Chapter 125 8.16 Strange Neighbors

Inside the door, after Yao Ye calmed down, he stuck to the cat's eye and observed Ellen outside the door.

Ellen was the one who had been stalking him before, that dirty thing...

that is, is he, dead?

Seeing Ellen bowing her head sadly, Yao Ye frowned in confusion.

No matter how you look at it, it's just a normal human being.

But the nickname that blurted out, and the tone that was full of discord, reminded me of the strange feeling I had for this young man before.

Yao Ye had to admit that this thin boy named Ellen was the haunted ghost.

It's just a plot only in ghost stories. The neighbor who has been getting along well is a ghost who silently stalks behind him, and he is a passerby who is destined to be killed by a ghost.

Looking at the black-haired boy with his head down and not speaking in the cat's eyes, Yao Ye bit his fingers in a tangled state.

Since he couldn't bite the meat, he couldn't use pain to stimulate his nerves, so he could only grind his teeth through a bandage to relieve his nervousness.

After waiting for a while, Yao Ye felt a little guilty after realizing that the ghost outside the door had been silent, as if he had done something wicked.

However, he didn't do anything at all, just closed the door and didn't let Ellen in.

You know, since he moved into this apartment, he has suffered a lot.

I was followed for no reason, I was frightened, and I cried a lot for this ghost today.

And the culprit of all this is obviously Ellen.

This seemingly innocent teenager has been watching his own jokes since the day he moved in!

Being next door all the's scary to think about...

Yao Ye looked at the wall beside him in fear.

Thinking with his toes, he knew that the load-bearing wall connected to the next door could not stop the ghost at all. Presumably, before he knew it, Ellen's ghost had floated in many times.

While cooking and resting by himself, a pale ghost followed behind him who was unaware.

This kind of's horrible...

the green eyes I saw in the water pipe earlier, the eyes I glimpsed in the shoe cabinet, and the fingers in the mirror...probably Ellen.

Yao Ye fought a cold war, and continued to observe the teenager outside the door, and unexpectedly found that Ellen had begun to move.

I saw this pale and beautiful young man as delicate as a puppet doll stretched out his hand and tore off his own skin.

Dark red to almost black blood spurted out and flowed all over.


Yao Ye's eyes widened in shock, this guy is self-harming!

On the surface, he said he hated stalkers, but... Yao Ye wasn't so disgusted that he wanted to see Ellen commit suicide.

Yao Ye subconsciously grasped the door handle and was about to open the door. In the cat's eyes, the hands that were tearing flesh seemed to sense something, and they tore more and more hard.

darling... looking at me... so ugly... this body... so ugly...


Yao Ye slammed the door open and looked at Ellen in shock.

The black-haired teenager was sitting in a wheelchair, and when he found out that his lover had opened the door, he covered his face with his hands, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Yao Ye was very frightened by the scene of tearing up just now, and was still breathing heavily, thinking about how he should speak so that the teenager who was intending to self-mutilate would stop.

After a stalemate for a while, Yao Ye was about to speak to calm Ellen when he met Ellen with his head bowed in front of him and whimpered.

"Honey... woo woo... I'm sorry..."

Yao Ye didn't know what kind of apology this person was saying, but he just felt that the apology was out of time.

You are still bleeding! Stop the bleeding first and then talk about the rest!

"You first..." Stop.

Before the words were finished, Ellen interrupted Yao Ye, who was like a paranoid earthbound spirit in a horror movie who could only hear his own voice, mournfully telling his love.

"I didn't mean it... my dear... I didn't want to lie to you..."

Li Gui's voice was a little hoarse, but the voice of a young man seemed very strange.


It turned out to be an apology for this kind of thing, but it wouldn't be self-harm.

Yao Ye opened his lips and finally sighed helplessly.

Well, I was really angry just now, but I was sobered up by the fright now. For the sake of being taken care of during this period of time...

