Did not see anything.

It looked at the half-open stairwell door and raised the corners of its scarlet lips.


Tom, who had just found a room to hide, curled up at the entrance inside the door, not daring to move at all, covering his mouth in order to keep his heavy breathing from attracting Specter's attention, even though his face was flushed red, he refused to relax. .

Papa pata—

outside the door, stiff and terrifying footsteps walked down the corridor, wandering back and forth, as if wondering why the prey they were following had disappeared.

Tom was so nervous that he was trembling all over. He, a man in his forties, couldn't help shedding tears of fear at this moment, and kept begging to God.

God bless God bless God bless...


footsteps stopped in front of the door.

Tom turned pale, shaking like Parkinson's.

Do not! Do not! Impossible, impossible to find out so quickly -

it seems that God really blesses, after a long time, the footsteps outside the door finally left.

Listening to the terrifying footsteps getting farther and farther, Tom finally relaxed his tense muscles and collapsed on the floor of the entrance, gasping for breath.

He remembered the deaths of his companions, and his eyes were red.

Everyone is dead, how long can he last?

How can I escape this ghost realm?

"Lord, please give revelation to your faithful believers..."

Tom whispered in despair and depression, praying for God's revelation.


In the hall behind the entrance, there was the sound of wheels rolling.

! ! !

What? what sound?

Tom was startled, turned his head sharply, and met a pair of dull dead eyes.

The corpse of the young boy in the wheelchair tilted his head and smiled wildly and morbidly.

"Let's play a game~ Let me think about it~ um~ How about a marble game?"

Ellen rolled her eyes happily, and twisted a red glass bead on her pale fingertips.

"Ahhhh!!!" A shrill scream came from the closed door, and there was a faintly magnetic and sweet juvenile laughter mixed in it.

After some time, the door opened a crack.

The head of a middle-aged man opened a pair of dead eyes, countless blood-red glass beads poured out from his bulging abdomen, his mouth was stretched to the limit, and the cracked jaw was full of beads.

Tick ​​tock -

the red beads fell to the ground and bounced a few times, reflecting the bright red blood on the ground.

And with the death of the last intruder, they also woke up in the real world.

Looking at the dilapidated store next to them, they looked in a trance, and then they broke down, yelled and ran around.

"Ghost King! Ah ah ah! It's a ghost!!!"

"Dead! I'm already dead! It hurts ah ah ah!!!" The

collapsed people quickly disappeared into the depths of the city, and there was still some reason left. Those who took leftovers of food and medicine set out on their way back to their settlements, in the hope that they might be able to bring it back before they killed themselves.

The room smelled of blood.

"It's all your fault, darling, you must be in a hurry~" The black-

haired and green-eyed boy sat in a wheelchair, thinking of his lover's charming appearance, and laughed, and a sickly flush appeared on his pale cheeks.

Now, let's go find my dear~


Yao Ye, who was typing at his desk, sneezed, his head was a little dizzy, and he suspected that someone was cursing him.

"Hey! Dear Yao, the boss called you! Come on!"

Colleague Bob, who has always liked hippie smiles, smiled a little gloating.

Yao Ye didn't like this Bob very much, but he still forced a smile and said, "Okay, I'll go over there." I

heard that this Bob has some background, so it's better not to offend him.

Saying that, Yao Ye got up and walked to the office.

I have to say that the company is really efficient. Yesterday, a Mediterranean boss was killed. Today, a relationship was promoted, and he was the most diligent one who had troubled Yao Ye.

Yao Ye stood in front of the office door, took a deep breath, and walked in with a low eyebrow and nod.

It's okay, no matter what he says, just listen, it doesn't matter if you are scolded for money.

"Yao Ye! Look at this report you made! How can you tell me how to deal with such a high data error rate! Ah?"

The blond young man with a good face in the air smashed a paper document into Yao Ye's face. complexion.

"Uh..." Yao Ye did not hesitate for a while, but his cheek was cut by the corner of the sharp cover, and blood beads overflowed.

"I'm sorry! Boss! I'll do it again!"

Yao Ye ignored the wound on his face, picked up the document on the ground, and said in a low voice.

"Redo it? Redo it as soon as you encounter it! Can you have a brain! I'm going to hand it in soon!" The blond young man's face became even more distorted. He picked up another document beside him and rolled it into a roll. He hit Yao Ye on the head hard.

"You fucking rubbish!"

Yao Ye's head was dizzy from the beating, but he didn't dare to resist, he could only squeeze the document in his hand tightly, his lowered face full of forbearance.

He's used to it, just fight. This related household has always regarded him as an unpleasant Chinese who was admitted to the company with excellent grades. Now he has the opportunity.

This document was not something that he was responsible for, but something that the related household was required to hand in. Yao Ye didn't expect that this guy could even give wrong data files. He was only responsible for typing and copying all the data. The document given by the guy, who knows that he is also responsible for correcting the data.

However, this kind of remark is obviously impossible to say now that this bastard is angry, and it will only lead to more angry bullying, so Yao Ye chose to silently swallow this dumb loss.

The sadness of the social animal, Yao Ye really felt that his useless appearance was very sad, but there was no way, if he lost this job, he might not even be a social animal, and he could only be a mouse in the underground gutter, or nothing. kind of home.

boom! boom! The blond young man beat Yao Ye on the head continuously, his face full of vile expressions.

"Isn't it very arrogant before! Ah? How dare you look down on Lao Tzu! Tell you! You bastard! In this company! It's not your turn to call the bastards! You should all get out of here! Go back to your own country. Go!"

Hiss -

that's what Ellen saw when she found her lover, her dark green eyes widened, and the death and cruelty in her pupils were like a storm that was about to destroy everything.

The author has something to say: sorry for being late again qaq me...I'm such a dove of unbelief...