Chapter 124 8.15 Strange Neighbors

Soon after the explosion disappeared, the whistle of the police car rang around the building. Yao Ye and a group of colleagues who did not have time to escape were found by the police. After being appeased for a while, they were sent to the hospital, and the police came to ask relevant questions. .

Yao Ye naturally asked three questions, he only knew the corpse in the office, and he wanted people to quickly transport the corpse away, so as not to interfere with their work.

The police responded that the body had been transported away and would be handed over to the family for disposal.

Soon, the police's routine questioning ended. Yao Ye was not injured and was allowed to be discharged from the hospital.

Standing outside the hospital door, Yao Ye sighed and saw that black smoke was coming out of the building where the company was located in the distance, and it looked like he had suffered heavy losses.

I don't know if I will be deducted for full attendance if I don't go to work today.

Yao Ye tiredly found a public seat and sat down, flipping through the news on his phone.

The explosion in the downtown area has become hot news, and even made national headlines, and the company's major public groups are constantly refreshing news.

No one knows the source of this flying accident. The general news is similar to the news feed. A group of terrorists drove armored vehicles to bomb everywhere. It is said that more than this building was bombed.

Yao Ye blinked, wondering which building would be as unlucky as his company.

"The company seems to have just paid people a year's rent. It was bombed and I don't know where to compensate. It is estimated that the chairman's stingy meticulousness will bleed hahaha!"

Yao Ye laughed gleefully.

The ghost shadow snuggled close to the side of his lover's neck, listening to his lover's murmur, but went silent eerily, and clung to his lover's neck with a guilty conscience.

The apartment building seems to have also been bombed.

If I remember correctly, it seems that my dear has just paid three months' rent?

In fact, Yao Ye, who had just paid one year's rent, felt a little cold in his neck, and subconsciously closed his thin suit jacket.

Ding Dong -

A message was sent from the group. Due to the destruction of the company's premises, all the employees of the company will have a week off, and will wait for a week to find a new venue before starting work.

"Well, let's take a week's vacation..."

Yao Ye looked at the announcement in the group, and his mood was much lighter.

He has not let such a long vacation, or paid vacation.

Yao Ye got up from the bench and planned to go to the supermarket to buy something. He had been cuddled at home for a week. He had to make up for sleep. He had been working late at night, and his body had become very weak.

"By the way, it's time to pay the property fee... Ah, there is no money left for this month." Yao Ye looked at the account balance on the screen of his mobile phone, and rubbed his brows melancholy.

Looking at the pitiful mobile phone balance on his lover's mobile phone, the ghost shadow became more silent.

If only that 'Alexander' was still there, at least three meals a day could be eaten and expenses reduced.

Thinking of this, the death of 'Alexander' appeared in front of Yao Ye's eyes again, and his mood suddenly went down.

Although we have only been together for a little more than a week, that guy died... It's really a pity...


After a while, Yao Ye shook his head, and threw out the tragic death, along with those in his heart who couldn't tell the truth. Feelings are also suppressed, barely cheering up.

Yao Ye quickly went to the supermarket to buy things, and took the subway to the exit near the apartment building as usual.

The strange thing is that there are very few people in the subway today, and the atmosphere is very strange. Seeing Yao Ye going out from this exit, many people even showed strange expressions.

Yao Ye looked around a little uncomfortable, clenched the briefcase in his hand, and walked out of the subway station quickly.

I always feel a little weird here, it's better to go home as soon as possible.

Yao Ye, who walked out of the subway station soon, missed the conversation of people in the subway station.

"Huh? That young man went to the blockade center? Wasn't he not allowed to go?"

"It seems that he didn't say that he was not allowed to go, but it was bombed into rubble. The government said there was a danger of collapse nearby, and warned not to come near... "

Is it the people who lived there?"

"But... aren't all the residents almost dead? I heard that the bodies of the people in that street were lying on the ground and piled up like hills..."

"And the government also gave them there ." The survivors of , and those who temporarily escaped from the disaster have arranged shelters..."

