Chapter 3 University Town, No. 123 Zhuangyuan Road_1

The family of four was gathered around the dinner table for supper.

The atmosphere was very warm.

Ever since mom and dad found out that Ding Yue got into a university, their home has been even more harmonious; otherwise, it might have been a completely different scene.

"Mist City Arts and Science University, it sounds like a pretty good university in our Mist City."

Ding Jianjun was holding his son's admission letter, and he was very proud.

"Dad, the decent universities we have in Mist City are only Mist City University and Southwest University, right?"

That's how Ding Xiaoyou saw it.

Only universities like Mist City University and Southwest University, which are project 985/211 universities, can be considered good higher education institutions.

The university her brother got into, something called Mist City Arts and Science University, was quickly categorized by Ding Xiaoyou as a "third-tier wild chicken university".

"Majoring in Civil Engineering, he should be able to make a decent amount of money after graduation, right?"

Zhang Yuping asked curiously.

Being a housewife, she didn't quite understand what Civil Engineering was all about.

"Mom, this can I put it... Have you heard about Zhong Construction Bureau?"

Ding Xiaoyou was prepared to explain it to her mother.

"It's a state-owned enterprise."

Zhang Yuping had heard about Zhong Construction Bureau.

"Yes, after graduation, my brother might follow Zhong Construction Bureau or something similar working in the remote mountainous area where you can't even find a small store after walking ten kilometers. Hahaha, but he should make a decent amount of money."

Ding Xiaoyou covered her mouth and laughed.

"Well, if I could land a job in Zhong Construction Bureau or something, that would be great." Ding Yue shrugged, thinking if it would be that easy to land a job in a state-owned enterprise?

Just then, Ding Yue's Whatsapp received a message from Xu Bin.

Xu Bin: Bro, the official university website is ready. Here's the link


After Ding Yue responded with an emoji, he clicked on the link to Mist City Arts and Science University's official website that Xu Bin had sent.


[Macau Casino is Online~ Sexy Dealer on Duty~ Playing Cards Online~]

Ding Yue: ????

He quickly exited the webpage!

What the hell?

Ding Yue was taken aback for a moment, thankfully the webpage was silent, so it wasn't seen by his parents or sister.

Otherwise, even jumping into the Yellow River would not clear his name.

"What's going on? What website link did you send me?"

Ding Yue hurriedly sent Xu Bin a message to ask.

Xu Bin: What happened? (Confused emoji)

"You click on the link and see for yourself! Is this the official website you and your master made?"

About a minute later.

Xu Bin: Hehe, sorry, I sent the wrong link, Huang Youjie just asked me for a website link so I just copied one...

"Thank goodness I looked at it first, or else if I directly forwarded the link to my parents..."

Xu Bin: My bad!

Ding Yue again clicked on the new link Xu Bin sent. After loading, it indeed was the interface of the official website of Mist City Arts and Science University.


"2. Establishment of the official school website (completed)"

"[System] Activation process: 50%..."


It's halfway there.

Next is to rent a temporary space, and then on the college registration day, it would be best if mom and dad don't go to school together. Even if they do, Ding Yue is not afraid.

So, Ding Yue sent the official link of Mist City Arts and Science University to his parents: "Mom, Dad, Mist City Arts and Science University is just alright, it definitely can't compare with the key universities that my sister mentioned. I sent you the official school website, and you can take a look when you have time."

Ding Yue took the initiative to strike first.

With that declaration, probably my mum and dad won't even bother to read it.

We had dinner, the family chatted for a while.

Then Ding Yue went back to his room to sleep.

First thing in the morning.

Ding Yue grabbed a quick breakfast, then left the house, meeting with Huang Youjie and Xu Bin at a milk tea shop outside the residential complex.

Xu Bin was a computer geek.

No matter where he went, he always carried his laptop, and recently he seems to be learning some hacker skills from his mentor.

"Bin, did your mentor receive his payment?"

As soon as he saw Xu Bin, Ding Yue asked this first.

After completing the official website of Mist City Arts and Science University yesterday, Ding Yue checked and found almost no problems, so he had paid the final installment to Xu Bin's mentor.


Xu Bin pushed his glasses up and nodded.

"By the way, the first link you sent me yesterday nearly killed me. One cup of bubble milk tea will compensate me."

Without another word, Ding Yue entered the milk tea shop.

Upon reaching the counter, before Ding Yue could even say a word, the shopkeeper asked, "Bubble milk tea? Do you want pearl and tea this time?"

Ding Yue was stunned.

Does the milk tea shop girl have such a good memory?

After thinking about it.

Maybe it was because I was too handsome.

In no time at all, Ding Yue picked up his cup of bubble milk tea paid for by Xu Bin, feeling rather pleased, and they headed to the subway station.

"Let's go, to University Town."

The three men headed for University Town together.

They needed to rent a place in University Town for the day, since they'd decided to pretend to get admitted to a university, they had to make the deception complete.

Just like going to the Health SPA pavilion, one had to experience all the services!

About an hour later, Ding Yue, Huang Youjie, and Xu Bin arrived near No. 123, Zhuangyuan Road in University Town.

"This place really looks like a university."

Huang Youjie looked up at the school gate in the distance, which looked almost identical to that of many universities, and from here, he could even see the teaching buildings and dormitory areas inside.

"Exactly, this used to be a university named..."

Ding Yue started saying, suddenly he couldn't recall, so he took out his phone, looked at it, then continued, "Yes, Mist City Siyuan University."

"A private school?"

Upon hearing this name, Xu Bin knew it was a private university.

"Yes, after their group went bankrupt, the school went under. The campus has never been sold, so we're just renting it temporarily."

Ding Yue said, glancing at his watch: "In about ten minutes the people should arrive."

Private universities are not like state universities, it's not uncommon for them to collapse due to poor management.

Ding Yue was quite lucky. When he searched for University Town online, he found this Mist City Siyuan University campus that hadn't been sold.

Just pay some money to rent it, breeze through the university enrolment process, isn't it simple and easy?

"This place is great, when my parents drop me off for school, they will definitely be fooled."

Huang Youjie spoke confidently.

For the three of them, Ding Yue, all they needed was to deceive their parents on the enrolment day.

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin had the same plan as Ding Yue.

That is, when they become successful and rich, they will then reveal to their parents about failing the College Entrance Examination. That would surely be a better outcome than revealing it now.

Huang Youjie was planning to do live streaming in the future.

Putting on a short skirt, wearing black tube socks, wearing a wig, applying some light makeup, and singing a song "Grain in Ear" in front of the camera, his popularity would definitely soar.

Now Huang Youjie already has several tens of thousands of fans on the music platform.

A powerful cross-dresser, how terrifying!

Xu Bin plans to further study hacking techniques with his mentor.

While the three of them were chatting about their future plans, a black sedan slowly approached from the distance...