Chapter 17: Became a Trending Topic_1

Following the launch of the new E-sports Game College and other majors such as National Arts and Gastronomy at Mist City Arts and Science University, students signed up enthusiastically.

Over 1,500 students registered for majors at the E-sports Game College, which includes programs such as [Professional E-sports Player], [E-sports Game Commentator], [Game Operations and Planning], and [E-sports Game Analyst].

Next in popularity were the National Arts and Gastronomy majors, which also drew a significant number of applicants.

Originally, Ding Yue wanted to set up an independent National Arts college just like the E-sports Game College.

However, considering that only about two to three hundred students might be interested in the National Arts major, there was no need to establish an independent college for it, so it was initially set up as a major.

It's not too late to establish a National Arts College once the University admits more students who love National Arts.

Naturally, the purpose of the National Arts major is to teach students traditional Chinese martial arts, also known as Kung Fu!

As for who would teach Kung Fu.

Ding Yue figured that it would not be possible to hire the martial arts teacher Ma.

It would be better to invite actual masters of National Arts, but inviting them to teach students would not be so easy.

Classes on National Arts such as Tai Chi, Xingyi Fist, Bagua Palm, and Bajiquan are obligatory.

Besides the hand and fist forms, National Arts also include weapon training, such as staves, spears, swords, and the Nine-Section Whip.

To teach students all these, teachers who are proficient in each style and weapon must be hired.

Just for the National Arts major, quite a number of teachers have to be hired.

"How much reputation points would I need to exchange for the [College Education Qualification Card]?"

Ding Yue looked at his 10 reputation points, shivering with dread, knowing it would not be enough.


"Task Generated: [Hot Search in College]"

"Task Content: Mist City Arts and Science University must appear on the Twitter Hot Search Trending list at least once within three days!"

"Task Reward: +20 reputation points!"

Just as Ding Yue was worrying about his low reputation points, the system sent him a new task.

Getting the college on the trending list.

There's a time limit, within three days.

Ding Yue, with his hand supporting his chin, couldn't help but wonder what topic could he get to trend.

While Ding Yue was thinking about the Hot Search task, the mobile phone on his office desk suddenly lit up.

The notification showed a message on Whatsapp.

Ding Yue picked up his phone, unlocked it, entered Whatsapp, and saw that the message was actually from Jian Zihao.

Jian Zihao: Principal Ding, my girlfriend and I are planning to stay in Mist City for a while. I think I can try the thing you mentioned last time.

Seeing Jian Zihao's message, a smile appeared at the corner of Ding Yue's mouth.

"That's great, our Mist City Arts and Sciences University is looking forward to your arrival, and the students of the E-sports Game College must be excited too."

Ding Yue expressed sincere gratitude for Jian Zihao's agreement to act as a teacher at the E-sports Game College of Mist City Arts and Science University.

He didn't expect that he would have succeeded in recruiting Jian Zihao just by giving it a try.

While delighted with the development.

Ding Yue suddenly remembered the Hot Search task he had just received.

That's it!

The smile on Ding Yue's face grew even brighter, and he immediately sent another message to Jian Zihao: "Could you help us make the official announcement on Twitter with the official account of Mist City Arts and Science University?"

A moment ago, Ding Yue was still worrying about how to get Mist City Arts and Science University on Twitter's Hot Search Trending list.

And now Jian Zihao had just come to him with a timely solution.

Since Jian Zihao had agreed to teach at the E-sports Game College of Mist City Arts and Science University, it wouldn't be too much to ask him to collaborate on an official announcement on Twitter, right?

Jian Zihao: Okay, should I prepare a text or should I do it freestyle?

"You take the liberty to express yourself, making the announcement will do, much appreciated."

Jian Zihao: Okay, I'll make the announcement on Twitter right away.

About five minutes later.

On Twitter, Jian Zihao's account posted a new tweet.

[Jian Zihao]v: Since retiring, life has been going well. Driven by my hobbies and interests, I've decided to accept the invitation from Mist City Arts and Science University to serve as a lecturer for their newly established E-sports Game College. There might even be live-streamed classes, so stay tuned #E-sports Game College#

This tweet from Jian Zihao also included the topic #E-sports Game College#.

Jian Zihao, being a very popular former professional player of 'League of Legends' with a lot of fans, caught the attention of many netizens as soon as the post was published.

Comment Section (2394)——

Funny Netizens: Woah! This news is kind of explosive!

Xiao Wang: I only just saw that Mist City Arts and Science University had started an E-sports Game College. Who would have thought that Jian Zihao would announce his joining so soon?

Yusheng Canxin: Has he become a teacher now?

Dragon Feathering: 666666, Mist City Arts and Science University was actually able to invite Jian Zihao over, that's something!

DanTengXia007: Hello, Teacher Jian, how can we take your class at the E-sports Game College?

Three-Flower-Paint: Teach people to game? To go pro?

Fengqi666: (Raises hand) Excuse me, Teacher Jian, I want to go pro!

CHW-Weiyue: What kind of university is this? It has an E-sports Game College and can even invite Jian Zihao to be a lecturer?

Flying Wheat Cake: So, does the E-sports Game College teach students how to game? Sounds awesome?

JuanNiaoLuoJiuLin: Can someone explain, what is this E-sports Game College?

After Jian Zihao's tweet began to gain some traction,

Ding Yue immediately followed up with an official announcement on the official Twitter account of Mist City Arts and Science University and tagged Jian Zihao.

Jian Zihao also cooperatively commented on the official announcement from Mist City Arts and Science University.

After these operations,

The topic #JianZihaoE-sportsGameCollege# under various discussions from netizens, directly made it to seventeenth place on the Twitter trending list.

"Is there really such a good university?"

"E-sports Game College, it's the first time I've heard of such a college in a university?"

"Holy shit! Mist City Arts and Science University really set up an E-sports Game College?"

"Does the Mist City University of Arts and Sciences still recruit students who want to play games?"

"Awesome, running an E-sports Game College and inviting Jian Zihao as a lecturer, this move is very nice!"

"Hahaha, although Mist City Arts and Science University is just a non-mainstream private university, this idea is really good."

"The principal of Mist City Arts and Science University is truly talented!"

"What should I do? I'm kind of starting to like this university, I heard they also have a Food Tasting and Making major, this is making me laugh."

"Culinary majors? Isn't this just a boon for foodies?"

"Can someone explain, what the hell is Mist City Arts and Science University? And what exactly is this E-sports Game College?"

From the comments under the trending topic, it's clear that netizens are really praising Mist City Arts and Science University's latest move.

Although Mist City Arts and Sciences University is considered mediocre in traditional domains, their establishment of various novel majors has received great approval from many netizens, earning them quite a bit of favorability and popularity.


"Congratulations Host for completing the [Trending Topic Task], reward of 20 points!"


"Congratulations, your Mist City Arts and Science University has gained 1.0236 million popularity points."