Chapter 11 Are you envious of such a university?_1

It seems that today, even more students who didn't score well in the College Entrance Examination have arrived to register at Mist City Arts and Science University than yesterday?

Returning to the school, Ding Yue was ready to head back to his principal's office.

"Hello, Principal Ding."

As Ding Yue walked down the campus avenue, he was greeted by four male students coming his way. One of them even called out a greeting to him.

Looks familiar.

Ding Yue quickly thought back, this student seemed to be Liu Yuhao, wasn't he?

"Hello, Liu Yuhao, right? Made some new friends already?"

With a smile, Ding Yue nodded, believing that the three people beside Liu Yuhao were his new classmates or roommates that he met after arriving at Mist City Arts and Science University.

"Principal Ding, these guys are my high school classmates and friends. I invited them to all come and register here at Mist City Arts and Science University, hehe."

Liu Yuhao proclaimed with pride.

"So you guys have registered as well?"

"Yeah, Principal Ding, we just finished our registration, but I have a suggestion, or more accurately a request, could you..."

Zhou Xingjiang somewhat hesitated, looking at Ding Yue.

"Go ahead, say it."

Ding Yue is about their age, which should make communication with them quite easy.

"Originally, we planned to rent a place outside the school, but after checking, the nearest residential areas for rent are all quite far away. And right across from our university is the art academy, hehe. So we decided to live on campus, it's just..."

"Are you all hoping to live in the same dormitory?"

Being quite observant, Ding Yue instantly figured out what Liu Yuhao and his buddies were hoping for.

"Yes, yes, yes, Principal Ding, we get along great, it would be awesome if we could all live in the same dorm."

Chen Yang quickly nodded in agreement.

"Sure, no problem. Here at Mist City Arts and Science University, we're not like those traditional and conservative colleges. You guys just meet with housing to discuss whether you want to stay in a four-person room or a suite, both are possible."

Ding Yue spread out his hands, indicating there was not a problem.

For Mist City Arts and Science University to distinguish itself, we cannot follow tradition when it comes to student accommodation arrangement.

Who knows how many college students have had disagreements and conflicts with roommates due to the university's forced roommate arrangement? There have even been incidents that have ended in casualties.

To know, one significant aspect of a college student's life is to have close and supportive roommates.

Otherwise, one's college life would be considered lacking.

"Principal Ding, you are…really…" Zhang Ziming initially wanted to shower Principal Ding with compliments, but he stumbled over the right adjective.

"You need to read more, are you trying to say that our Principal Ding is… exceedingly understanding and fair?"

"Yes, yes, yes, understanding and fair, and extremely open-minded!"

"Okay, now that you've completed registration, you might as well handle the dorm arrangements while you're at it. Then rest for a few days to familiarize yourselves with the campus, because military training is starting soon."

Ding Yue gave some advice to the students.

"Okay, Principal Ding, see you, Principal Ding." Liu Yuhao and the others parted, brimming with happiness.

"See you."

The four of them had originally planned to rent a large house off-campus as they are all well-off.

But they only realized after arriving at Mist City Arts and Science University.

The school was so remote in University Town that even the nearest residential area was several kilometers away.

If they rented a house in a residential area, they would be too far from the art academy opposite them. It would be inconvenient for visiting and hitting on girls.

Then Liu Yuhao and his group realized the amenities in the school's dormitories were quite decent, which had them contemplating staying on campus instead.

But they had one concern.

If they did stay on campus, the dorms would be assigned by the school, and it's highly likely that the four of them would not be placed in the same dormitory or suite.

Liu Yuhao was preparing to find an opportunity to bring up this proposal with the school.

They happened to run into Principal Ding just now, and to their surprise, he was incredibly understanding and open-minded. He agreed to students choosing roommates or switching dorms on their own accord.

The four friends could now live together in a suite, making Liu Yuhao extremely happy.

He immediately pulled out his phone and posted about his school, Mist City Arts and Science University, on Twitter under the #2020NewCollegeStudent topic.

"Our university actually allows students to freely choose dormitories. Aside from males not being able to live with females, you can freely choose who you have as your roommate. Are you envious of my university? Hahahahaha! [Silly picture.jpg]"

After Liu Yuhao's tweet was posted, he quickly received many comments from other users.

Daily Sweetness: Damn, what a fairy tale university!

Jiang Qing, Please Always Be Happy: Aren't dormitory assignments and roommates usually decided by the university after new students register? You can freely choose?

Destiny Zhaozhao: Is your school really that good?

A Can of Salt: So envious~ I currently really hate my roommate. I feel like we are in completely different worlds. Yet, universities persistently group us together, and it's very annoying; We have so many disagreements!

Ten Miles Incense Flute: What college do you attend? It's so good?

Liu Yuhao's reply to @Ten Miles Incense Flute: Mist City Arts and Science University!

Many young college students were extremely envious of Liu Yuhao's school.

"You think that's it? Our school even has cooler rules, like the option to customize your major based on your hobbies!"

Liu Yuhao promoted his own school, Mist City Arts and Science University, again in the comments section of the #2020NewCollegeStudent topic on Twitter.

The comments erupted in a mixture of envy and disbelief.

Vaguely Hear You Say You Love Me: Major customized based on hobbies? [Is there such an operation meme.jpg]

My Dad is the Richest: Isn't this the previously mentioned Mist City Art and Science University?

An Xiaoyi233: Huh, I think I saw something about Mist City Art and Science University in the College Entrance Exam Bar. They really let you customize your major based on hobbies?

Zhu Zhu's Honey Tangerine: The various interesting educational ideas this school has are quite good, but it's unfortunately just a private undergraduate university. The overall quality of the school is probably not that great. I scored 620 on the exam this year, so I certainly wouldn't go to this university.

Be a Little Braver GO: It's just a worthless diploma mill using these gimmicks to recruit students, only good-for-nothings who can't get into a real university would go there.

Both those who envy and those who look down on Mist City Art and Science University can be found online.

The envious ones are usually those that didn't do well in this year's College Entrance Exam, or those who are dissatisfied with their current university.

Those who look down on Mist City Art and Science University are usually either attending public or prestigious schools. Naturally, compared to private universities, they have a sense of superiority.