"Hey—then say that, is it possible..." Is it a ghost?

"Shh - don't say it, I can't talk about this at night..."

Looking at the dimming sky outside, the illusory figures with blurred facial features in the subway kept their mouths shut. "By the way, why are we still here?" "Aren't we waiting for the bus?" "Oh, right..."

The ghosts who were trapped in the subway station and didn't know they were dead looked blank. Stop talking about the living stranger who just passed by, and continue to wander around the station again and again. Yao Ye breathed a sigh of relief after walking a long way out of the subway station. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, always feeling that something was wrong in the subway station just now. There were actually only a few people in the crowded station, and when I walked out of the subway station, I felt that there were many secretly peeping eyes, which was really creepy. Ghost Shadow seemed to sense his lover's unease, so he kissed his lover Bai Nen's earlobe fondly, and held his lover's hand. ——Don't be afraid, I'm here~ Yao Ye weighed the shopping bag that was too easy in his hand and walked towards the apartment building. I'm so tired today, so go back to rest as soon as possible.

On the way home, it was sparsely populated, and the pedestrians who occasionally passed by had pale faces and numb expressions.

As a man who was used to walking at night, Yao Ye couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart.

What's going on today? Why is it so strange?

The street lights on the side of the road were on, and the warm lights made people feel a little more relaxed. Yao Ye deliberately walked under the street lights, and finally felt a little more secure.

Behind him, his fast-paced figure was dragged out by a long shadow, and a twisted ghost could be vaguely seen wrapping around his back.

Arriving at the apartment soon, Yao Ye looked at the brightly lit apartment building with a little peace of mind.

When he reached the downstairs of the apartment, Yao Ye raised his head subconsciously. Through the bright light, he saw the figure of a long-haired woman at the floor-to-ceiling window on the fourth floor. Looking at the room, it seemed that it was the house of the mixed-race teenager Ellen next door.

The long-haired woman's face was facing Yao Ye's direction, her head swayed from side to side, as if she was saying something.

Yao Ye was so far apart that he couldn't see the woman's face clearly, but his instinct made him avoid this person.

It feels weird...

Yao Ye thought so, retracted his gaze, and walked into the apartment lobby.

The terrifying Specter climbing on his lover's back raised his head and laughed at the long-haired woman in the floor-to-ceiling window.

Hee hee hee... I almost forgot~ Why are you still so rude~ Mother~

The long-haired woman in the floor-to-ceiling window looked at Li Gui, and 'she' opened a pair of bloodshot and protruding eyes, and uttered in horror "Giggle" the sound of teeth squeezing.

The 'woman' volleyed feet kicked and kicked in pain, the sling tightened, the neck hanging on the sling was again strangled into a twisted shape, and the long blood-red tongue drooped beside the 'woman' mouth, Terrible.

After Yao Ye entered the hall, he found that the hall was very quiet, even though it was only around eight o'clock in the night, it was the time when the nightlife began.

Yao Ye looked strangely at the people walking silently in the hall, but he didn't mind his own business, and walked to the elevator to wait for the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, Yao Ye observed the people wandering in the hall from the corner of his eye.

Those people gathered together in twos and threes and seemed to be talking about something, their voices so small that they could hardly be heard.

They wandered in the hall, swaying close together like a couple from time to time, almost treating the public place of the hall as a bar and disco.

Yao Ye frowned in disgust, and after the elevator door opened, he entered the elevator without looking at those people.

Ding -

The elevator door was closed, and the people swaying in the hall finally raised their heads under the pressure of the ghost king gradually moving away, revealing festering cheeks and bloodless skin.


"Hungry... so hungry..."

They gathered together in twos and threes, gnawed at each other, picked out the places on each other's body that they could eat, and swayed close to each other.

Ding -

the fourth floor is here.

Yao Ye walked to the door to open the lock, hesitated for a while, and looked at the door next to him.

Was that woman just now Ellen's guardian?

