Dressing up

"Eon~! Ready~?" Mom shouted from the room and I slowly answered with a fast-beating heart, "Yes..."

Today was the big day, and we had worked to almost death for this event.

It was a tiring experience and just the fact that mom used to do most of those things all by herself was admirable... but she definitely deserved her name with demoness. She worked a little child like me to exhaustion!



I entered the room where my fabulously dressed mom and other ladies were helping my dear friend with her dress, and now she was ready.


And as soon as I entered the room and saw... my dear friend dressed in that gorgeous dark pink dress that matched her eyes perfectly... this feeling was ineffable.

"Huhu. Look at that. He's speechless~." Aunt Aug chuckled with her mouth covered with a fan. She looked beautiful in her green dress, as always.