Chapter 126 8.17 Strange Neighbors (End)

The night was dark, and it was half past three in the morning.

In the kitchen, the heat rose, the red light on the base of the kettle turned to green, and the water was boiled.

Yao Ye's face was pale, he picked up the kettle and made a cup of coffee. Soon, a refreshing cup of hot coffee was ready.

Yao Ye forced himself to reach for the coffee mug, his trembling fingers failed to grasp the handle of the coffee mug several times, and finally managed to squeeze it tightly.

A cup of coffee might make you feel better.

Yao Ye comforted himself like this, but his lips trembled unwittingly, and there was still unfinished fear in his black and white eyes.

Jingle —

the coffee ended up spilling on the floor, and the hot coffee on the floor smelled piping hot.

A strange sound came from behind Yao Ye, and a terrifying sound of footsteps approached, making Yao Ye cry out in fright.

"Don't come here! I'm not scalded!"

Yao Ye didn't dare to turn his head back, he was really frightened.

In the middle of the night, he was frightened and awake, and even his budding heart was extinguished. Now he needs to be alone for a while, and he really has no time to deal with Ellen's miraculous brain circuit.

Behind him, the bloody skeleton ghost seemed to be a little injured. It looked worriedly at the ankle of its lover that was scalded by the hot coffee, and wanted to pick up the lover to deal with the wound, but... Seeing the lover's resistance, it stopped hesitantly. footsteps.

Darling seems to be still angry...

Is it because, this body is still there?

The ghost shadow looked down and looked down at his body, wondering if he should go to the crematorium to burn it.

Although it will cause the soul to be injured, as long as the dear is not angry, no matter what.


Yao Ye turned his back to Ellen, and after a while of mental preparation, he turned around expressionlessly.

As expected, Ellen was standing at the dining table, less than ten meters away from herself.

A skeleton-like human-shaped ghost stared at himself with a pair of black terrifying eyes, and black and red blood was still oozing from his body, standing not far from himself, showing an almost coveted gaze, enough to arouse any human beings towards aliens. and unknown.

It has nothing to do with love or hate, it is the deep, instinctive fear of human subconsciousness.

Yao Ye never expected to experience this horror movie-like scene once in the real world.

"...Uh, Ellen..."

Yao Ye still couldn't hold back, showed his timidity, and swallowed.

Ellen stood there obediently, looking at her beloved human being, trying to make her lover forgive her previous deception for her own sake.


Yao Ye fell into silence, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Ellen, I really need a rest. Can you go home first today... At least today, don't come here."

This is the only rhetoric that Yao Ye can think of so far. Maybe he will be more awake tomorrow if he takes a rest. Now, he was so frightened by everything in the bedroom just now that it was a miracle that he could speak normally now.

Darling to drive yourself away.

The thin ghost immediately misunderstood the meaning of Yao Ye's words, and looked at his lover in dismay, his fingers began to tear his body nervously again, since the flesh was almost lost, he could only leave dazzling sight on the bones. Scratches, the sound is shrill. be cremated tomorrow...and then find a better body to possess, my dear will change her mind...

Ellen thought distortedly, feeling very depressed.

Although I know that my dear dislikes this body, it still feels sorry for it.

Seeing Ellen, who was not far away, start scratching again, Yao Ye was stunned, and took a few deep breaths before he didn't completely faint.

Yao Ye thought for a while and wondered if the abused brain circuit overlapped with Ellen. He suddenly understood the reason why Ellen started to go crazy again.

This guy probably thought he was angry and wanted to break up.

"Huh!" Yao Ye reluctantly held his forehead, feeling that he couldn't go on like this. If he didn't make it clear now, I'm afraid this guy Ellen would be able to make a more sassy operation for him tomorrow.

Yao Ye, who did not know that Ellen was going to cremate himself tomorrow, subtly predicted the future.

Yao Ye gathered up his courage, walked to Ellen's side, and hugged the bloody skeleton body.

"Okay...don't be like this, I will...will feel distressed..."

Feeling the warm body temperature of her lover, Ellen died on the spot.

darling, hug me! ! !

Ellen hugged her lover back in a fascination, and her skinny bones like dry wood tightly hugged her lover's slender waist.

