Chapter 127 Forever (Ending)


the cold wind blew, leaving only pieces of ruins in the N city, ghosts wandered among the ruins, and humans lingered in the gaps where the ghosts did not reach.

How long can you live like this?

The haggard and filthy survivors searched for the remaining food in the ruins, their eyes numb and hopeless.

No one thinks they can beat ghosts.

Humanity is about to perish, at least in this country.

"Cough cough!"

The mother holding a thin child hunched over her waist, coughing and scratching through the ruins, trying to find some food to relieve her child's hunger.

Pattap -

struggling to lift a heavy stone, the mother wiped the sweat from her forehead and took out a can of food under the stone.

This is a can of dog food, not what humans should eat, but in this apocalyptic world, it is the supreme food.

"Give it to me!"

"Please! Woohoo! Leave a little for my child! She's going to starve to death!"

The survivor beside her eyes lit up, grabbed the can and greedily opened it, ignoring the ground Mother's begging to eat.

Boom - An earth-

shattering vibration came from the distant sky, and the dead souls wandering in the ruins looked blankly in the direction of the vibration.

The next moment, the brutal and terrifying ghosts showed panicked expressions, wrapped in an invisible suction force, and rushed towards the center of N City.

Whoosh -

Survivors fled, screaming one after another.

The survivors, who were busy eating canned food, were penetrated by countless roaring souls before they could react, and they fell to the ground instantly.

The mother and child on the ground were blocked by this body, and luckily escaped, the child picked up the can on the ground and devoured it with the mother.

The canned food was quickly eaten, and the mother and daughter had the energy to look in the direction where the dead souls rushed.

It was a turbulent wave-like vortex, hovering in mid-air, with dark clouds rolling over, blocking the sun, making the entire N City look like hell.

And that vortex continued to swallow countless dead souls, and the shrill scream resounded throughout N City.

The mother and child curled up in the ruins in fear, watching the vortex through the cracks in the ruins.

After swallowing countless dead souls, the vortex finally stopped, it gradually calmed down and dissipated, and the sky shrouded in dark clouds showed sunlight again.

No, it should be said that it is - light.

Pure white light washed the entire sky. I don't know if it was an illusion, but my mother vaguely saw a giant composed of light, slowly walking in a farther direction.

That is, god.

Inexplicable words poured out of the mother's heart, a warm feeling poured into her limbs from her soul, making her feel unprecedented happiness.

God, and only God can do these things.

The mother knelt down and prayed devoutly, and the ignorant child knelt down with him, with the same radiance of happiness on his face.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a creature on this earth, when it sees the gods formed by the world, they will feel extremely happy.

That pure light and warmth is the greatest happiness of all creatures.

The gods returned to the center of the earth.

He looked at the pure black figure in front of him, another god with a virtual figure, laughed, and gently hugged the filthy avatar in front of him.

"Welcome back, Silent."

In the previous life, in order to prevent the extinction of the human beings that he regarded as his own, He had always refused the help of Nirvana, even if he was alone in bearing the pain caused by the evil thoughts of the entire human race.

So much so that in the end it is difficult to return, the godhead collapses, and the entire world will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, the god frowned guiltily.

Destruction is right, and proper reduction is the best way to deal with it. Blind protection will only lead to the annihilation of the entire army in the previous life.

Now this is very good, each continent has its own way of survival, surviving in the predicament.

Although it is difficult, it is much better than the extinction of the previous life, especially the way of the rebirth, although it is very annoying, but the way to enter the ghost realm is very good. means of survival.

Therefore, in this life, the gods decided not to interfere in the survival of human beings. Perhaps, they will live better.

In addition to guilt, the gods also harbored a deep sense of indifference to annihilation in their previous lives.

In this life, in order to save the shattered soul fragments, the gods have gone through countless reincarnations and understood how deeply this filthy incarnation loves him.

He is very sorry for his previous actions.

Zimie seemed a little overwhelmed by the embrace of the gods, but he quickly calmed down and wrapped his arms around the gods in his arms.

The god who has always been dismissive of him got close to him, and his face composed of the black mist of silence showed some infatuation.

The surging love in his heart made his hands a little stronger, and the gods felt a little pain, but he still gently accepted everything that was annihilated.

"Yao, in fact, I didn't come back." After a long while, Ji Moi said dryly.

"..." The

god was silent.

So who are you now?

Ji Mie said without changing his expression: "I have been divided into many pieces and still need rescue, Yao, can you help me again?"

The gentle smile on the god's face that had not changed over the years froze.

"It's... um, like before." Kiss and hug, be together forever or something.

Quietly avoiding the gentle gaze of the gods, the magnetic voice is serious.

Are you still addicted?

The god gently squeezed Silent's cheek.


Facing the scrutiny in the pure white eyes of the gods, Nirvana became more righteous.

"Yes." The

god calmly watched the silence, and after a while, he laughed.

"Okay, as you wish, but, before that, I still want you to know one thing."

Ji Mie looked at the gods without blinking.

"I love you, Nimie."

This sentence, the death of the previous life, has been said countless times in front of the gods. Each time, the gods walked away indifferently, ignoring this group of filth from outside the world.

Now, the gods felt it was time for him to speak.

The god kissed the filthy avatar in front of him, allowing the black filth to stain his pure white body.

Nimie didn't seem to expect the god to say this, his eyes widened in shock, and then he kissed back in excitement, his arm around the god trembled, almost thinking he was dreaming.

"I love you too, Yao!!!" The

god looked at Ji Moe tenderly and asked with a smile: "Then, do you still need rescue now?"

"No, no need."

Ji Moe was dizzy, giggled giddily.

Seeing this, the god shook his head helplessly and smiled gently.

"It doesn't matter, if you think about it, I don't mind, just go on a honeymoon!"

Dudu dudu honeymoon! ! !

The body composed of the black mist of silence was so excited that it almost exploded.

Honeymooning is only required for marriage, so they are already married! ! !


Ji Mie hugged the god ecstatically and turned around, rubbing against the warm body of the god.

The gods who have always liked to hold their foreheads, but didn't say anything, and let the silence and chaos come.

"Let's be together forever." The

god said the line that Ji Mie likes to say, and then, looking at the dazed Ji Mie, he smiled happily.

Ji Mie was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He smirked and looked at the god he loved deeply, his eyes were soft.

"Well! We'll be together forever!"

Until the river of time runs out, until the end of the universe.

They will be together forever.


The author has something to say:

Well, it's officially over, and their journey may continue, but that's outside of this story. (Probably there will be no extras)

This story is my favorite type. Although it seems that the writing is not very good, I am still very happy to finish it and strive for better results in the next book! In the end, if this story can bring some joy to those of you who read it, that's the best thing. Thank you to the little angels who accompanied me all the way to the present~ I really love you! It's you who gave me the strength to continue writing. After all, sometimes it's very sad. I really want to stop the update, but when I saw your comments, I immediately cheered up! And I am always late, I really thank the little angels for not stewing my pigeon~

Looking forward to seeing you again in the next book~ Because I may be busy with the certificate examination in the second half of the year, the writing time is uncertain. But two advance receipts, um, when the time comes, which one will have the inspiration to open which one, but my self-control is not very good, so it is really hard to say the time of emmm opening (the top of the pot is crawling away) Thank you at 2020-05-09 23:12: From 39 to 2020-05-10 00:38:27, the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of caramel; 5 bottles of Qianchao lantern and rock sugar; therefore 4 bottles of Xuan; 1 bottle of CAQ;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!