Yao Ye blinked awkwardly, and decided to forgive this guy for his intentions. Terrible bad behavior.

He would never admit the hidden joy and happiness in his heart after discovering that this sticky ghost was still alive.

"Woohoo ... my dear ... I know what I look like now ..."

"Please ... Forgive me, okay? I will become the look of my dear!"

Ellen slowly raised his head, The hands covering his face moved away, and he said excitedly.

The strong smell of blood permeated the air, and the skin tissue on the black-haired boy's face was almost torn clean, as messy as wallpaper scratched by a cat, and the only remaining pale skin was gradually stained red with blood.

The young man stared at Yao Ye with his remaining green eyeball, his lover's pale face reflected in his dead pupils.

The other eyeball was kneaded into a mass of watery scum between its fingers.

Its dark eye sockets kept overflowing with blood and tears, its bare gums and white teeth were knocking up and down, its tongue sticking out from time to time, and it was still making a juvenile clear voice, begging for forgiveness from its lover.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I was wrong... honey, don't be angry, okay?... woo... don't leave me..." A

large stream of blood was dripping from his shattered face, all the way along the The neck with cracked skin and the white long-sleeved top stained the entire wheelchair.

The young man was still scratching his neck and the exposed collarbone of his shirt, his slender and well-knotted fingers were full of minced meat and skin, dripping with blood.


Yao Ye, who was shocked by this tragic scene, choked in his heart and almost screamed in fright. His mind went blank. He wanted to say something comforting, but now he can't remember a word.

Although he can accept Ellen's non-human identity, Yao Ye believes that his heart is not strong enough to easily see this terrifying scene.

"Darling, will I be happy if I destroy this body? Forgive me... I beg you dear..."

Ellen looked at her lover hopefully, hoping that she would see his sincere admission of wrongdoing I can change my mind.

"You!... I... uh,... be normal to you... I'm not happy!"

Although he knew that Ellen, the ghost, likes to think about something, Yao Ye really didn't expect this specter to think about it. so much.

When did he say he wanted this body to be destroyed! seem to like it, don't you?

How does this brain circuit form?

Can you talk to people normally?

Yao Ye's face was pale, and looking at the extremely terrifying face in front of him, he spoke upside down.


Ellen, who didn't understand what her lover wanted to say, tilted her head suspiciously, and the flesh and blood on her face fell off with the movement, revealing the pale cheekbones and skull.


Yao Ye froze in horror, unable to bear it any longer, his original sympathy and guilt were replaced by fear, he turned around in horror, and staggered back to the room.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Yao Ye closed the door, his legs were too weak, and his spirit was stimulated, so he could only support the furniture beside him all the way back to the bedroom.

He wants to rest... He is so tired and dizzy, if he doesn't rest, he will really faint from fright.

As for the ghost outside the door...

let him die!

Yao Ye's face turned pale with anger. His persuasion just now was completely playing the qin to Niu. He knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he decided to give up.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Yao Ye collapsed on the bed tiredly, curled up on the bed with the quilt, shivering.

The scene just now really frightened him...

Although he knew in his heart that this ghost named Ellen might have no ill intentions towards him, Yao Ye, as a cowardly social animal, was still unable to bear the impact of facing the bloody scene.

"..." Get some sleep, just get some sleep.

With the deep fear of the scene just now, Yao Ye shivered and fell asleep, hoping to cheer up a little tomorrow.

He soon fell into a deep sleep and had a dream. In the dream, a beautiful mixed-race teenager with snowy skin and red lips smiled at him and asked him if he liked the way he looks now?

Yao Ye was stunned for a moment in his dream, nodded and said he liked it, he likes beautiful things, and young people are very beautiful.

Well, so what?

The young man smiled and spread his arms, revealing his skinny body, with only a few flesh hanging on the bones.

Yao Ye in the dream showed a horrified expression, watching the young man hug him gently.

——Now, we are together forever~

! ! !

Yao Ye woke up in shock.