Putting his hand on the back of the skeleton, his hand felt damp and decaying like dead wood, the smell of blood lingered in his nose, and the tightening bones in his waist also stimulated Yao Ye's shaky rationality. He tried his best to hold back himself. Wanting to faint and get rid of the desire, he explained: "Ellen, I like you, I like you very much... So, don't hurt yourself, I feel very distressed." I

was going to say these words candidly tomorrow, but it depends on the situation. , can't wait for tomorrow.

Yao Ye felt that this world was really magical. He was clearly frightened by this skeleton body just now, but after hugging him for a while, he was able to say love words without changing his face.

When I hugged it, I actually felt that this body was a little cute. It was thin and small, and it was just right to be held in my arms, but the touch was not very good.

"Does it hurt? Me? My dear, aren't you angry?"

Ellen's deep eyes lit up with ghost fires, a faint light flashed, and her voice trembled.

Ellen is a paranoid Specter. It has the absolute power that all Specters yearn for. She is like the Ghost King among Specters, but it also has the inevitable flaws of Specter.

Excessive possessiveness, disgust for living people, contempt for life, mad pursuit of what you are attached to, spirit is like all ghosts, too impulsive, always thinking divergent, thinking a lot of strange things .

Although he thinks he is normal, he is not.

Since his death, his spirit has been hovering on the edge of reason and madness, but no one can find it under the cover of his beautiful skin.

The pain and resentment before death made it worse after death and turned into a severely delusional patient. He fantasized about the beautiful life of a prince and a princess. Facing his lover at first sight, he identified him as his own princess. , and think that they love each other and have a private life.

Such a fantasy is beautiful, but Ellen didn't really think it would come true like a fairy tale.

On the contrary, it always feels that its lover is like a beam of light that cannot be grasped. Once lost, it will never be found again.

I don't know why, but Ellen's soul is inscribed with fear that cannot be dissipated, as if she was born with the fear of someone leaving.

After meeting his lover, this fear broke out completely.

Even if reason tells it that it loves each other and lives happily with its lover, deep in its soul, the growing desire for control and possessiveness towards the person it loves is always on guard.

Ellen was worried about gains and losses in this love that she thought was already happy, and she couldn't even tolerate her lover leaving her sight for a moment. Only myself left.

Ellen's obsession and morbid infatuation with Yao Ye has driven it crazy.

It only knows that the lover it loves will disappear if it is not protected.

The lover is its most important possession, and it wants to be with the lover forever.

But it is very afraid...

very afraid that the lover will leave it.

As if such a thing had happened in the distant past, just the vague imagination could make Ellen feel the pain as if her soul was torn apart.

That's why Ellen felt incomparably frightened when Yao Ye was angry. She could do anything if she was afraid that her lover would leave. As long as her lover could stay by her side, even if she could only imprison her lover in the end, Ellen would still be able to do anything. to do.

After hearing her lover's unprecedented confession, Ellen's inner unease and apprehension were greatly satisfied.

The heart that had just been taken out by his own hands also seemed to be beating, enthusiastic and excited.

Darling is saying you like me! ! !

Ellen was so excited that she trembled all over, and the excited blood spurted out along the remaining blood vessels, dyeing Yao Ye's clothes red.

The love in Ellen's heart was almost overflowing. She hugged the lover in her arms tightly. If she hadn't crushed her own eyeballs, she would have burst into tears at this time.

Ellen's whole soul was cheering and cheering, and she felt as happy as a dream at the moment, and even wished that time would stop at this moment forever, so that it could keep such a lovely and beautiful lover forever.

Ellen's trembling voice made Yao Ye pause for a moment. He felt the skeleton under his hands trembling with excitement. For the first time, he realized that this ghost might be really simple and would take every word he said seriously.

Tick ​​tock -

Ellen's white shirt has already turned red, the back is clearly articulated, and the tentacles are cold and sticky, and under Ellen's excitement, blood is constantly seeping out, and the blood falls. There was almost a pool of blood on the floor.

Raising the hand covering Ellen's back, and looking at the blood stained on his pale palm, Yao Ye blinked, and suddenly felt a little more tender towards Ellen, who had torn himself into this ghostly appearance with his own hands.

A ghost who has been dead for a long time, tearing his own flesh and blood piece by piece with his own hands, will probably feel pain.

