
The capital city of Gwyneth, one of the greatest cities of the great Roxana empire, is very vast in area of coverage.

The city is surrounded by giant walls and someone flying over the capital would say it's circular but, in fact, the city walls create an enneagon, having nine angles.

The city is vast, so vast that it homes more than thirty million 'humans' as well as a vast number of non-humans. And the city traffic itself is hard to measure. 

The city is decided into three parts where the outer part of the city is home to the common people, the core part of the city which homes to the upper class and nobility, and the center which homes to the royal palace, the [Celestial castle], where the royal family resides.

And the royal palace is one of the six structures that anyone could recognize if they fly over to the capital, actually, they can spot this grand structure as soon as they enter the capital city itself.