Chapter 14 The Number of Admissions is Kind of Exploding_1

The recruitment work on the second day went quite smoothly.

It just wore Huang Youjie out.

Because on the first day, the recruitment work was done by Ding Yue, Huang Youjie, and Xu Bin together with their team.

But Huang Youjie was the main person in charge on the second day.

Xu Bin was assigned a new task by Ding Yue, which was to urgently create the official forum for Mist City Arts and Science University.

The third day was supposed to be the last day of enrollment, but many netizens sent private messages to the official account of Mist City Arts and Science University, asking if they could still register?

Given this situation.

Ding Yue decided to extend the enrollment for another day.

In fact, after the enrollment work on the second day ended, the system's [5000 Student Enrollment Task] had already been completed.

That's right.

In just two days, more than 5000 students came to register at the Mist City Arts and Science University.

Most of them were students who failed the College Entrance Examination this year.

They did not receive their university admission notices during the summer vacation this year, but they all longed to go to university.

When the "Unrestricted Imagination" enrollment philosophy of the Mist City Arts and Science University suddenly appeared, it immediately gave these examinees, who had no colleges to attend after failing the College Entrance Examination, a warm university harbor.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the 5000 Student Enrollment Task, awarded 10 reputation points."

This is a task of the [University Development Task System], as Ding Yue's Mist City Arts and Science University continues to develop, various tasks will be generated for Ding Yue daily.

As long as they are completed, reputation points can be earned as a reward.

Aside from this, there is also an enrollment task, which to be precise, should not be considered a task.

But it's a direct reward.

As long as the "enrollment" task is completed, there will be a reward of one hundred million yuan cash.

After the completion of a certain military training, there will be a reward as well.

Ding Yue could see these reward details on the system's virtual panel.

In addition, there are various "events" also with rewards, like [Completion of the Opening Ceremony Speech], [Official Opening of The School], [First Vacation] etc.

It's much easier to get these, Ding Yue at least feels that it's definitely easier than the [University Development Task], just needs to follow the process, barring any unexpected situations, he could basically get these rewards.

The fourth day of school's enrollment was coming to a close.

In the evening, in the Chancellor's office of Mist City Arts and Science University, Ding Yue was chatting with a WeChat friend named "Jian Zihao".

Jian Zihao: Is the Mist City Arts and Science University mentioned online established by you?


Ding Yue replied to Jian Zihao, and then asked: "Many students who failed the College Entrance Exam are interested in gaming, so our school is planning to set up an E-Sports major, so I was thinking, you've retired, right? Can we invite you to come over as a lecturer, just teach a few classes a week, it won't take up much of your time."

Jian Zihao: This...

Ding Yue sent him a super rocket to be the top donor during Jian Zihao's live stream last night, and then added Jian Zihao's personal WeChat.

Ding Yue did this with a purpose, of course.

That's right.

Ding Yue planned to invite this famous League of Legends professional e-sports player in the Parallel World, no, to be precise, he was a former professional player, who just recently announced his retirement, Jian Zihao to take on the role of a lecturer responsible for teaching e-sports gaming operations at Mist City Arts and Science University.

"Of course, there will be compensation, how about an annual salary of one million?"

Ding Yue quoted directly.

For Jian Zihao, one million might not be much, but for just giving a few casual lectures, and no classes during winter and summer holidays, it does have quite an attraction to earn a million just like that.

Jian Zihao: Actually, I'm quite interested, and there's compensation, how about I think about it?

When Jian Zihao retired, apart from live streaming, he also felt quite bored, he wanted to do some other interesting jobs, being a university lecturer sounds quite nice, it sounds quite interesting.

"Great, then I'll wait for your news."

Ding Yue was somewhat taken aback.

Originally, he just asked Jian Zihao hoping to give it a try, but he didn't expect him to actually be quite interested in the e-sports major his university is setting up.


The office door was suddenly pushed open.

Then that silly Huang Youjie rushed in, and Xu Bin followed closely behind.

"Our recruitment has finally come to an end!"

Huang Youjie flopped onto the real leather sofa across the desk, completely exhausted.

"Mr. Vice Principal Huang, you've worked hard."

Ding Yue said to him with a smile.

Huang Youjie waved his hand: "What's the trouble? The key is, how much is Principal Ding going to pay me, his Vice Principal? We've received quite a lot in tuition and accommodation fees from this round of enrollment!"

"Oh right, how many students did we enroll in total? How much money did we collect?"

Ding Yue asked with great concern.

"Hold on, let me check."

Xu Bin took the laptop out of the computer bag, typed a few keys after opening it, moved the mouse a bit, then looked up at Ding Yue and said: "After four days, a total of 9612 students were enrolled, and the tuition fees totaled 289 million yuan. I've never seen this much money in my life!"

What the hell!

More than 9600 people!

Ding Yue was quite surprised.

The system enrollment task target was only 5000 people, but now the enrollment number nearly doubled, it's a bit explosive!

Ding Yue did a quick calculation again.

If the tuition and accommodation fees for an average student amount to 30000 yuan, then over 9600 people amount to about 2.8 billion upward.

That's a lot of money!

Ding Yue had never seen this much money in his life.

"This money is in our university's account, and will be our operation funds for the future. The teacher's salaries, the staff's wages, scholarships, university maintenance...we're going to have to spend quite a bit in a year."

Ding Yue planned and said.

"To be honest, Yue, have you been planning this university gig for a long time?" Huang Youjie shot a thumbs up at Ding Yue.

Ding Yue smiled and didn't say much, then turned serious and said to Huang Youjie and Xu Bin: "Tell me, what do you two want? From now on, you two will be my right-hand men, so you better work well for me."

"Yue, what are you saying? Car shopping, haha!" Huang Youjie laughed happily.

Xu Bin nodded too: "Well, money isn't that important, but if a car comes along, I think it's not bad."

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin both understood, as long as they mix up with Ding Yue, their future is certain to be bright.

The Mist City Arts and Science University has just started, and if they rush to divide the profits now, it would be somewhat plastic bro.

"Hmm, buying a car is a good idea, and after all you two are at the vice principal level, you guys deserve a car, let's go to the 4th son's shop tomorrow!"


Huang Youjie and Xu Bin clapped hands and showed their happiness.


"Enrollment completed, cash reward of one hundred billion yuan!"

At this moment, an electronic prompt sounded in Ding Yue's mind.

The reward for completing the enrollment has credited.

At this moment, Ding Yue's mood cannot be described as anything but great, tonight he would be sleeping with nearly four hundred million RMB!

Nearly four hundred million yuan!

Ding Yue estimated he might even wake up laughing in his dreams.