Yet, even at this point, Ellen cared so much about his every word, as if unaware of her own pain.

Although these all stemmed from Ellen's own misunderstanding, but... in the final analysis, it was because of Ellen's crazy love.

This kind of love is a madness that no normal person can imagine.

Do you really love him that much?

Yao Ye sighed softly, his beautiful eyebrows softened.

He turned his head and looked at Ellen's bloodless skeleton face, wiped the blood on the bones with his hands, and kissed Ellen's cheekbones lightly.

The feeling of being valued like's pretty cool.

Yao Ye looked at Ellen, who was in a sluggish state because of this kiss, and laughed.

The black-haired, dark-eyed youth had pale skin, bright red lips, and Ellen's blood was still on the face of a young baby. His smile was so moving, it actually set off a poppy-like beauty of sin.

"I'm not angry at all, don't think about it... I like the way you were before, can you change back?

You will remind me of the afternoon. At that time, it was terrible. I thought you were really dead. I've cried for a long time..."

Yao Ye remembered the despair and helplessness in his heart when he saw the corpse in the afternoon, although it was only for a short time, it was like a feeling of suffocation.

He didn't want to experience it again, although he was still afraid that Ellen would become more and more inhuman, but he would learn to adapt slowly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yao Ye had to say that he couldn't live without this annoying guy.

"Don't cry...I love you too, dear...forever, forever!!!"

Ellen recovered from the ecstasy of being kissed by her lover, touched the end of Yao Ye's blushing eyes, murmured in distress, and finally did not forget to make an affectionate confession.

Yao Ye couldn't open his eyes due to Ellen's sharp phalanx.


Seeing that this confession was still moving, Yao Ye didn't say much, but reluctantly narrowed one eye that had been poked in pain, and looked at Ellen with dissatisfaction with the other. A arrogant cat, Ellen is so cute that her heart is broken.

My dear is so cute~

"Is there no way to change back to the original appearance?"

Yao Ye asked Ellen in confusion while looking at Ellen for a long time, just staring at his stupid appearance.

Can't the devil repair himself?

"Yes~ I can do anything my dear asks!!!"

Hearing the dissatisfaction in her lover's tone, Ellen immediately gave a shudder, and the repressed repair ability quickly began to restore the flesh and blood on her bones. The dense granulation began to wriggle and grew back to its original shape.

During the growth period, the granulation buds were still reluctantly entangled in Yao Ye's hand and body on Ellen's body. The entanglement like tentacles gave Yao Ye goosebumps.

"Let go! Let's hug after you've repaired it! Ahh!!"

Yao Ye, who was touched in an indescribable place, became angry and pushed Ellen away.

Ellen stood shyly in the same place, shyly silent like a girl who was being molested, and he was about to explode with shyness after he couldn't help touching it just now.

Yao Ye: "..."

He was the one who was molested, why did the blushing people fall out.

Soon, Ellen's repair was completed, and she turned back to the appearance of a beautiful boy. Yao Ye finally got out of the brink of mental breakdown, and was no longer afraid of being frightened and fainted.

After a busy night, looking at the bright sky outside the window, he immediately decided to go back to the bedroom to take a nap. Of course, he had to go to the bathroom to take a shower before going to bed.

He was all covered in Ellen's blood now, and he couldn't sleep without a bath.

After taking a bath soon, Yao Ye was too sleepy to open his eyes. He leaned on the bathtub and stretched out his hand to let Ellen, who was standing in the bathroom peeping at some unknown time, carry him back to the bedroom.

Does this guy still think he is in a ghost state? Staring straight at himself, deliberately scary.

But forget it, let's see... so sleepy.

"Hold me... back to the bedroom."


Looking at her lover who had taken a shower, her face was rosy and charming, Ellen blushed, quickly picked up her lover, and walked towards the bedroom.

"Don't touch..."

"...My dear, I don't have it~"


There is no ghost! He looks so pure, how can he start so fast!

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Yao Ye finally woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was lying in 'Alexander''s arms, his cheeks still pressed against the human pectoral muscles.

! ! !

Yao Ye almost vomited.

"You change it back for me!!! Don't you know that I hate Alexander the bastard the most!"

Ellen was startled, and aggrievedly changed back to her original appearance.

