Chapter 123 8.14 Strange Neighbors

Rumbling -

Crossing the boundary between the virtual and the real, the human beings in the real world stand solemnly on the land of the strange world, and they all clench their weapons.

"Listen to my order! Fire!!!"

Ignoring the surprised eyes of the people around, the soldier commander gave the order with a cold face.

The light as bright as day enveloped the entire apartment, and the explosion sounded in the next few seconds, the dust of the collapsed building filled the air, and the entire street was covered in a layer of gray veil.


"Help! Please!!" The

apartment building collapsed under the power of a missile, and the screams of countless humans did not even get a sympathetic attention from everyone.

The commander of the team frowned as he looked at the testing instrument in his hand.

"No! The magnetic field value has not dropped fundamentally! The main body is not here!" The

technicians quickly repaired the relevant data, and finally discovered the energy response of the strange talk main body.

"In the downtown area, the energy response is stable!" The

commander looked at the direction displayed on the map and decisively ordered to turn to the target location.

Their only goal this time is to destroy the subject, and for that they can do whatever it takes, whether it's the world's human beings, or their own.

A moment later, five or six armored vehicles were driving down the street with fully-armed soldiers. The advanced weapons and equipment tore off the veil of their own peaceful era. The sound of explosions and the roar of fire were accompanied by the screams of countless people in pain and terror. The neighing constitutes a doomsday scene, and the broken walls and the ruins overlap infinitely with the depressing scene in the real world.

At the same time, Ellen was sitting at her desk watching her lover on the surveillance screen.

It held its cheeks fascinatedly, the corners of its mouth twitched, and the dark green pupils were full of crazy love.

My dear, how cute~

Suddenly, Ellen's eyelids jumped, and it looked up and looked in the direction of the apartment building.

It seems... an outsider has come in...

Ellen's eyes, which were still warm, suddenly cooled down, her expression became gloomy, and the whole office was filled with black mist like boiling.

Someone... trying to disturb it and darling... it's so nasty... it's

always like this... if only they were all dead...

go kill them all now... best not to disturb Darling...

Ellen tilted her head and counted the time, and she needed to speed up if she wanted to be back before lunch.

It seems that there are not many living people here.

Pa-ta -

the next second, the pale-faced blond man fell on the table.

His cervical vertebra was twisted unnaturally, and his arms were folded into a strange angle at will. The dark green pupils were dead silent, and only the shallow breathing also symbolized the survival of this body.

The ghost invisible to the human eye stood in the office covered in blood, wrapped in a black mist, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's here! Hurry up! Don't give the main body a chance to fight back!" The

commander looked at the people around him and fled in panic, his tone was very strong.

"Yes! Sir!"

Fired again, and the soldiers' hands holding the weapons were almost numb from the recoil of the guns.

Rumbling -

Several large holes were knocked out in a building of more than ten floors, and the intense flames shot into the sky. Looking up from the street, the little people struggling between the floors fell helplessly.

After all, the building was too high, and the weapons, ammunition, and ammunition carried on the armored vehicles were not enough to completely blow up the building, so the commander issued an order to enter the interior and kill all living beings.

After just blowing up Li Gui Ellen's apartment lair, it must be extremely weak, maybe as experts have analyzed from the strange stories, when it is weak to the extreme, it is possessed by living people.

It can be said that now is the best time to eliminate it.

As long as the body it possesses can be destroyed, the body will also be severely damaged. Under the double blow, it is entirely possible that it will dissipate!

Thinking of this, the commander held back a little unease in his heart, holding on to this last hope, and made a gesture of attack.

The soldiers behind them looked at the commander's gesture and quickly rushed into the building. However, just as most of their men and horses were about to rush into the building, a sudden change occurred.

Black mist surrounded the building, and except for the first few soldiers who entered, the rest of the soldiers who were running forward by inertia all let out shrill screams.

"Ahhhh!! Melted! Melted!!! Ahhh!!!"

One of the soldiers' head and face was corroded with bones, and the whole face flowed down like melted ice cream, with a white steam.

"It hurts! No!!! No! My hand! Ahhhhh!!"

Countless soldiers looked at their limbs and skin that were gradually melting in the black mist. Fear made them scream subconsciously, and they were trained in the army. His perseverance could not compete with such inhuman torture, but within a few seconds, the original team of 500 people had already lost more than half.

The commander stared at this scene with tearful eyes, and roared for the soldiers to retreat and put on gas masks for action.

According to the survivors who have survived from the ghost realm before, this Specter named Lun does have a corrosive black fog.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Breaking in again~" A

distorted youthful voice sounded in the commander's ears. He was startled and looked at the mid-air not far in front of the car.


a green-eyed ghost surrounded by black mist stared straight at the only remaining humans below.

It looked at these ignorant living people, not knowing where they came from, only knowing that it had to destroy these people.

These people will affect his happiness.

Good and hateful, these bad things...

Ellen felt that her bright future was disturbed by these ants-like guys, and they violated its territory again and again.

Now, dare to attack the place where my dear works...

Ellen glanced gloomily at the fire in the building, then turned to look over, her eyes were cold.