It can't be his girlfriend... Although he can't see her face clearly, she can tell by her body shape that the woman is not young anymore.

Creeping -

just as Yao Ye was thinking about it, the door next door suddenly opened.

Yao Ye was startled.

He felt as though he would be startled every time by the silent opening of the door.

The black-haired boy in the wheelchair was pale, but it did not diminish his characteristic sickly beauty.

"Yao Ye, are you back? Welcome home~ It's been hard work today~ I always come home late recently, it's very distressing, don't be too tired even if you work~" The black-

haired boy looked at Yao Ye, who was pale and handsome . He narrowed his eyes in fascination, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was a little morbidly obsessed.

Although Ellen has always felt that she has been with her lover for a long time, they both deeply love each other.

But it is still inferior to its original disabled body, and dare not let its lover know its true identity. This kind of concealment is really fatal to couples in love, but Ellen is very entangled and painful, and it still does not want to let Lovers see themselves as they are.

So even though she desperately wanted to kiss the lover in front of her, Ellen still controlled herself, pretended to be unfamiliar, and greeted like an ordinary neighbor.

It doesn't want to expose itself, but it's also disappointed in itself. It actually deceived the lover who loves him deeply, and he also loves deeply. What a... useless guy.

Yao Ye didn't know what Ellen was going through in his heart at this moment, he just looked at the black-haired boy next door with a look that could not be explained.

This kind of disgusting and sticky tone, I always feel that I have seen it somewhere, what is going on?

Having said that, was this Ellen's tone when he spoke before?

Yao Ye was caught off guard by Ellen's too familiar tone, so he forced a smile and said, "Haha, thank you, thank you for your concern, long time no see Ellen.

" !"

Yao Ye forced himself to say hello, but he really wanted to close the door now to thank guests, socializing is too troublesome, especially today's neighbors seem to be wrong.

Different from Yao Ye's impatience, after listening to Yao Ye's hypocritical words of concern, the black-haired boy opened a pair of emerald-like clear and moving eyes, and smiled happily: "Yeah! I had a great time!

" My dear, every day will be very happy!

"Where's my dear? Have a good time too!"

The black-haired boy was dazed by his lover's rare concern. He excitedly looked at the gentle smile on his lover's face. He was overjoyed for a while, forgetting that his lover didn't know his true identity, and asked affectionately.

"...?!!" In the

corridor of the apartment, the corridor lights flashed brightly, illuminating the two people standing in the corridor very clearly.

The mixed-race boy's deep outline is slightly immature, and his smile can already see the charming style after that. His eyes are especially moving, like a sea of ​​gems sprinkled with broken diamonds, crystal clear.

However, in Yao Ye's eyes at this time, this smile looked extremely terrifying.


This familiar name...

Yao Ye, who seemed to understand something, showed an expression of disbelief, took a step back in unease and panic, quickly touched the door handle, opened the door, ran inside, and closed the door with force.

Ellen, it's the dirty thing that haunted me before! ! !

Yao Ye's three views were almost shattered.

The neighbor who had always thought to be a normal human suddenly turned into a non-human. This huge shock made him unable to accept it, so he could only close the door instinctively and gasped in horror.

boom! ! !

The mixed-race teenager who was locked outside the door blinked blankly, his pale face almost transparent.

Ah, I seem to have been discovered...

my dear... I escaped...

Sure enough, I was frightened by this body... Or was I angry because of the deceit?

Next time, just burn this body... That way, I won't scare my dear...

I lied to my dear, or I will be punished... What should I do?

What if my dear keeps getting angry?

Ellen lowered her head and looked at her palm blankly, thinking about how to coax her sad love back.

After thinking about it, it's all the fault of this body...

Ellen thought so, stretched out her thin and pale hands, and tore her neck and cheeks while thinking.

Sizzle -

Pieces of flesh and skin tissue were torn off, dripping with blood.

Tear off...

destroy this body, and then simulate the look of the blond man from before...darling will be very happy.