He opened his eyes and found that it was still night, the moonlight outside the window was just right, the coat rack by the bed cast shadows on the bed, and everything was quiet and peaceful.

Yao Ye wiped his forehead covered in cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief, glad that everything just happened was just a dream.

He lay on the soft pillow, staring at the ceiling above his head.

Is Ellen still outside? Wouldn't it be still tearing... would it really not hurt?

Thinking of Ellen's honor before going to bed, Yao Ye was a little worried, and even had the urge to get up and take a look.

In the middle of the night to see if there is anything wrong with a Specter...

Yao Ye felt that his head was really broken.

He didn't know what was going on, but he found that he had a high degree of favorability towards this Specter who had never done anything good. He obviously hated people following him, and he once thought of taking revenge on that unknown guy who caused him to have hallucinations.

However, after the truth is revealed, he will not hold any hatred for this guy who is the main job and the part-time stalker.

Faced with such a strange attitude, Yao Ye thought about it for a long time, and finally his cheeks turned red.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, but...

maybe he really likes this Specter who cooks and washes clothes for him...

After all, no one has ever treated him like this, and no one has ever loved him.

Ellen lets Yao Ye discover for the first time that being loved is such a special thing.

Ellen's love was so obvious and fiery that although it was often frightening, those loves were always entwined by his side, those all-seeing peeps, stalking, sweet love words, which could be called virtuous behavior.

This kind of love is like a cobweb hidden in the dark, with threads entwined around the body, thick and dark enough to make people suffocating, but it also makes people ... obsessed.

To be honest, it was the first time that Yao Ye, who had been single since his mother and child, discovered that he might also be a pervert. He actually liked this kind of morbidly suppressed love in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ellen made Yao Ye, who had lived under the indifference of others since he was a child, feel a strong sense of being needed, which fascinated him.

The feeling that he was the only one in his eyes, and all his attention was on himself, was unexpectedly wonderful.


Yao Ye thought about it for a long time, and it took a long time for him to get sleepy again. He turned over and stared at the shadow of the coat rack on the sheets in a daze.

Let's have a good talk with Ellen tomorrow... First, explain the strange thoughts he got from nowhere, and then reluctantly agree to his pursuit.

Thinking like this, Yao Ye closed his eyes, looking forward to tomorrow.

Wait...something seems to be wrong.

Yao Ye frowned, a strange sense of disobedience made him reopen his eyes and look at the shadow on the bed sheet again. there a coat rack at the head of his bed?

The answer is... no.

! ! ! !

Yao Ye, who was facing the door sideways, widened his eyes in horror. He suddenly sat up and looked up at the window behind him.

I saw a thin and slender ghost standing beside my bedside table, the clothes on his body were soaked with blood, dripping blood "tick-tock", landing on the carpet, soaking the ground.

The pale bones on the outside of the clothes were covered with shriveled and bleeding flesh, and the dark eye sockets stared straight at Yao Ye's face.

Moonlight shone through the windows on the skeleton, imprinting distorted shadows on the bed, like a coat rack with clothes on.

"Ahhhh!!!" I

've been here since I woke up just now! ! !

Yao Ye screamed, and stepped back on the bed, one of them didn't pay attention, and fell on his head beside the bed.


seeing that her lover finally noticed her, Ellen moved her skeleton arm and walked in the direction of her lover.

The skeleton with only the skeleton dropped many pieces of meat with every step it took. It walked quickly to the lover and hugged the lover in distress.

- Did it hurt?

——Dear, you see, I have punished myself, and in the future, I will become the same as before... ——Just like

this, stay with me forever!

The bloody skeleton is telling his love, begging for the love of his lover humbly.

The one who responded to Ellen was the alarm clock thrown by Yao Ye.


Yao Ye almost hoarse his voice, but he couldn't control it and was so scared that he threw everything he could touch.

Ellen, who was smashed with many pieces of meat: "..."

Ellen stopped aggrievedly.