Chapter 4 At this moment, Ding Yue has many questions_1

The campus of Mist City Siyuan University, which has already declared bankruptcy, is quite large.

It covers 2500 acres.

Ding Yue and his friends followed the person in charge of Siyuan Group. They managed to cover the vast campus in almost half an hour.

The campus was inclusive of buildings such as academic buildings, dining halls, libraries, dormitories, and sports stadiums. Each building looked somewhat dated.

After all, this was once a private higher college that had existed for many years.

"How do you lease this place?"

Ding Yue started discussing the lease with Liu Changwen, the middle-aged man standing in front of him.

"How long do you plan to rent it? Actually, I suggest you buy it. As you know our Siyuan Group's current situation, it's definitely worthwhile buying."

Liu Changwen sighed and said.

"Well... I will consider buying it. However, let's talk about leasing first. If the leasing works well, I will buy it."

In reality, Ding Yue never thought of buying it.

After all, for Ding Yue and his friends, buying such a large campus would be ridiculously impossible.

However, Ding Yue sensed from the conversation with Liu Changwen that Siyuan Group desperately wanted to sell this campus for cash flow.

So, he said that he would consider buying it.

The idea was to rent before buying. Once Ding Yue managed to bluff the parents during enrollment, he would say goodbye.

"Then... Xiao Ding, if you're leasing, how long do you plan to lease?"

Liu Changwen asked again.

"How much does it cost to rent for a day?"

"Rent for a day?"

Liu Changwen paused and then, shaking his head, said: "Xiao Ding, I've never rented it by the day. When an education institution rented it, they rented it by the month."

"So, how much did they pay in rent per month?"

"300,000 yuan."

"So it's ten thousand a day? " Ding Yue grinned and said: "Deal!"

"Xiao Ding, renting for just a day? We..."

Liu Changwen was immediately left at a loss.

He didn't want to forgo the lease.

What if he missed out on a customer who wanted to buy the campus?

But if the property was rented.

It would be only for a day, ten thousand yuan, such a deal had never happened before?

"It's not necessarily just one day. In any case, it's ten thousand a day. Your campus is idly sitting here anyway. Why not rent it to me? You'd get some income, right?"

Ding Yue may not be good at many things, but when it comes to talking, he has an adept command.

The idea was to make Liu Changwen hesitate about losing a potential customer.

Ding Yue had learned online.

The location of Mist City Siyuan University campus is remote and difficult to sell in the University Town area.

And right now, private colleges are increasingly challenging to manage. If they want to sell off the campus of Mist City Siyuan University, they would have to wait for the expansion of Mist City Fine Arts College, which is nearly impossible.

The Fine Art College is a new campus that was built less than three years ago, which is more than sufficient for them.

Liu Changwen pondered for a long time.

Seeing that Xiao Ding was the first customer with the intention to buy the Siyuan campus, he had to make the most of this opportunity.

"Alright, I'll lease it to you by the day. The rent is ten thousand a day. I hope you'll consider buying this campus if you find it satisfactory. Rest assured, it will definitely be a profit for you!"

Liu Changwen inhaled deeply and confirmed the agreement.

"Alright, it's a deal. Let's prepare the contract and set the date for use."

And so, Ding Yue successfully signed a lease agreement from Siyuan Group for the campus.

The date of use was set for September 1, the registration date for the fake university, Mist City Arts and Science University, founded by Ding Yue.


"3. Find the school's location (completed)"

"[System] Activating process: 80%..."

The third step has been completed.


Ding Yue is just waiting for the first day of school, September 1.

Actually, there are some trivial things that can be directly handed over to Huang Youjie and Xu Bin to handle, which is to find some "extras".

After all, on the day of the school's registration, if the parents of the three people come along to register at the university, and they see that there is no one in the university, and no registration site, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Therefore, Ding Yue needs people to construct a university registration scene. The remaining money he has is basically used for this.

All plans are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The hot August in Mist City passes in a flash.


Damn it, it's even hotter!

Universities all over the country are starting their new semesters in late August and early September, with freshmen reporting in all parts of the country.

September 1.

The dozens of universities in Mist City also enter freshman registration mode.

Unbeknownst to them,

There is a university named "Mist City Arts and Science University" in University Town, that is mixed in the crowd, just making up the numbers.

In the morning,

After Ding Yue packed his luggage, he waited at the entrance of the neighborhood with his parents for Huang Youjie's family.

His younger sister, Ding Xiaoyou, had already started high school earlier because she was a junior, so she couldn't accompany Ding Yue to the university registration today.

It's just as well that the little brat isn't going.

Ding Yue was worried that she was too smart and might see through his plan at the time.

If it's just mom and dad, it's relatively easy to fool them, as are Huang Youjie's parents and Xu Bin's dad.

As long as they manage to fool them today.

Everything will be settled, and the following time will be spent by Ding Yue focusing on making money in this parallel world as a copycat author.

He has been in this parallel world for a while.

Ding Yue has learned a lot about the differences between here and Earth in the field of culture and entertainment. By exploiting these differences, copying novels and songs, there will be no problem making a good living.

He has to say, Ding Yue feels that his fake university plan is quite perfect.

A perfect score first and foremost!

After the three families meet, they take the subway together to University Town.

"Bin, how many extras did you find online? Are we also covering the cost of their lunchbox?"

"Over two hundred people, two hundred yuan each, plus the lunch boxes and the props we need, the remaining money has pretty much all been spent."

Xu Bin's calculation concerning money has no problem at all, he's really wasting his talents not studying accounting or something.

But there's nothing he can do, this guy just loves hacking technology and is determined to become a badass hacker boss in the future.

Ding Yue figured that over two hundred people should be enough.

The three families arrived quickly at the university entrance, Ding Yue found not only were there many students from the opposite Mist City Fine Arts College, but there were also quite a few people at the entrance of Mist City Arts and Science University.

Most importantly, quite a few cars were parked.

Looking at it, Mercedes, Audi, BMW, etc. seem too ordinary. There are even various Ferraris, Maseratis and various cars, SUVs, and even supercars!

Am I seeing this right?

Over there, isn't that a Lamborghini?

The cars at the school gate are quite out of place with the "Mist City Arts and Science University" golden characters welded on the upper part of the carefully prepared fake university gate by Ding Yue.

"Where did all these cars come from? Could they belong to the students from the Mist City Fine Arts College across the street? Why did they park over here?"

At this moment, Ding Yue had a lot of questions.