Chapter 13 Lesson From The Past_1

Mist City Arts and Science University.

In the Administration Building, a spacious office, Ding Yue was standing in front of a huge glass window, looking out at the campus.

This was originally a meeting room.

Seeing the spacious and well-lit room with a large glass window, Ding Yue decided to turn it into his office.

Out of the over two hundred people he hired yesterday, Ding Yue selected a few who were efficient and hard-working. Today, he continued to employ them to assist Huang Youjie and Xu Bin in recruiting students. In addition, he had them clean up the Administration Building.

After all, this Administration Building hadn't been used for several years since the original Mist City Siyuan University collapsed.

If it was not cleaned up, it would be impossible to use.

But they couldn't always rely on these temporary workers, could they? Therefore, Ding Yue asked Huang Youjie to recruit some internal staff for the logistics department.

Looking out of the big window and seeing more and more students on campus, Ding Yue felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Each student was a walking "RMB"!

Knock knock knock!

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the president's office.

"Come in."

Feeling a bit hot, Ding Yue turned around and walked back to his desk, slumping comfortably into his chair.

He turned on the newly installed air conditioner.

The person who walked in was a familiar face: Liu Changwen from the Siyuan Group.

"Mr. Liu, welcome."

"Xiao Ding, your office is magnificent! With so many people in the university today, are you planning to continue renting it?"

Liu Changwen walked over with a smile, taking out a pack of cigarettes and offering one to Ding Yue.

"I quit, thank you."

Ding Yue reached out his hand, signaling the other chair in front of his desk: "Mr. Liu, please have a seat."

"Thank you."

After sitting down, Liu Changwen instinctively wanted to light a cigarette, but seeing that Ding Yue didn't smoke, he put it back.

"Mr. Liu, I don't plan on renting anymore."

"Oh? You're not renting anymore? Then today's situation..." Liu Changwen was puzzled, thinking that if Ding Yue didn't want to rent, he should have given him advance notice yesterday.

Otherwise, the rent for today should still be charged.

"Ahem, what I meant is, I plan on buying it outright." Ding Yue declared magnanimously.

Hearing Ding Yue's words, Liu Changwen's eyes widened in disbelief, then his heart filled with excitement.

"Mr. Liu?"

Seeing Liu Changwen's stunned expression, Ding Yue slightly furrowed his brows and called him.

Regaining his senses, Liu Changwen said: "Xiao... I mean, Mr. Ding, do you mean to say that you want to buy this campus?"

This news was undoubtedly the most exciting thing for Liu Changwen.

Because the Siyuan Group had been wanting to sell off this campus for a long time, but unfortunately, no one had been willing to take it on.

Now that someone finally wanted to buy it.

How could they not be thrilled?

Liu Changwen's title for Ding Yue had also changed, from Xiao Ding to Mr. Ding.

"How much?"

Ding Yue cut to the chase.

"Mr. Ding, you're really generous. The asking price for this campus is one billion RMB. This is already a very low price. If we were not in need of funds, we would definitely not be selling it at such a low price. After all, this campus is 2500 acres."

Liu Changwen stated sincerely.

One billion RMB, it sounded like a high price.

But considering this 2500-acre campus, it was undoubtedly a bargain sale.

Perhaps Siyuan Group didn't spend much money when they bought this land in University Town, but to build a university on this land, that must have cost several billion. Right?

Not to mention the teaching buildings, experimental buildings, library, Administration Building, two cafeterias, more than ten dormitory buildings, a sports field, basketball court, and so on within the campus. Although they were a bit old, they were still usable after some cleaning.

"Mr. Liu, since I sincerely want to buy, can you give some discount?"

Ding Yue even tried to bargain.

Liu Changwen was a bit at a loss, and gave an awkward laugh: "Mr. Ding, the price I just mentioned really is the lowest..."

"Alright then."

Hearing this, Ding Yue shrugged: "Then Mr. Liu, please prepare the necessary documents and contract when you get back. We'll sign it when it's ready."

"Great, Mr. Ding is indeed a straightforward person!"

The heavy stone hanging over Liu Changwen's heart finally fell to the ground.

Finally, someone was willing to take over this campus.

"By the way, Mr. Liu, there's something I'd like to ask you. Do you know where I could find services like campus sanitation, utility maintenance, security, and so on?"

Ding Yue suddenly asked.

The school definitely needs basic staff. Otherwise, who would take care of the sanitation?

You surely don't want the students to do it, right?

This is a university, not a middle or high school. You have to hire people to do these things.

And there's also maintenance for water and electricity pipes; those jobs need specialized workers. You need school security staff as well, and dormitory supervisors, etc.

"That won't be a problem. Mr. Ding, don't worry. I'll contact the staffing company we've worked with before. Err, Mr. Ding, are you planning on opening a university?"

Liu Changwen had wanted to ask this question for a while.

Because when he arrived today, he saw many students registering on campus.

At first, Liu Changwen thought that Ding Yue was just like the previous educational institution that rented this campus, merely renting a space to recruit students for show or something.

But now, Ding Yue said he wanted to buy this campus outright and also recruit staff.

Isn't this the pace of opening a university?


Ding Yue didn't beat around the bush, and directly answered.

"Mr. Ding, nowadays, it's not easy to run a private university. The quality of the students you can recruit may not be as good as those of public universities. Even though they get the diploma, the employment rate of graduates is too low. Low employment rates make recruitment even harder, leading to a vicious cycle. In the end, the fate of our Mist City Siyuan University is a lesson to be learned."

Liu Changwen kindly reminded Ding Yue.

Running a private educational institution may be profitable initially, but it could become unsustainable and collapse.

After all, the social status of private universities is lower than that of public universities, without government educational funding!

If you look at the whole of Xia Country, almost no private university can compete with the first-tier public universities.

"Really? No problem."

Ding Yue laughed lightly, looking relaxed and at ease.

With the system in hand, he could earn a reward of a billion just by completing the recruitment task.

As for such a "lavish" system, why would he be afraid of the school going bankrupt?

"Alright then, I'm sure Mr. Ding has a lot of confidence. I will go back and prepare the contracts and related documents. Once they're ready, I'll come and find you, Mr. Ding."

Liu Changwen didn't wish to say more.

While their experience could serve as a cautionary tale for others, it doesn't mean that others won't succeed.

All he could say was - Good luck!