Yao Ye pinched Ellen's cheeks fiercely and warned: "I like you! Don't look like other people, you know! I don't like it!"

Ellen nodded with bright eyes, swearing It doesn't look like anyone else anymore, it just thought that its lover would like tall men.

But now, Ellen, who knew that her lover loved her the most, was really excited and almost floated.

It hugged Yao Ye excitedly, and its heart was as soft as a cotton candy, sweet and full.

"Hmm!...Okay, stop rubbing, it's so itchy hahaha!"

Yao Ye couldn't help but blushed as he laughed non-stop.

In fact, he didn't want to express his feelings so frankly, he always felt so ashamed, but seeing Ellen's appearance more shy than himself, Yao Ye smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Dear... We will be together forever, right?"

Yao Ye hugged the fluffy head in his arms and stroked gently.

Ellen raised her eyes, her dark green eyes stared at Yao Ye without blinking, Yao Ye saw himself in Ellen's pupils.

To live forever with this ghost who only loves himself?

...well, that sounds pretty good.

"Yeah! Together forever!"

Ellen's mouth curled into a happy smile, morbidly satisfied.

If you promise, you will never regret it.

Darling, it will always be it.

"However, when you are working in the future, you are not allowed to make trouble..."

Yao Ye pouted his face, remembering how he was secretly spied on by 'Alexander' before.

"But, my dear, your company has gone bankrupt."

Ellen raised her mobile phone innocently, and an announcement was written in the chat group, the company went bankrupt yesterday, at nine o'clock in the evening.

"..." A

thunderbolt struck from the blue.

Yao Ye fell on the bed in despair.

What should I do? Although living with a ghost can save a lot of living expenses, but now that he is unemployed, he has zero income!

"Honey, are you worried about income?"

Yao Ye lay on the bed mournfully, and glanced at Ellen in love.

"It's okay..."

Ellen hugged Yao Ye with a smile and stroked Yao Ye's hair affectionately.

"Darling can stay here forever, then you don't have to worry about income..."

"I only paid one year's rent."

Yao Ye retorted feebly, although he enjoyed the comfort of his lover, the truth still had to be said.

"No need here~"

Yao Ye looked at Ellen in confusion.

"This is my ghost realm... So, you never have to pay rent, as long as my dear is always with me~"

Ellen finally revealed her true purpose, and her face turned away from her lover was full of expressions. Crazy to twisted smile.

Stay here forever, my dear, so that we can be happy together forever.

In this way, the dear will never leave him.

Ellen knew that her lover was working hard and wanted to get a house of her own, so she decisively gave her own bait.

And it knows, my dear, that it will never refuse this bait.

After a while, Yao Ye, who was explained by Ellen about the concept of ghost realm, was sluggish for a while, and then he kissed Ellen a lot in ecstasy.

In this case, isn't this apartment building all his!

He could save a lot of money and go find a freelance job! It's amazing! ! !

"But... I saw other people in this house before?"

Yao Ye remembered the 'people' he saw before getting on the elevator.

"Just drive away."

Ellen did not change her face.

Yao Ye was silent for a while, silently throwing away his conscience.





















"..." Ellen showed a regretful expression.

Yao Ye laughed angrily, as expected, he was playing such a foolish idea.

"Don't think about it! I haven't promised to marry you yet! It's the love stage, you know! What

do you think about! Besides, I'll take you back to your hometown to meet your parents in the future, and stay here forever, you don't want to be with me Am I married?

We people in Longguo attach great importance to etiquette, and if we can't finish these ceremonies, we are not together at all!"

Although it is the tombstone of his parents who died when he was a child, it is considered a meeting with his parents.

Yao Ye's words successfully calmed Ellen's thoughts.

"Ah! My dear, is there such a custom? Well, then, can we go back now?"

Ellen immediately fell into the trap, looking at Yao Ye expectantly, under the temptation of "together forever", neatly Give up the dark possessiveness just now.

"Look at my mood~"

"Ah~ dear~ Let's be together~ Please~"

"Hey! Don't be so disgusting, speak in a normal tone!"

Yao Ye showed a look of disgust, but did not push him away head on his shoulder.

This guy is really... Forget it, who made him like it.

Let's be together forever as you wish.