What if my dear is injured?

Ellen seemed to see her lover's pale cheeks before her eyes.

Its mental state, which was not stable at all, became more extreme, and the black mist rolled and evaporated with its rising anger, and soon enveloped the entire downtown area.

The sky darkened for it.

These guys... all die! ! !

"Go to hell! Damn it! You all deserve to die!!!" The

paranoid Specter's face twisted, repeating the curse of resentment over and over again, reaching out to the soldiers who were preparing to counterattack, and the black mist instantly surrounded them.

It's Ellen! ! ! That devil! ! !

The commander was so frightened by the scene in front of him that his breath stagnated. He looked at the black mist that gradually surrounded him, his face panicked, and he became sullen again.

Anyway, they are all dead, and they will drag this sinful Specter to hell! ! !

He raised the laser gun in his hand and attacked the Specter not far away, and at the same time ordered the remaining soldiers to attack.

Their current weapons are modified to damage ghosts.

This gave the soldiers their last hope.

Maybe, they can get rid of this ghost!

Bang bang bang! ! !

The firepower as thin as a fishing net covered Li Gui's entire body, making it impossible to see the specific situation for a while.

"Have you won? We..."

"...No movement..."

A few young soldiers looked at the black mist that was no longer surging forward, with expressions of hope on their faces.

Maybe they won? Humanity has finally regained its own territory!

"We won! We won!" The

laser gun stopped attacking, and everyone saw that the place where the Specter was floating was empty.

The black mist is also gradually dissipating, which seems to herald an inspiring victory.

The commander stared at the value on the instrument in his hand. It was very stable. The fluctuation of the magnetic field was becoming flat, and it didn't move for a long time.

Did it really disappear?

The soldiers around have started to embrace and cheer, and after living in the apocalypse for a long time, they finally saw the hope of mankind returning to the past.

They will regain the peaceful life of the past, back to that tearful peace, not the turbulent terror of the present.

The commander remained vigilant, with a keen sixth sense, he was uneasy from the beginning, and still is.

"...No! It's not disappearing! These values ​​represent skyrocketing!!!" The

instrument has been damaged by the skyrocketing value!

The commander shouted in shock and fear, however, it was too late.

In the next instant, a huge palm of black mist gushed out from the ground, crushing the ants in the hand one by one.

The commander struggled to raise his eyes in pain, his eyelids were corroded, and he saw the top of their heads with a surviving round eyeball full of bloodshot eyes, a huge skull made of black mist opened his jaw, and seemed to be smiling. very happy.


the skeleton head was flickering with a faint green ghost fire, and the living people in the palm of their hands sighed in pain, and finally melted into a pool of blood.

That's all the Commander saw before he fell into darkness.

When he woke up again, he was lying on a stretcher and saw countless soldiers wailing and moaning, talking about their pain over and over again.

The commander also trembled and struggled. He nervously wiggled his arms and made a hoarse voice.

"No - we lost... doomsday... no one can win... human beings will die..."

Yao Ye looked at the corpse behind the desk, his expression froze.



That non-human Alexander? How could... how could it be possible?

The building finally stopped shaking, Yao Ye endured fear and some unspeakable feelings, and dragged Alexander out with trembling arms.

Looking at the blond man whose lower body was completely broken, leaving only the bloody upper body, Yao Ye almost collapsed.

He slumped weakly beside Alexander, and saw the intestines flow out from the man's broken abdominal cavity, and the colorful internal organs also dripped all over the floor.

Yao Ye's pupils were trembling, and he stared blankly at Alexander's bloodless face, and there was a kind of pain in his heart that was torn apart.

In fact, he should be happy, after all, the perverted ghost who has been following him has disappeared, and no one will disturb him from now on.

No one will care about them anymore.


Yao Ye felt a little cool on his face, only then did he realize that he had tears streaming down his face.

Got Stockholm? I am so sad.


Yao Ye clutched his aching heart and cried so hard.

He didn't want to cry, but for some reason he couldn't help it.

Alexander, it doesn't matter if he's dead, he wasn't a living person at first, it's better if he's dead.

Yao Ye really felt that he didn't care in his heart, but the tears in his eyes and the throbbing heart betrayed him.

The ghost who returned to the office looked at his body that had been scrapped, with a regretful expression, but compared with that, it was his lovely lover that was more important.

The cry of his lover made Ghost Ying feel very distressed, and soon put that regret behind him.

——Don't cry...Don't cry...

The emotional Yao Ye couldn't hear the ghost whispering in his ear. He cried for a while before drying his tears and walking out of the office.

I have to call the police and ambulance quickly. This body will stink here, and it will definitely affect my work.

Before walking out of the office, Yao Ye turned his head to look at the corpse again. After his death, Alexander's face became ashen, with a terrifying aura of death.

Sure enough, I still hate this face very much. After that dirty thing is gone, this face becomes annoying again.

It is better to burn it as soon as possible, Yao Ye disgustedly shook off a piece of internal organs that he stepped on, and thought with red eyes.

The silent ghost hangs on the lover, and the mood is subtle.