Chapter 10 I Thought I was a Face judge_1

"At least recruit 5000 students..."

Seeing the task at hand,

Ding Yue immediately called Huang Youjie over again.

"I was just about to take a shower, what's up?"

Ding Yue raised an eyebrow and grinned at Huang Youjie, ready to set him a recruiting target.

Huang Youjie was stripped down to his underwear and immediately started shivering, "Why are you looking at me? So excited!!! I'm not doing it!"

"Bullshit, what are you thinking? I, Ding Yue, only like pretty girls. Huang, I'm setting you a recruitment target, at least 5000 students, that's not a problem, right?"

"Recruit 5000 people? What if... what if there aren't that many people applying in the first place?"

Huang Youjie muttered.

"Then you should find a way to get more people to apply."


Ding Yue finally understood why Huang Youjie failed his college entrance exam, he sighed inwardly, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'll think of the method, just do your recruitment work well."

"Sure, no problem!"

After Huang Youjie had finished speaking, he turned around and went back to the bathroom.

As he lay on the couch, Ding Yue couldn't help but worry. What could he do to attract more people to apply to Mist City Arts and Science University?

"I've got it."

About five minutes later, Ding Yue finally thought of a solution.

And that was-- promoting!

Focus on promoting to those who have failed to gain admission to a college through the college entrance exam. At the same time, there are highlights worth promoting about Mist City Arts and Science University.

Welcome to our university, where we can customize your major based on your interests and hobbies.

This is an absolutely unique feature in all of Xia Country.

Having thought of this, Ding Yue was full of passion and ready to take action right away.

The best promotional platform should be Twitter, since it mostly has young users.

Another helpful tool is TikTok.

Ding Yue registered the official account of Mist City Arts and Science University on both platforms and applied for real-name authentication.

The authentication process certainly couldn't be completed tonight, at the earliest it would have to wait until tomorrow.

"Gotta get some sleep."

Ding Yue didn't ponder things too much, after the official self-media account of Mist City Arts and Science University received the authentication, then he would start promoting the recruitment process.

After Huang Youjie finished his shower, Ding Yue had his, then went back to his room to sleep.

First thing in the morning.

Ding Yue got up from bed way earlier than usual.

Ever since the end of his college entrance exam, Ding Yue would sleep in until noon every day, getting up just in time for lunch.

His parents are too lazy to care about this lazy routine.

After getting out of bed, Ding Yue planned to have breakfast at the cafeteria of Mist City Arts and Science University.

It wasn't until he was halfway there that he realized.

The university doesn't have a cafeteria yet!

There are cafeteria buildings, a first and a second, but they are not in operation, in fact, the entire second cafeteria is being used as the venue for student recruitment matters.

"I need to find a canteen contractor."

Ding Yue added "canteen" to his work checklist.

Aside from a cafeteria, there's also the need for a supermarket...

All these facilities that are indispensable to the students' future life at the university.

With these thoughts in mind, Ding Yue couldn't help but sigh at how busy his life as a principal was going to be.

Now, Ding Yue was going to find the instructors needed for the military training of new students.


Mist City Military Art College.

In the principal's office.

"So, you're saying your Mist City Arts and Science University needs a group of military training instructors and so you come to us for collaboration?"

Principal Chen, a middle-aged man, glanced at Ding Yue and asked.

Ding Yue nodded, "Yes."

"As for military training instructors, you could simply contact the local troops, as it's generally quite easy to invite military training instructors from the army for universities," Principal Chen sipped his tea and continued reading his newspaper.

That's reasonable enough.

Though Mist City Arts and Science University is a private university, it's not hard to apply for military training instructors from the troops if there's a need for military training.

However, Ding Yue wanted instructors for military training who were out of the ordinary, hence he came to Mist City Military Art College.

First off, military college students can serve as military training instructors for students from regular universities, secondly, the majority of the students at the Military Art College are girls, including a fair share of strikingly beautiful ones.

Yes, that's right!

Ding Yue wanted military training instructors who were attractive girls!

If this could go through successfully.

It would serve not only as a perk for the military training of new students of Mist City Arts and Science University and potentially generate some buzz, placing the university within the public's view, thereby increasing its popularity.

"Principal Chen, I was hoping that your Military Art College could provide our university with some military training instructors… We could offer one million as this year's military training funds, and we could collaborate on the military training of our new students yearly in the future, what do you think…?"

Upon hearing this, Principal Chen's eyes lit up instantly and he put down his newspaper, "You mean, offering one million for military training funds?"

Ding Yue nodded, "Yes."

"Private colleges, you guys do have a lot of money. How about this, our school committee holds another meeting to discuss this matter, is that okay with you Ding?"


Ding Yue saw that Principal Chen said that,

So he had a feeling that this idea might actually work out.

"Then Principal Chen, should I just go back and wait for your school's reply?" Ding Yue didn't plan on intruding on Principal Chen anymore.

After leaving Principal Chen's office, Ding Yue walked around Mist City Military Art College.

This was a military cultural college, characterized by military arts, so naturally, there were more female students.

On campus, Ding Yue saw a lot of graceful female military college students.

Their figures were definitely remarkable.

Their looks were impressive, and most importantly, almost every one of them had an aura of heroism and charm.

This sort of demeanor was something other college girls lacked.

For the sake of verifying his own thoughts, when he returned to Mist City Arts and Science University, Ding Yue specifically went to Mist City Fine Arts College to have a look.

The university right across from his own, had a high proportion of female students. It was hard to spot male students when passing by their campus gate.

Actually, there are some.

They were likely from other universities coming over to hang around and check out this place, this even included some students from Mist City Arts and Science University who had just reported in.

Nevertheless, speaking of which,

The quality of body figure and looks of the female students from the Mist City Fine Arts College were indeed high, and in addition to their artistic temperament, it was no wonder that students from other colleges and universities liked to visit this side.

Ding Yue also saw several exquisite beauties among the female students from the college of fine arts.

Especially one with long legs, Ding Yue couldn't help but take a second look.

When Ding Yue was younger, he thought he was a connoisseur in terms of voice.

As he grew up, he thought he was into cute little girls.

Just after seeing the long-legged female college student, Ding Yue realized, he's actually into legs.

However, when Ding Yue saw a beauty not far away from him, he finally understood that he's actually into the lunar malevolent control.

Yet just a moment ago, an extremely stunning girl walked by Ding Yue,

Ding Yue finally confirmed that he is absolutely a face-control!

A stroll around the campus and returning to his Mist City Arts and Science University, the moment he stepped on campus.

Ding Yue saw everything clearly.

He's obviously just a satyr.