Chapter 16 E-sports Game College Online_1

But in fields like Engineering Physics, Biomedical Sciences, and Aerospace, Mist City Arts and Science University has no choice but to develop.

The system demands that Ding Yue builds "Mist City Arts and Science University" into a world-class top-ranking university.

All these areas of specialization must achieve accomplishments.

Ding Yue pondered.

Perhaps ten or twenty years from now, when Mist City Arts and Science University has developed into a strongly comprehensive university, these seemingly high-end majors could also develop.

Apart from these majors related to technology.

Ding Yue also found some specialized media fields that many students registered for.

Some want to become actors.

Others wanted to become singers.

Some aspired to be broadcast hosts.

And some wanted to be live streamers

But they couldn't qualify for the relevant artistic majors at schools such as the Xia Country Drama Academy and Yancheng Films Academy.

They couldn't even pass the lower-tiered art universities.

So, they came to Mist City Arts and Science University to pass the time.

"This time, the majority of our new departments will cater to those whose hobby is gaming, so why not just establish an E-sports Game College?"

Ding Yue pondered.

Certainly thousands of students who love gaming can't all study gaming?

Perhaps some job markets related to gaming would be perfect for them.

Say game planning, game operations, game development, eSports agents, and eSports operators.

Now that Ding Yue recruited, it's his duty to take responsibility for the students of Mist City Arts and Sciences University; those who are good at gaming may become professionals after they graduate.

But what about those who are not good at gaming?

Mist City Arts and Science University also needs graduate rates and employment rates.

Graduate and employment rates are among the big tasks in the system, rewards are very generous.

"E-sports Game College, not bad!"

Huang Youjie, being a game lover, was very interested when he heard about the E-sports Game College.

"Yue, this is a good idea, as the majority of students are enthusiastic gamers."

Xu Bin also agreed with Ding Yue's idea.

Simply setting a new eSports major wouldn't accommodate the thousands of students.

The establishment of E-sports Game College could set up many related majors.

"Come, help me think, what majors can our E-sports Game College set up? It should combine with market needs, ensuring that our E-sports Game College students have corresponding jobs after graduation."

Ding Yue encouraged Huang Youjie and Xu Bin to brainstorm.

After all, three heads are better than one.

"Professional eSports player."

The first thing Huang Youjie thought of was an E-sports professional player, which could be set up as a major.

"Hmm, good."

Ding Yue nodded, in agreement, and noted it on the computer; the major name would be [Professional eSports Player].

This major is necessary because Jian Zihao, whom he planned to invite as a lecturer, is a former professional eSports player.

"If there is an eSports professional player, then there must also be eSports commentary."

Xu Bin supplemented.

"eSports commentary, good. Ding Yue typed this major on his computer. However, in the next second, he added to it and changed the major name to [eSports commentary host].

"How about game planning?"

Huang Youjie suggested.

"Yes, but let's combine game planning and game operation as a single major." Ding Yue suggested and added the [Game Operation and Planning] major.

"I think a gaming analyst is a new type of profession? We can set up a related major."

Xu Bin proposed, while stroking his chin.

"So it's [eSports Game Analyst]." Ding Yue agreed with Xu Bin's suggestion.

The three of them not only set up the general majors of the E-sports Game College, they also thought of other hobby-related majors, then Ding Yue requested Xu Bin to post an announcement on the official website.

The notification was mainly for the students wanting to choose their majors based on their hobbies.

In fact, besides these majors in E-sports Game College, Ding Yue's Mist City Arts and Science University also set up National Arts.

It was set up especially for those students who loved National Arts.

They also set up a soccer major.

There were not a few students who loved to play soccer. But Ding Yue thought, what would be the use of graduating from a soccer major?

Would they make it to the World Cup?

The country's top-notch soccer team is at that level, let alone soccer which is usually trained from a young age.

The students' hobbies are simply categorized as: sports, entertainment, creation, food, tourism, tea, cinema, books, clothing, etc.

Many of the hobbies lined up with the original 69 majors of Mist City Arts and Sciences University.

For instance, students who liked entertainment, cinema, and music could go straight to studying Mist City Arts and Sciences University's cinema major.

Aside from E-sports games, National Arts and Soccer, Mist City Arts and Science University has also added niche hobby majors like fashion design, gourmet cuisines, and food creation.

A few people would see the announcement on the official website.

Fortunately, Ding Yue asked Huang Youjie to create groups for students with the same hobbies during enrollment.

Just for these gaming enthusiasts, there were three chat groups.

[Hobby Gaming Group 1]

Principal Ding: "@Everyone, notice: Our college established the E-Sports Game College, based on your interest of gaming. The related majors are officially posted on the school's official website, please check and according to your situations, rationally choose the major you like related to future job prospects! [Official website www...]

Zhang Chengzai: There is really an E-sports Game College?

Huo Yang: I actually thought it was just a promotional stunt by the school.

Lan Zhixin: Ha-ha, awesome! Finally, we can choose the gaming major we like.

Duan Xiaoqing: What majors are there?

Zhang Siqin: Mist City Arts and Science University is literally a gaming enthusiast's paradise!

Zhao Wenzhen: Is there a major for E-sports commentary? I want to become an E-sports commentator after graduation.

All the students in the group were thrilled when they saw the announcement Ding Yue posted. They rushed to check the website to see if their favorite majors were included.

Many students, seeing that there is a [Professional E-sports Player] major, chosed it.

Because many young people who like to play games, have dreams of playing professionally.

Unfortunately, they have to study and don't have much time to enhance their gaming skills to a professional level.

However, if they can play and train while in college, it's a different story.

Even if they don't become professionals after graduating from the [Professional E-sports Player] major, it doesn't matter.

Many people are aware that their skills are far behind those of professional players.

The reason why they still chose [Professional eSports Player] as their major is just to fulfill a significant psychological need.

This kind of fulfillment, combined with the desire to go to college, is simply perfect.