Skill clash

[Eon's POV: ]

"So, how about you try it?"

President Zodiac and Cradle were observing the skill stone and the sword closely right now.

One was trying to get the sword for herself while the other had glimmering eyes while looking at the attractive skill stone before him.

"Yes… but before that, headmaster. Why not give any of it to them?"

I had my questions about his choices, and they were genuine as well so even the rest of them were attracted when I brought it up.

"The two of them did just as much as the two of us, at least from a comparative perspective.

They were more efficient and even though the two might have made some mistakes, they did well-."

"No they did not." 

He shook his head with that stern reply and looked at the two of them with a look that made both of them look down at the floor.