Chapter 166: Casually Teach Principal Ding (1st Update)_1

"Principal Ding, what are you laughing about?"

The puzzled voice of his secretary, Wen Ruohan, came from beside him.

What is going on with Principal Ding?

He received a phone call and suddenly burst into laughter?


Ding Yue came back to his senses, with a slight cough, put away his mobile phone, turned his head and looked at Wen Ruohan, instructing: "Wen Ruohan, go find Tong Yihang immediately, let someone temporarily take over their tasks."

"And then?"

"Then you and Tong Yihang need to prepare a list of materials, production, cost and so on for the health care robot Big White. Bring it to me as soon as it's ready."

"Alright, Principal Ding."

After receiving the order from Principal Ding, Wen Ruohan returned to the exhibition area and found Tong Yihang and his team.

Currently, Tong Yihang and his team are maintaining the exhibition activity of the health care robot Big White for visitors.