Chapter 9 External Teachers_1

After a busy day, Ding Yue and his pals were exhausted.

They tidied up a three-bedroom apartment in the school dormitory building, planning to stay there for the night.

Starting from tomorrow, Ding Yue didn't intend to personally recruit students and collect fees anymore.

Though recruitment and fee collection were joyful and satisfying, it was tiresome work that left them feeling dizzy at the end of the day.

Besides, Ding Yue had many other things to do.

For instance, after recruiting students, what about the faculty of the school?

Moreover, military training should begin a few days after the recruitment ends.

Where to hire military instructors?

Apart from these, Ding Yue still had to figure out how to increase the popularity level of Mist City Arts and Science University.

It seemed that running a university was not an easy job.

"Let's divide our duties tomorrow." Ding Yue said.

As they ate outsourced dinner, Ding Yue planned to discuss the distribution of workload for the next few days with Huang Youjie and Xu Bin in order to boost work efficiency.

"Yue, you lead the way." Huang Youjie and Xu Bin were both willing to fully support Ding Yue.

If they could successfully establish a private university, it would be a huge entrepreneurial success and the peak of their lives. At that point, they would not worry about breaking the news of failing the National College Entrance Exam to their parents.

"Looking at our present situation, we should be able to recruit a lot of students, and that could last for few days. Starting from tomorrow, the task of overseeing recruitment lies with Vice Principal Huang, okay?" Ding Yue intentionally addressed Huang Youjie as Vice Principal Huang.

This pleased Huang Youjie immensely.

"Vice Principal Huang... that sounds comfortable~"

Huang Youjie was elated. In an instant, he went from being a student who failed the college entrance exam to the Vice Principal of a university. Life indeed has highs and lows.

"Wait, Yue, what about me if he's Vice Principal?" Xu Bin hurriedly asked.

"You're also a Vice Principal, Vice Principal Xu." Ding Yue answered with a smile. "Huang is in charge of recruitment and logistics, like accommodation. Xu, you handle the administration. After recruitment, categorize the students according to their interests and hobbies, compile statistical data. Based on this, I'll set up the relevant majors, then recruit an appropriate faculty."

Ding Yue said this seriously.

"OK, no problem."

Xu Bin responded by nodding and making a gesture of agreement.

Then, Huang Youjie and Xu Bin looked at each other, turned to Ding Yue, and said in unison, "Thank you, Principal Ding, for your trust."

"Oh, come on, calling me Principal Ding is so formal. Go on, say it a few more times!" This was the first time Ding Yue had been referred to as Principal Ding.

The strange feeling it evoked was akin to being tickled.

"Also, Yue, we've recruited so many students, but we don't have any teachers in the school yet. Won't it be fraud if we couldn't provide classes for them?" Xu Bin raised his brows in worry.

Ding Yue calmly replied, "We can hire teachers from outside, right. We currently have 69 traditional undergraduate majors, and it's possible to hire teachers for all majors if we're willing to spend."

"But where would we find those teachers?" Huang Youjie scratched his head in confusion.

"We're in University Town, which has dozens of universities. Is it possible we can't hire outside teachers?"

"Right, right, right. As long as we offer high salaries, there'll be no shortage of lecturers. I'll go post the job advertisements right now."

Xu Bin said as he stood up to get his laptop.

Ding Yue admired Xu Bin's efficient work style, which was more impressive than Huang's more naïve approach.

"Offer high salaries for the teachers. We're not short of money." Ding Yue ordered boldly.

After all, the system would reward one billion once recruitment was over.

Plus the tuition and accommodation fees; these were Mist City Arts and Science University's operation funds. However, since recruitment was still going on, Ding Yue was uncertain how much they could collect in total.

With at least 25,000 yuan per student, collecting over a hundred million shouldn't be difficult, right?

A simple calculation would reveal that.

Let's assume that they collected a total of 1 billion yuan in tuition and accommodation fees, averaging 30,000 yuan per student, that would approximately total to 3,333 students.

If all our recruitment days go as well as today, getting more than 3000 students doesn't seem too difficult.

Aren't there at least several tens to hundreds of millions of students across the country who did not perform well in the College Entrance Examination this year?

"Burp—I'm going to take a bath and go to bed early. I'm dead tired today, and we need to continue recruiting students for our school tomorrow."

After finishing his takeaway food, Huang Youjie burped satisfactorily and headed to the bathroom to wash up and rest.

"Okay, go to bed early and get up early. You need to keep up the effort tomorrow."

Ding Yue spoke as he cleaned up the table and disposed of the takeaway trash.

Xu Bin was in charge of the recruitment of teachers for the school's existing traditional disciplines. As for hiring teachers for the new programs that were to be established, these could only be carried out after Ding Yue obtained the students' interests and set up the related disciplines.

But there was one thing that Ding Yue was not clear about.

Every teacher who was recruited for the traditional disciplines was certainly qualified as a teacher.

But what happens if the teachers he was recruiting for the newly established disciplines weren't qualified to teach?

For example, suppose the Mist City Arts and Science University set up a new major—eSports.

If an eSports professional was hired as a teacher, he wouldn't be able to teach effectively if he didn't have the necessary teaching qualifications.


Ding Yue, with this question in mind, called up the World Famous School System in his mind.

"How can we solve the issue of teaching qualifications?"

Speaking to the system's virtual panel that appeared in front of him, Ding Yue asked.


Quickly, the system mall appeared before Ding Yue's eyes, and an [Education] section floated out of it.

It was followed by a product—the [College Education Qualification Card]—which floated out from the [Education] section.

Product: College Education Qualification Card

Price: 1 reputation point per card

Note: Using a [College Education Qualification Card], an individual can be endowed with teaching qualifications.

"Wow! This thing is amazing."

Ding Yue exclaimed in surprise.

This [College Education Qualification Card] product would perfectly solve the issue of teaching qualifications for the teachers for new disciplines that Ding Yue would hire in the future.

The card only costs one reputation point and can be used for only one teacher.

It seems that Ding Yue's priority now is to earn reputation points quickly.

Only with reputation points could he buy various items from the system store.

"System, how can I earn reputation points?"

Ding Yue asked again.

[Reputation Points]: Earn reputation points by completing university development tasks or achieving accomplishments.

An explanation about earning reputation points appeared before him.

"Do you wish to activate the University Development Task system?"



Ding Yue made a thought movement and chose to activate the University Development Task system.

The two ways to earn reputation points were through tasks and accomplishments.

Since his Mist City Arts and Science University hasn't officially started yet, he naturally couldn't have any accomplishments.

Therefore, performing the University Development Task was the only way for Ding Yue to earn reputation points now.

"Successfully activated the University Development Task system."

"Detected that the host is currently in the enrolment phase..."

"Enrolment task: At least 5000 students."

"Task reward: 10 reputation points."