Holy and Demonic

[Eon's POV: ] 

A long, long time ago, in a distant village of the eastern continent, there one day out of the blue, cases of people of all ages started going missing.

There was a speculation that some kind of a demon was taking those people away, however, since the village was a distant one, no one actually knew much about their situation.

At least, not until one day when an adventurer party stopped for a night in this village and discovered their issue.

'The villagers begged them to look for the demon that was stealing their children, elders, and lovers away from them and, the adventurer group, curious by the unique tale of the villagers, started investigating the problem.'

However, the next morning, one of the adventurers of the group went missing overnight.

The adventurers searched for them all day long and even decided to continue their search over the night, however, they ended up losing two of their members the very next morning.